volume snapshot

Block Storage v1, v2

volume snapshot create

Create new volume snapshot

os volume snapshot create
    [--volume <volume>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--property <key=value> [...] ]
    [--remote-source <key=value> [...]]
--volume <volume>

Volume to snapshot (name or ID) (default is <snapshot-name>)

--description <description>

Description of the snapshot


Create a snapshot attached to an instance. Default is False

--property <key=value>

Set a property to this snapshot (repeat option to set multiple properties)

Volume version 2 only

--remote-source <key=value>

The attribute(s) of the exsiting remote volume snapshot (admin required) (repeat option to specify multiple attributes) e.g.: ‘–remote-source source-name=test_name –remote-source source-id=test_id’

Volume version 2 only


Name of the new snapshot (default to None)

volume snapshot delete

Delete volume snapshot(s)

os volume snapshot delete
    <snapshot> [<snapshot> ...]

Attempt forced removal of snapshot(s), regardless of state (defaults to False)


Snapshot(s) to delete (name or ID)

volume snapshot list

List volume snapshots

os volume snapshot list
    [--limit <limit>]
    [--marker <marker>]
    [--name <name>]
    [--status <status>]
    [--volume <volume>]

Include all projects (admin only)


List additional fields in output

--status <status>

Filters results by a status. (‘available’, ‘error’, ‘creating’, ‘deleting’ or ‘error-deleting’)

--name <name>

Filters results by a name.

--volume <volume>

Filters results by a volume (name or ID).

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of snapshots to display

Volume version 2 only

--marker <marker>

The last snapshot ID of the previous page

Volume version 2 only

volume snapshot set

Set volume snapshot properties

os volume snapshot set
    [--name <name>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--property <key=value> [...] ]
    [--state <state>]
--name <name>

New snapshot name

--description <description>

New snapshot description

--property <key=value>

Property to add or modify for this snapshot (repeat option to set multiple properties)

--state <state>

New snapshot state. (“available”, “error”, “creating”, “deleting”, or “error_deleting”) (admin only) (This option simply changes the state of the snapshot in the database with no regard to actual status, exercise caution when using)

Volume version 2 only


Snapshot to modify (name or ID)

volume snapshot show

Display volume snapshot details

os volume snapshot show

Snapshot to display (name or ID)

volume snapshot unset

Unset volume snapshot properties

os volume snapshot unset
    [--property <key>]
--property <key>

Property to remove from snapshot (repeat option to remove multiple properties)


Snapshot to modify (name or ID)