Ussuri Series Release Notes


Neue Funktionen

  • The admin user can fetch alarms of all the projects, e.g. curl -X GET "${aodh_prefix}/v2/alarms?q.field=all_projects&q.op=eq&q.value=true" X-Auth-Token:$token

  • Support to deploy aodh-evaluator in active/active mode by leveraging database non-locking mechanism. With this feature, there could be multiple aodh-evaluator processes running without dependency of etcd or zookeeper.

  • Aodh Quota API is aiming for multi-tenancy support. By default, only the admin user is able to change or delete the resource quota for projects as defined by the default policy rule ‚telemetry:update_quotas‘ and ‚telemetry:delete_quotas‘. User alarm quota and alarm action quota are not supported in Quota API.


  • Python 2.7 support has been dropped. Last release of Aodh to support py2.7 is OpenStack Train. The minimum version of Python now supported by Aodh is Python 3.6.