

Identity v3

trust create

Create new trust

openstack trust create
    --project <project>
    --role <role>
    [--expiration <expiration>]
    [--project-domain <domain>]
    [--trustor-domain <domain>]
    [--trustee-domain <domain>]
--project <project>

Project being delegated (name or ID) (required)

--role <role>

Roles to authorize (name or ID) (repeat option to set multiple values, required)


Tokens generated from the trust will represent <trustor> (defaults to False)

--expiration <expiration>

Sets an expiration date for the trust (format of YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS)

--project-domain <project-domain>

Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between user names exist.

--trustor-domain <trustor-domain>

Domain that contains <trustor> (name or ID)

--trustee-domain <trustee-domain>

Domain that contains <trustee> (name or ID)


User that is delegating authorization (name or ID)


User that is assuming authorization (name or ID)

trust delete

Delete trust(s)

openstack trust delete
    <trust> [<trust> ...]

Trust(s) to delete

trust list

List trusts

openstack trust list

trust show

Display trust details

openstack trust show

Trust to display

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.