

The Endpoint Class

The Endpoint class inherits from Resource.

class openstack.identity.v3.endpoint.Endpoint(_synchronized=False, **attrs)

The base resource

Parameters:_synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().
interface = None

Describes the interface of the endpoint according to one of the following values:

  • public: intended for consumption by end users, generally on a

    publicly available network interface

  • internal: not intended for consumption by end users, generally on an

    unmetered internal network interface

  • admin: intended only for consumption by those needing administrative

    access to the service, generally on a secure network interface

Type: string

is_enabled = None

Setting this value to False prevents the endpoint from appearing in the service catalog. Type: bool

The links for the region resource.

region_id = None

Represents the containing region ID of the service endpoint. New in v3.2 Type: string

service_id = None

References the service ID to which the endpoint belongs. Type: string

url = None

Fully qualified URL of the service endpoint. Type: string

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