Ocata Series Release Notes

New Features

  • Added _process_unfinished_notifications to process notifications which are in error or new state. This periodic task will execute at regular interval defined by new config option ‘process_unfinished_notifications_interval’ defaults to 120 seconds. The notifications which are in ‘new’ status will be picked up based on a new config option ‘retry_notification_new_status_interval’ defaults to 60 seconds.

    To change the default execution time of periodic task, following config option needs to be set with desirable time under ‘DEFAULT’ section in ‘masakari.conf’ file:

    process_unfinished_notifications_interval = 120

    To change the default identification time of notifications which are stuck in ‘NEW’ state, following config option needs to be set with desirable time under ‘DEFAULT’ section in ‘masakari.conf’ file:

    retry_notification_new_status_interval = 60
  • Operators can decide whether all instances or only those instances which contain metadata key ‘HA_Enabled=True’ should be allowed for evacuation from a failed source compute node. When set to True, it will evacuate all instances from a failed source compute node. First preference will be given to those instances which contain ‘HA_Enabled=True’ metadata key, and then it will evacuate the remaining ones. When set to False, it will evacuate only those instances which contain ‘HA_Enabled=True’ metadata key.

    To use this feature, following config option need to be set under host_failure section in ‘masakari.conf’ file:

    evacuate_all_instances = True
  • Operators can decide whether all instances or only those instances which contain metadata key ‘HA_Enabled=True’ should be taken into account to recover from instance failure events. When set to True, it will execute instance failure recovery actions for an instance irrespective of whether that particular instance contains metadata key ‘HA_Enabled=True’ or not. When set to False, it will only execute instance failure recovery action for an instance which contain metadata key ‘HA_Enabled=True’.

    To use this feature, following config option need to be set under instance_failure section in ‘masakari.conf’ file:

    process_all_instances = True
  • Operators can now decide based on the new config option ‘add_reserved_host_to_aggregate’ whether to add or not a reserved_host to all host aggregates which failed compute host belongs to.

    To use this feature, following config option need to be set under host_failure section in ‘masakari.conf’ file:

    add_reserved_host_to_aggregate = True
  • Implemented workflow for ‘reserved_host’ recovery method in case of host failure. Now operator can create or update failover segment with ‘reserved_host’ recovery method along with the existing ‘auto’ method. When ‘reserved_host’ recovery_method is set to a failover segment, operators should also add one or more hosts with reserved flag set as True.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug 1645699 which will return correct response codes for below apis:

    • POST /v1/notification - old_response: 200, new_response: 202

    • DELETE /v1/notification - old_response: 404, new_response: 405

    • PUT /v1/notification/<notification_uuid> - old_response: 404, new_response: 405

    • POST /v1/host - old_response: 200, new_response: 201

    • DELETE /v1/host/<host_uuid> - old_response: 200, new_response: 204

    • POST /v1/segment - old_response: 200, new_response: 201

    • DELETE /v1/segment/<segment_uuid> - old_response: 200, new_response: 204