Ussuri Series Release Notes


Neue Funktionen

  • Implemented S3 driver to use Amazon S3 or S3 compatible storage as Glance backend. This is a revival of the S3 driver supported up to Mitaka, with the addition of a multiple store support.


  • Python 2.7 support has been dropped. Last release of glance_store to support py2.7 is OpenStack Train. The minimum version of Python now supported by glance_store is Python 3.6.


  • Swift backend now can use custom CA bundle to verify SSL connection to Keystone without adding this bundle to global system ones. For this it re-uses the CA bundle specified as swift_store_cacert config option, so this bundle must verify both certificates of Swift and Keysotne API endpoints.

    For more details see [bug 1820817].

  • Following bugs were fixed and included after 1.0.1 release:

    • Bug 1820817: Swift backend can not use custom CA bundle to verify server SSL certs when those are not added to global system certs

    • Bug 1866966: define mount_point for *fs drivers in glance cinder store

    • Bug 1863691: When Image size greater than the chunk size and the glance buffered upload for swift is enabled, glance just put 0 bytes

    • Bug 1839778: Python3 swift config quotes removal

    • Bug 1863983: Image upload is failing with NoFibreChannelVolumeDeviceFound after configuring Cinder(HP3Par FC storage) as glance backend

Andere Notizen

  • The following improvements were made during the Ussuri release cycle:

    • Partial refactoring of cinder driver of glance store to use cinderclient version 3 and some methods have been moved to class level rather than use them as module level.

    • Droped support for python 2.7 and testing for the same.

    • Drop support for tempest-full


Bekannte Probleme

  • At the moment use of reserved stores is only limited to filesystem store driver. Also default filesystem_store_datadir path for these stores is set to /var/lib/glance/<store_name>, so with if you are using devstack for the deployment, you need to make sure you have appropriate permissions to create these reserved stores directories.

Andere Notizen

  • In this version, refactor was made how registering of filesystem configuration options for reserved stores works. Consumer just need to pass the key:value pair where key represents the name of the reserved store and value represents the actual store driver, to the glance_store.