
A network is an isolated Layer 2 networking segment. There are two types of networks, project and provider networks. Project networks are fully isolated and are not shared with other projects. Provider networks map to existing physical networks in the data center and provide external network access for servers and other resources. Only an OpenStack administrator can create provider networks. Networks can be connected via routers.

Compute v2, Network v2

network create

Create new network

openstack network create
    [--extra-property type=<property_type>,name=<property_name>,value=<property_value>]
    [--share | --no-share]
    [--enable | --disable]
    [--project <project>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--mtu <mtu>]
    [--project-domain <project-domain>]
    [--availability-zone-hint <availability-zone>]
    [--enable-port-security | --disable-port-security]
    [--external | --internal]
    [--default | --no-default]
    [--qos-policy <qos-policy>]
    [--transparent-vlan | --no-transparent-vlan]
    [--qinq-vlan | --no-qinq-vlan]
    [--provider-network-type <provider-network-type>]
    [--provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>]
    [--provider-segment <provider-segment>]
    [--dns-domain <dns-domain>]
    [--tag <tag> | --no-tag]
    --subnet <subnet>
--extra-property type=<property_type>,name=<property_name>,value=<property_value>

Additional parameters can be passed using this property. Default type of the extra property is string (‘str’), but other types can be used as well. Available types are: ‘dict’, ‘list’, ‘str’, ‘bool’, ‘int’. In case of ‘list’ type, ‘value’ can be semicolon-separated list of values. For ‘dict’ value is semicolon-separated list of the key:value pairs.


Share the network between projects


Do not share the network between projects


Enable network (default)

Network version 2 only


Disable network

Network version 2 only

--project <project>

Owner’s project (name or ID)

Network version 2 only

--description <description>

Set network description

Network version 2 only

--mtu <mtu>

Set network mtu

Network version 2 only

--project-domain <project-domain>

Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.

--availability-zone-hint <availability-zone>

Availability Zone in which to create this network (Network Availability Zone extension required, repeat option to set multiple availability zones)

Network version 2 only


Enable port security by default for ports created on this network (default)

Network version 2 only


Disable port security by default for ports created on this network

Network version 2 only


The network has an external routing facility that’s not managed by Neutron and can be used as in: openstack router set –external-gateway NETWORK (external-net extension required)

Network version 2 only


Opposite of ‘–external’ (default)

Network version 2 only


Specify if this network should be used as the default external network

Network version 2 only


Do not use the network as the default external network (default)

Network version 2 only

--qos-policy <qos-policy>

QoS policy to attach to this network (name or ID)

Network version 2 only


Make the network VLAN transparent

Network version 2 only


Do not make the network VLAN transparent

Network version 2 only


Enable VLAN QinQ (S-Tag ethtype 0x8a88) for the network

Network version 2 only


Disable VLAN QinQ (S-Tag ethtype 0x8a88) for the network

Network version 2 only

--provider-network-type <provider-network-type>

The physical mechanism by which the virtual network is implemented. For example: flat, geneve, gre, local, vlan, vxlan.

--provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>

Name of the physical network over which the virtual network is implemented

--provider-segment <provider-segment>

VLAN ID for VLAN networks or Tunnel ID for GENEVE/GRE/VXLAN networks

--dns-domain <dns-domain>

Set DNS domain for this network (requires DNS integration extension)

--tag <tag>

Tag to be added to the network (repeat option to set multiple tags)

Network version 2 only


No tags associated with the network

Network version 2 only

--subnet <subnet>

IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs (in CIDR notation)

Compute version 2 only


New network name

network delete

Delete network(s)

openstack network delete <network> [<network> ...]

Network(s) to delete (name or ID)

network list

List networks

openstack network list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
    [--external | --internal]
    [--name <name>]
    [--enable | --disable]
    [--project <project>]
    [--project-domain <project-domain>]
    [--share | --no-share]
    [--status <status>]
    [--provider-network-type <provider-network-type>]
    [--provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>]
    [--provider-segment <provider-segment>]
    [--agent <agent-id>]
    [--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
    [--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
    [--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
    [--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order


List external networks

Network version 2 only


List internal networks

Network version 2 only


List additional fields in output

Network version 2 only

--name <name>

List networks according to their name

Network version 2 only


List enabled networks

Network version 2 only


List disabled networks

Network version 2 only

--project <project>

List networks according to their project (name or ID)

--project-domain <project-domain>

Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.

Network version 2 only


List networks shared between projects

Network version 2 only


List networks not shared between projects

Network version 2 only

--status <status>

List networks according to their status (‘ACTIVE’, ‘BUILD’, ‘DOWN’, ‘ERROR’)

Network version 2 only

--provider-network-type <provider-network-type>

List networks according to their physical mechanisms. The supported options are: flat, geneve, gre, local, vlan, vxlan.

Network version 2 only

--provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>

List networks according to name of the physical network

Network version 2 only

--provider-segment <provider-segment>

List networks according to VLAN ID for VLAN networks or Tunnel ID for GENEVE/GRE/VXLAN networks

Network version 2 only

--agent <agent-id>

List networks hosted by agent (ID only)

Network version 2 only

--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]

List networks which have all given tag(s) (Comma-separated list of tags)

Network version 2 only

--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]

List networks which have any given tag(s) (Comma-separated list of tags)

Network version 2 only

--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]

Exclude networks which have all given tag(s) (Comma-separated list of tags)

Network version 2 only

--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]

Exclude networks which have any given tag(s) (Comma-separated list of tags)

Network version 2 only

network set

Set network properties

openstack network set
    [--extra-property type=<property_type>,name=<property_name>,value=<property_value>]
    [--name <name>]
    [--enable | --disable]
    [--share | --no-share]
    [--description <description>]
    [--mtu <mtu>]
    [--enable-port-security | --disable-port-security]
    [--external | --internal]
    [--default | --no-default]
    [--qos-policy <qos-policy> | --no-qos-policy]
    [--tag <tag>]
    [--provider-network-type <provider-network-type>]
    [--provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>]
    [--provider-segment <provider-segment>]
    [--dns-domain <dns-domain>]
--extra-property type=<property_type>,name=<property_name>,value=<property_value>

Additional parameters can be passed using this property. Default type of the extra property is string (‘str’), but other types can be used as well. Available types are: ‘dict’, ‘list’, ‘str’, ‘bool’, ‘int’. In case of ‘list’ type, ‘value’ can be semicolon-separated list of values. For ‘dict’ value is semicolon-separated list of the key:value pairs.

--name <name>

Set network name


Enable network


Disable network


Share the network between projects


Do not share the network between projects

--description <description>

Set network description

--mtu <mtu>

Set network mtu


Enable port security by default for ports created on this network


Disable port security by default for ports created on this network


The network has an external routing facility that’s not managed by Neutron and can be used as in: openstack router set –external-gateway NETWORK (external-net extension required)


Opposite of ‘–external’


Set the network as the default external network


Do not use the network as the default external network

--qos-policy <qos-policy>

QoS policy to attach to this network (name or ID)


Remove the QoS policy attached to this network

--tag <tag>

Tag to be added to the network (repeat option to set multiple tags)


Clear tags associated with the network. Specify both –tag and –no-tag to overwrite current tags

--provider-network-type <provider-network-type>

The physical mechanism by which the virtual network is implemented. For example: flat, geneve, gre, local, vlan, vxlan.

--provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>

Name of the physical network over which the virtual network is implemented

--provider-segment <provider-segment>

VLAN ID for VLAN networks or Tunnel ID for GENEVE/GRE/VXLAN networks

--dns-domain <dns-domain>

Set DNS domain for this network (requires DNS integration extension)


Network to modify (name or ID)

network show

Show network details

openstack network show <network>

Network to display (name or ID)

network unset

Unset network properties

openstack network unset
    [--extra-property type=<property_type>,name=<property_name>,value=<property_value>]
    [--tag <tag> | --all-tag]
--extra-property type=<property_type>,name=<property_name>,value=<property_value>

Additional parameters can be passed using this property. Default type of the extra property is string (‘str’), but other types can be used as well. Available types are: ‘dict’, ‘list’, ‘str’, ‘bool’, ‘int’. In case of ‘list’ type, ‘value’ can be semicolon-separated list of values. For ‘dict’ value is semicolon-separated list of the key:value pairs.

--tag <tag>

Tag to be removed from the network (repeat option to remove multiple tags)


Clear all tags associated with the network


Network to modify (name or ID)