The Pool Class

The Pool class inherits from Resource.

class, **attrs)

The base resource

Parameters:_synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().
description = None

Description for the pool.

health_monitor_ids = None

The ID of the associated health monitors.

health_monitor_status = None

The statuses of the associated health monitors.

is_admin_state_up = None

The administrative state of the pool, which is up True or down False. Type: bool

lb_algorithm = None

The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin, least-connections, and so on. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. Round-robin must be supported.

listener_ids = None

List of associated listeners. Type: list of dicts which contain the listener IDs

load_balancer_ids = None

List of associated load balancers. Type: list of dicts which contain the load balancer IDs

member_ids = None

List of members that belong to the pool. Type: list of dicts which contain the member IDs

name = None

Pool name. Does not have to be unique.

project_id = None

The ID of the project this pool is associated with.

protocol = None

The protocol of the pool, which is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.

provider = None

The provider name of the load balancer service.

status = None

Human readable description of the status.

status_description = None

The status of the network.

subnet_id = None

The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.

session_persistence = None

Session persistence algorithm that should be used (if any). Type: dict with keys ``type`` and ``cookie_name``

virtual_ip_id = None

The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.

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