volume qos

Block Storage v1, v2, v3

volume qos associate

Associate a QoS specification to a volume type

openstack volume qos associate <qos-spec> <volume-type>

QoS specification to modify (name or ID)


Volume type to associate the QoS (name or ID)

volume qos create

Create new QoS specification

openstack volume qos create
    [--consumer <consumer>]
    [--property <key=value>]
--consumer <consumer>

Consumer of the QoS. Valid consumers: back-end, both, front-end (defaults to ‘both’)

--property <key=value>

Set a QoS specification property (repeat option to set multiple properties)


New QoS specification name

volume qos delete

Delete QoS specification

openstack volume qos delete [--force] <qos-spec> [<qos-spec> ...]

Allow to delete in-use QoS specification(s)


QoS specification(s) to delete (name or ID)

volume qos disassociate

Disassociate a QoS specification from a volume type

openstack volume qos disassociate
    [--volume-type <volume-type> | --all]
--volume-type <volume-type>

Volume type to disassociate the QoS from (name or ID)


Disassociate the QoS from every volume type


QoS specification to modify (name or ID)

volume qos list

List QoS specifications

openstack volume qos list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order

volume qos set

Set QoS specification properties

openstack volume qos set
    [--property <key=value>]

Remove all properties from <qos-spec> (specify both –no-property and –property to remove the current properties before setting new properties)

--property <key=value>

Property to add or modify for this QoS specification (repeat option to set multiple properties)


QoS specification to modify (name or ID)

volume qos show

Display QoS specification details

openstack volume qos show <qos-spec>

QoS specification to display (name or ID)

volume qos unset

Unset QoS specification properties

openstack volume qos unset [--property <key>] <qos-spec>
--property <key>

Property to remove from the QoS specification. (repeat option to unset multiple properties)


QoS specification to modify (name or ID)