Identity v2, v3
List role assignments
openstack role assignment list
[--role <role>]
[--role-domain <role-domain>]
[--user <user>]
[--user-domain <user-domain>]
[--group <group>]
[--group-domain <group-domain>]
[--domain <domain>]
[--project <project>]
[--project-domain <project-domain>]
¶Role to filter (name or ID)
¶Domain the role belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between role names exist.
¶User to filter (name or ID)
¶Domain the user belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between user names exist.
¶Group to filter (name or ID)
¶Domain the group belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between group names exist.
¶Domain to filter (name or ID)
¶Project to filter (name or ID)
¶Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
¶Returns only effective role assignments (defaults to False)
¶Specifies if the role grant is inheritable to the sub projects
¶Returns role assignments with names instead of IDs
¶Returns role assignments for the authenticated user.
¶Returns role assignments for the project to which the authenticated user is scoped.
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