Using Qinling CLI extensions to OpenStack Client¶
runtime create¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack runtime create
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--name NAME]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Runtime name.
¶ Runtime description.
Create private runtime or not, will create publicruntime if not specified
Create untrusted runtime or not, will create trusted runtime if not specified
Container image name used by runtime.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
runtime delete¶
openstack runtime delete RUNTIME [RUNTIME ...]
Id of runtime(s).
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
runtime list¶
Command base class for providing a list of data as output.
openstack runtime list
[-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--filter FILTERS]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
¶ when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
¶ Filters for resource query that can be repeated. Supported operands: eq, neq, in, nin, gt, gte, lt, lte, has. E.g. –filter key=”neq:123”. The available keys: ()
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
runtime pool show¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack runtime pool show
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
Runtime ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
runtime show¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack runtime show
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
Runtime ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function alias create¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function alias create
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
--function FUNCTION
[--function-version FUNCTION_VERSION]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Function ID or Name.
¶ Function Version number.
¶ Description for the new alias.
Function Alias name.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function alias delete¶
openstack function alias delete name [name ...]
Function Alias name(s).
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function alias list¶
Command base class for providing a list of data as output.
openstack function alias list
[-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--filter FILTERS]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
¶ when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
¶ Filters for resource query that can be repeated. Supported operands: eq, neq, in, nin, gt, gte, lt, lte, has. E.g. –filter key=”neq:123”. The available keys: (‘all_projects’, ‘project_id’)
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function alias show¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function alias show
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
Function Alias name.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function alias update¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function alias update
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--function FUNCTION]
[--function-version FUNCTION_VERSION]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Function ID or Name.
¶ Function Version number.
¶ Description for the new alias.
Function Alias name.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function create¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function create
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--runtime RUNTIME]
[--name NAME]
[--entry ENTRY]
[--container CONTAINER]
[--object OBJECT]
[--image IMAGE]
[--cpu CPU]
[--memory-size MEMORY_SIZE]
[--timeout TIMEOUT]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Runtime ID. Runtime is needed for function of package type and swift type, but not for the image type function.
¶ Function name.
¶ Function entry in the format of <module_name>.<method_name>
¶ Code file path.
¶ Code package zip file path.
¶ Container name in Swift.
¶ Object name in Swift.
¶ Image name in docker hub.
¶ Limit of cpu resource(unit: millicpu).
¶ Limit of memory resource(unit: bytes).
¶ The function execution time at which Qinling should terminate the function. The default is 5 seconds
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function delete¶
openstack function delete FUNCTION [FUNCTION ...]
Id or name of function(s).
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function detach¶
openstack function detach function
Function ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function download¶
openstack function download [-o OUTPUT] function
¶ Target file path. If not provided, function ID will be used
Function ID or name.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function execution create¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function execution create
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--function FUNCTION]
[--function-version FUNCTION_VERSION]
[--function-alias FUNCTION_ALIAS]
[--input INPUT]
[--sync | --async]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Function name or ID.
¶ Function version number.
¶ Function alias which corresponds to a specific function and version. When function alias is specified, function and function version are not needed.
¶ Input for the function.
Run execution synchronously.
Run execution asynchronously.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function execution delete¶
openstack function execution delete
[--execution EXECUTION [EXECUTION ...]
--function FUNCTION
¶ ID of function execution(s).
¶ ID of function(s).
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function execution list¶
Command base class for providing a list of data as output.
openstack function execution list
[-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--filter FILTERS]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
¶ when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
¶ Filters for resource query that can be repeated. Supported operands: eq, neq, in, nin, gt, gte, lt, lte, has. E.g. –filter key=”neq:123”. The available keys: (‘function_id’, ‘project_id’, ‘all_projects’, ‘status’, ‘description’)
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function execution log show¶
openstack function execution log show execution
Execution ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function execution show¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function execution show
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
Execution ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function list¶
Command base class for providing a list of data as output.
openstack function list
[-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--filter FILTERS]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
¶ when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
¶ Filters for resource query that can be repeated. Supported operands: eq, neq, in, nin, gt, gte, lt, lte, has. E.g. –filter key=”neq:123”. The available keys: (‘all_projects’, ‘project_id’)
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function scaledown¶
openstack function scaledown [--count COUNT] function
¶ Number of workers to scale down.
Function ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function scaleup¶
openstack function scaleup [--count COUNT] function
¶ Number of workers to scale up.
Function ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function show¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function show
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
Function ID or name.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function update¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function update
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--name NAME]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
[--entry ENTRY]
[--container CONTAINER]
[--object OBJECT]
[--cpu CPU]
[--memory-size MEMORY_SIZE]
[--timeout TIMEOUT]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Function name.
¶ Function description.
¶ Function entry in the format of <module_name>.<method_name>
¶ Code file path.
¶ Code package zip file path.
¶ Container name in Swift.
¶ Object name in Swift.
¶ Limit of cpu resource(unit: millicpu).
¶ Limit of memory resource(unit: bytes).
¶ The function execution time at which Qinling should terminate the function. The default is 5 seconds
Function ID or name.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function version create¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function version create
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Description for the new version.
Function name or ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function version delete¶
openstack function version delete function_id version_number
Function ID.
Function version.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function version detach¶
openstack function version detach function_id version_number
Function ID.
Function version.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function version list¶
Command base class for providing a list of data as output.
openstack function version list
[-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--filter FILTERS]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
¶ when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
¶ Filters for resource query that can be repeated. Supported operands: eq, neq, in, nin, gt, gte, lt, lte, has. E.g. –filter key=”neq:123”. The available keys: ()
Function ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function version show¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack function version show
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
Function ID.
Function version.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
function worker list¶
Command base class for providing a list of data as output.
openstack function worker list
[-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--filter FILTERS]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
¶ when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
¶ Filters for resource query that can be repeated. Supported operands: eq, neq, in, nin, gt, gte, lt, lte, has. E.g. –filter key=”neq:123”. The available keys: ()
Function ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
job create¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack job create
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--function FUNCTION]
[--function-version FUNCTION_VERSION]
[--function-alias FUNCTION_ALIAS]
[--name NAME]
[--first-execution-time FIRST_EXECUTION_TIME]
[--pattern PATTERN]
[--function-input FUNCTION_INPUT]
[--count COUNT]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Function name or ID.
¶ Function version number. Default: 0
¶ Function alias which corresponds to a specific function and version. When function alias is specified, function and function version are not needed.
¶ Job name.
¶ The earliest execution time(UTC) for the job.
¶ The cron pattern for job execution.
¶ Function input.
¶ Expected number of executions triggered by job.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
job delete¶
openstack job delete job [job ...]
Job ID(s).
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
job list¶
Command base class for providing a list of data as output.
openstack job list
[-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--filter FILTERS]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
¶ when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
¶ Filters for resource query that can be repeated. Supported operands: eq, neq, in, nin, gt, gte, lt, lte, has. E.g. –filter key=”neq:123”. The available keys: (‘all_projects’, ‘project_id’)
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
job show¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack job show
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
Job ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
job update¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack job update
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--name NAME]
[--status {running,paused,done,cancelled}]
[--next-execution-time NEXT_EXECUTION_TIME]
[--pattern PATTERN]
[--function-input FUNCTION_INPUT]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Job name.
¶ Job status.
¶ The next execution time(UTC) for the job.
¶ The cron pattern for job execution.
¶ Function input.
Job ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
webhook create¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack webhook create
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--function FUNCTION]
[--function-version FUNCTION_VERSION]
[--function-alias FUNCTION_ALIAS]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Function name or ID.
¶ Function version number. Default: 0
¶ Function alias which corresponds to a specific function and version. When function alias is specified, function and function version are not needed.
¶ Webhook description.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
webhook delete¶
openstack webhook delete webhook [webhook ...]
Id of webhook(s).
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
webhook list¶
Command base class for providing a list of data as output.
openstack webhook list
[-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
[--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--filter FILTERS]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
¶ when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
¶ Filters for resource query that can be repeated. Supported operands: eq, neq, in, nin, gt, gte, lt, lte, has. E.g. –filter key=”neq:123”. The available keys: (‘all_projects’, ‘project_id’)
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
webhook show¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack webhook show
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
Webhook ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.
webhook update¶
Command base class for displaying data about a single object.
openstack webhook update
[-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
[--prefix PREFIX]
[--max-width <integer>]
[--function-id FUNCTION_ID]
[--function-version FUNCTION_VERSION]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
¶ the output format, defaults to table
¶ specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated to show multiple columns
whether to disable indenting the JSON
¶ add a prefix to all variable names
¶ Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.
Fit the table to the display width. Implied if –max-width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable
Print empty table if there is no data to show.
¶ Function ID.
¶ Function version number.
¶ Webhook description.
Webhook ID.
This command is provided by the python-qinlingclient plugin.