Примечания к релизу Newton



Magnum changes its service scope as Container Infrastructure Management service. Also Magnum-UI change rename service „container“ to „container-infra“, and container management functions removed. Magnum uses terms „cluster“ and „cluster template“ instead of „bay“ and „baymodel“, because the use of new Magnum term of „bay“ has caused confusion with users.

Новые особенности

  • Support „ca-show“. The function of downloading CA from cluster is added.

  • Support „ca-sign“. The function of signing of certificates to cluster is added.

  • Add following options to cluster template creation and views.

    • „docker_storage_driver“

    • „fixed_subnet“

    • „floating_ip_enabled“

    • „master_lb_enabled“

Upgrade Notes

  • Service is renamed from „container“ to „container-infra“. Renaming targets are URLs, Angular module name, slugs for panel, etc.

  • „bay“ и „baymodel“ изменены на „cluster“ и „cluster template“.

Deprecation Notes

  • Container panel is removed. According to decision of Magnum that changes service scope, container management functions are removed.

Исправленные ошибки

  • Fixes issue that there is no way to specify for insecure magnumclient as a result api throws 500 and SSL cert verify errors. „insecure“ and „ca-cert“ options are added for magnumclient.

Прочие изменения

  • Switch to reno for managing release notes.

  • Support for Horizon’s Angular registry service, generic table and detail view, action service.