
Baremetal v1

baremetal import

Import baremetal nodes

.. program:: baremetal import
.. code:: bash

    os baremetal import
        [ --service-host <service_host> ]
        [ --json | --csv ]

.. option:: --service-host <service_host>

    Nova compute service host to register nodes with (default None)

.. option:: --json

    Input file is in json format

.. option:: --csv

    Input file is in csv format

.. option:: --initial-state [enroll|available]

    Provision state to set on newly-enrolled nodes. To use "enroll" state,
    OS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION must be at least 1.11. (default: "available")

.. _baremetal_import-file_in:
.. describe:: <file_in>

    Filename to be imported

baremetal introspection bulk start

Begin introspection of all baremetal nodes

.. program:: baremetal introspection bulk start
.. code:: bash

    os baremetal introspection bulk start

baremetal introspection bulk status

Get status of node introspection

.. program:: baremetal introspection bulk status
.. code:: bash

    os baremetal introspection bulk status

baremetal configure boot

Configure boot devices for all baremetal nodes

.. program:: baremetal configure boot
.. code:: bash

    os baremetal configure boot
        [ --deploy-kernel <image_name> ]
        [ --deploy-ramdisk <image_name> ]

.. option:: --deploy-kernel <name>

    Image name with kernel which should be used for boot config.

.. option:: --deploy-ramdisk <name>

    Image name with ramdisk which should be used for boot config.