The zunclient Python API

The zunclient Python API


First create a client instance with your credentials:

>>> from zunclient import client
>>> zun = client.Client(VERSION, auth_url=AUTH_URL, username=USERNAME,
...                     password=PASSWORD, project_name=PROJECT_NAME,
...                     user_domain_name='default',
...                     project_domain_name='default')

Here VERSION can be a string or zunclient.api_versions.APIVersion obj. If you prefer string value, you can use 1 or 1.X (where X is a microversion).

Alternatively, you can create a client instance using the keystoneauth session API:

>>> from keystoneauth1 import loading
>>> from keystoneauth1 import session
>>> from zunclient import client
>>> loader = loading.get_plugin_loader('password')
>>> auth = loader.load_from_options(auth_url=AUTH_URL,
...                                 username=USERNAME,
...                                 password=PASSWORD,
...                                 project_name=PROJECT_NAME,
...                                 user_domain_name='default',
...                                 project_domain_name='default')
>>> sess = session.Session(auth=auth)
>>> zun = client.Client(VERSION, session=sess)

If you have PROJECT_NAME instead of a PROJECT_ID, use the project_name parameter. Similarly, if your cloud uses keystone v3 and you have a DOMAIN_NAME or DOMAIN_ID, provide it as user_domain_(name|id) and if you are using a PROJECT_NAME also provide the domain information as project_domain_(name|id).

Then call methods on its managers:

>>> zun.containers.list()
[<Container {...}>]

>>>"my-container", image='nginx')
<Container {...}>
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