Note de release pour Liberty


Problèmes connus

  • The fix for minidns’s issues TCP can cause minidns to fail to send some messages. This manifests itself with eventlet not being able to send all the data before socket is closed.

Erreurs critiques

  • Previous versions of eventlet changed the behaviour of socket.send() to match socket.sendall(). in eventlet 0.18.0 this changed and it reverted to the traditional behaviour. MiniDNS has been updated to allow minidns to push large zone transfers over long range network connections



Import of release notes from

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • Horizon Plugin moved out of tree

  • Purge des domaines supprimés

  • Ceilometer « exists » periodic event per domain

  • Import Async

  • Export Async

  • Active / passive failover for designate-pool-manager periodic tasks

  • Intégration du client OpenStack

  • Ajout du Backend InfoBlox

  • Ajout du Backend Designate

Notes de mises à jours

  • New service designate-zone-manager

  • designate-zone-manager : It is recommended to use a supported tooz backend.

  • designate-zone-manager : ZooKeeper is recommended, or anything supported by tooz.

  • designate-zone-manager : If a tooz backend is not used, all zone-managers will assume ownership of all zones, and there will be “n” “exists” messages per hour, where “n” is the number of zone-manager processes.

  • designate-pool-manager : The service can do active/passive failover for periodic tasks.

  • designate-pool-manager : It is recommended to use a supported tooz backend.

  • designate-pool-manager : If a tooz backend is not used, all pool-managers will assume ownership of the pool, and multiple periodic tasks will run. This can result in unforeseen consequences.

Autres notes

  • deprecations : V1 API : An initial notice of intent, as there are operations that still require the Designate CLI interface which talks to V1, and Horizon panels that only talk to V1.

  • Commence à utiliser reno pour la gestion des notes de release