2024.1 Series Release Notes



New openstack.kolla.podman and openstack.kolla.podman_sdk roles were added. Using these Kolla now supports both docker and podman container engines.

New Features

  • With the docker_debug variable it is now possible to enable debug logging for docker operations.

  • With the docker_registry_mirrors variable it is now possible to configure the list of registry mirrors that docker uses.

Known Issues

  • On Ubuntu 22.04, when using Podman, containers may get stuck in the creating state when using a 6.5.x series (or newer) kernel. For more details, see LP#2056210.

Upgrade Notes

  • Bumped the minimal version of the Docker Python library to 6.0.0 to support the cgroupns parameter.

  • Socket activation of Podman is now enabled by the podman role, not the podman_sdk role.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed usage of the deprecated apt-key tool and switched to deb822 format for Apt repositories on Ubuntu.

  • Docker log-opts are now included in the docker daemon.json config again. This allows for docker_log_max_file and docker_log_max_size to now be set/overidden correctly. LP#2044537

  • Fixed an issue where the podman role did not enable socket activation for the Podman service. For further details, see LP#2054568.