Pike Series Release Notes


Critical Issues

  • The format cfg in nova and neutron notification both will remove in the Pike. Please set formatv4 and formatv6 in the [handler:nova_fixed] and [handler:neutron_floatingip] your designate config file. formatv4 = '%(octet0)s-%(octet1)s-%(octet2)s-%(octet3)s.%(zone)s' formatv4 = '%(hostname)s.%(project)s.%(zone)s' formatv4 = '%(hostname)s.%(zone)s' formatv6 = '%(hostname)s.%(project)s.%(zone)s' formatv6 = '%(hostname)s.%(zone)s'

  • The above config which you need to put or uncomment them into/in designate config file.

  • The v1 API is now off by default. To re-enable the V1 API please set enable_api_v1 = True in the [service:api] section of your designate config file.