Zed Series Release Notes

New Features

  • Implemented variables rally_openstack_git_repo and rally_openstack_git_install_branch that allow to override installation source for rally-openstack package as well as control installed version of the package.

Known Issues

  • All OSA releases earlier than 17.0.5, 16.0.4, and 15.1.22 will fail to build the rally venv due to the release of the new cmd2-0.9.0 python library. Deployers are encouraged to update to the latest OSA release which pins to an appropriate version which is compatible with python2.

Upgrade Notes

  • The variables rally_requirements_git_repo and rally_requirements_git_install_branch have been removed in favour of using the URL/path to the upper-constraints file using the variable pip_install_upper_constraints instead.

New Features

  • The os_rally role now supports the ability to configure whether apt/yum tasks install the latest available package, or just ensure that the package is present. The default action is to ensure that the latest package is present. The action taken may be changed to only ensure that the package is present by setting rally_package_state to present.

Upgrade Notes

  • Installation of rally and its dependent pip packages will now only occur within a Python virtual environment. The rally_venv_bin, rally_venv_enabled variables have been removed.

  • The os_rally role always checks whether the latest package is installed when executed. If a deployer wishes to change the check to only validate the presence of the package, the option rally_package_state should be set to present.