Source code for watcherclient.tests.v1.test_strategy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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import testtools
from testtools import matchers

from watcherclient.tests import utils
import watcherclient.v1.strategy

    'uuid': '2cf86250-d309-4b81-818e-1537f3dba6e5',
    'name': 'basic',
    'display_name': 'Basic consolidation',
    'strategy_id': 'SERVER_CONSOLIDATION',

    'uuid': 'b20bb987-ea8f-457a-a4ea-ab3ffdfeff8b',
    'name': 'dummy',
    'display_name': 'Dummy',
    'strategy_id': 'DUMMY',

fake_responses = {
        'GET': (
            {"strategies": [STRATEGY1]},
        'GET': (
            {"strategies": [STRATEGY1]},
    '/v1/strategies/%s' % STRATEGY1['uuid']:
        'GET': (
    '/v1/strategies/%s' % STRATEGY1['name']:
        'GET': (

fake_responses_pagination = {
        'GET': (
            {"strategies": [STRATEGY1],
             "next": ""}
        'GET': (
            {"strategies": [STRATEGY2]}

fake_responses_sorting = {
        'GET': (
            {"strategies": [STRATEGY1, STRATEGY2]}
        'GET': (
            {"strategies": [STRATEGY2, STRATEGY1]}

[docs]class StrategyManagerTest(testtools.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(StrategyManagerTest, self).setUp() self.api = utils.FakeAPI(fake_responses) self.mgr = watcherclient.v1.strategy.StrategyManager(self.api)
[docs] def test_strategies_list(self): strategies = self.mgr.list() expect = [ ('GET', '/v1/strategies', {}, None), ] self.assertEqual(expect, self.api.calls) self.assertEqual(1, len(strategies))
[docs] def test_strategies_list_detail(self): strategies = self.mgr.list(detail=True) expect = [ ('GET', '/v1/strategies/detail', {}, None), ] self.assertEqual(expect, self.api.calls) self.assertEqual(1, len(strategies))
[docs] def test_strategies_list_limit(self): self.api = utils.FakeAPI(fake_responses_pagination) self.mgr = watcherclient.v1.strategy.StrategyManager(self.api) strategies = self.mgr.list(limit=1) expect = [ ('GET', '/v1/strategies/?limit=1', {}, None), ] self.assertEqual(expect, self.api.calls) self.assertThat(strategies, matchers.HasLength(1))
[docs] def test_strategies_list_pagination_no_limit(self): self.api = utils.FakeAPI(fake_responses_pagination) self.mgr = watcherclient.v1.strategy.StrategyManager(self.api) strategies = self.mgr.list(limit=0) expect = [ ('GET', '/v1/strategies', {}, None), ('GET', '/v1/strategies/?limit=1', {}, None) ] self.assertEqual(expect, self.api.calls) self.assertThat(strategies, matchers.HasLength(2))
[docs] def test_strategies_list_sort_key(self): self.api = utils.FakeAPI(fake_responses_sorting) self.mgr = watcherclient.v1.strategy.StrategyManager(self.api) strategies = self.mgr.list(sort_key='id') expect = [ ('GET', '/v1/strategies/?sort_key=id', {}, None) ] self.assertEqual(expect, self.api.calls) self.assertEqual(2, len(strategies))
[docs] def test_strategies_list_sort_dir(self): self.api = utils.FakeAPI(fake_responses_sorting) self.mgr = watcherclient.v1.strategy.StrategyManager(self.api) strategies = self.mgr.list(sort_dir='desc') expect = [ ('GET', '/v1/strategies/?sort_dir=desc', {}, None) ] self.assertEqual(expect, self.api.calls) self.assertEqual(2, len(strategies))
[docs] def test_strategies_show(self): strategy = self.mgr.get(STRATEGY1['uuid']) expect = [ ('GET', '/v1/strategies/%s' % STRATEGY1['uuid'], {}, None), ] self.assertEqual(expect, self.api.calls) self.assertEqual(STRATEGY1['uuid'], strategy.uuid)
[docs] def test_strategies_show_by_name(self): strategy = self.mgr.get(STRATEGY1['name']) expect = [ ('GET', '/v1/strategies/%s' % STRATEGY1['name'], {}, None), ] self.assertEqual(expect, self.api.calls) self.assertEqual(STRATEGY1['name'],