Overcloud v1
Deploy an overcloud stack
os overcloud deploy
--stack [STACK_NAME]
--templates [TEMPLATES]
[-t <TIMEOUT>]
[--control-scale CONTROL_SCALE]
[--compute-scale COMPUTE_SCALE]
[--ceph-storage-scale CEPH_STORAGE_SCALE]
[--block-storage-scale BLOCK_STORAGE_SCALE]
[--swift-storage-scale SWIFT_STORAGE_SCALE]
[--control-flavor CONTROL_FLAVOR]
[--compute-flavor COMPUTE_FLAVOR]
[--ceph-storage-flavor CEPH_STORAGE_FLAVOR]
[--block-storage-flavor BLOCK_STORAGE_FLAVOR]
[--swift-storage-flavor SWIFT_STORAGE_FLAVOR]
[--neutron-flat-networks NEUTRON_FLAT_NETWORKS]
[--neutron-physical-bridge NEUTRON_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE]
[--neutron-bridge-mappings NEUTRON_BRIDGE_MAPPINGS]
[--neutron-public-interface NEUTRON_PUBLIC_INTERFACE]
[--neutron-network-type NEUTRON_NETWORK_TYPE]
[--neutron-tunnel-types NEUTRON_TUNNEL_TYPES]
[--neutron-network-vlan-ranges NEUTRON_NETWORK_VLAN_RANGES]
[--neutron-mechanism-drivers NEUTRON_MECHANISM_DRIVERS]
[--libvirt-type LIBVIRT_TYPE]
[--ntp-server NTP_SERVER] [--cinder-lvm]
[--no-proxy NO_PROXY] [-O <OUTPUT DIR>]
[-e <HEAT ENVIRONMENT FILE>] [--rhel-reg]
[--reg-method {satellite,portal}]
[--reg-org REG_ORG] [--reg-force]
[--reg-sat-url REG_SAT_URL]
[--reg-activation-key REG_ACTIVATION_KEY]
[--answers-file <ANSWERS FILE>]
Optionally rename stack from default of ‘overcloud’. Currently, only one stack is supported.
The directory containing the Heat templates to deploy.
Deployment timeout in minutes (default: 240)
New number of control nodes.
New number of compute nodes.
New number of ceph storage nodes.
New number of block storage nodes.
New number of swift storage nodes.
Nova flavor to use for control nodes.
Nova flavor to use for compute nodes.
Nova flavor to use for ceph storage nodes.
Nova flavor to use for cinder storage nodes.
Nova flavor to use for swift storage nodes.
Comma separated list of physical_network names with which flat networks can be created. Use * to allow flat networks with arbitrary physical_network names. (default: ‘datacentre’)
Comma separated list of bridge mappings. (default: datacentre:br-ex)
The network type for the tenant networks.
Network types supported by the agent (gre and/or vxlan).
Disables tunneling.
Comma separated list of <physical_network>:<vlan_min>:<vlan_max> or <physical_network> specifying physical_network names usable for VLAN provider and tenant networks, as well as ranges of VLAN tags on each available for allocation to tenant networks. (ex: datacentre:1:1000)
An ordered list of extension driver entrypoints to be loaded from the neutron.ml2.extension_drivers namespace.
Libvirt domain type. (default: kvm)
The NTP for overcloud nodes.
A comma separated list of hosts that should not be proxied.
Environment files to be passed to the heat stack-create or heat stack-update command. (Can be specified more than once.)
Register overcloud nodes to the customer portal or a satellite.
RHEL registration method to use for the overcloud nodes.
Organization key to use for registration.
Register the system even if it is already registered.
Satellite server to register overcloud nodes.
Activation key to use for registration.
Point to a file that specifies a templates directory and a list of environment files in YAML format:
templates: ~/templates
- ~/test-env1.yaml
- ~/test-env2.yaml
- ~/test-env3.yaml