Zed Series Release Notes

New Features

  • The os_tempest role now has the ability to install from distribution packages by setting tempest_install_method to distro.

  • The new variable tempest_workspace has been introduced to set the location of the tempest workspace.

  • The default location of the default tempest configuration is now /etc/tempest/tempest.conf rather than the previous default of $HOME/.tempest/etc.

  • Added new parameter tempest_services for setting tempest_service_available_{service_name} var automatically.

  • Add the launchpad and bugzilla keys in tempest_test_blacklist ansible variable. Developers must have a way to trackdown why a test was inserted in the skiplist, and one of the ways is through bugs. This feature add the information regarding it in the list of skipped tests on os_tempest

  • Added a support for both Credential Provider Mechanisms(dynamic credentials and pre-provisioned credentials).

  • Python-tempestconf is a tool that generates a tempest.conf file, based only on the credentials from an openstack installation. It uses the discoverable api from openstack to check for services, features, etc.

    Add the possibility to use python-tempestconf tool to generate tempest.conf file, rather than use the role template.

  • Implemented variables tempest_public_net_create, tempest_private_net_create, tempest_router_create, tempest_images_create, tempest_flavors_create, tempest_projects_create which allow to skip creating specific resources.

  • The service setup in keystone for tempest will now be executed through delegation to the tempest_service_setup_host which, by default, is localhost (the deploy host). Deployers can opt to rather change this to the utility container by implementing the following override in user_variables.yml.

    tempest_service_setup_host: "{{ groups['utility_all'][0] }}"
  • Rather than a hard-coded set of projects and users, tempest can now be configured with a custom list with the variables tempest_projects and tempest_users.

  • It is now possible to specify a list of tests for tempest to blacklist when executing using the tempest_test_blacklist list variable.

  • Adds new variable tempest_tempestconf_profile_extras which allows to extend tempest_tempestconf_profile dictionary without need to override all existing keys. tempest_tempestconf_profile_extras has presedence over tempest_tempestconf_profile. For example, it may be used to define extra image or it’s format.

Upgrade Notes

  • Remove CONF.scenario.img_dir option as it is being removed from Tempest after ~4 year deprecation period. CONF.scenario.img_file option needs to contain the full path to an image to upload to glance.

  • Data structure for tempest_test_blacklist has been updated to add launchpad and/or bugzilla linked with the test being skipped.

  • The variable tempest_image_dir_owner is removed in favour of using default ansible user to create the image directory.

  • Changed default value for tempest_projects variable. Now this list contains only one element ‘tempest’. Previously it was ‘demo’ and ‘alt_demo’ which was quite confusing.

Deprecation Notes

  • Vaiables tempest_service_available_congress and tempest_service_available_nova_lxd have been removed and have no effect since corresponding services are not supported anymore.

  • Following tempest related variables were deprecated and have no effect:

    • tempest_compute_ssh_user

    • tempest_compute_console_output_enabled

    • tempest_compute_resize_enabled

    • tempest_compute_snapshot_enabled

    • tempest_compute_change_password

    • tempest_image_api_v1_enabled

    • tempest_image_api_v2_enabled

    • tempest_swift_container_sync

    • tempest_swift_object_versioning

    • tempest_swift_discoverable_apis

    • tempest_volume_backup_enabled

    • tempest_volume_multi_backend_enabled

    • tempest_enable_instance_password

    • tempest_volume_backend_names

  • The variable tempest_public_net_physical_type will be removed by Train release in the favor of tempest_public_net_physical_name.

  • variable tempest_network_tenant_network_cidr has been deprecated

  • variable tempest_network_tenant_network_mask_bits has been deprecated

  • variable tempest_fatal_deprecations has been deprecated

  • Renamed tempest_test_whitelist to tempest_test_includelist and tempest_test_blacklist to tempest_test_excludelist Dependant projects should update to use the new variables

  • The variable tempest_requires_pip_packages is no longer required and has therefore been removed.

  • The variable tempest_image_downloader has been removed. The image download now uses the same host designated by the tempest_service_setup_host for the image download.

Bug Fixes

  • Usage of tempest_tempest_conf_overrides, where it could have 2 different formats. one for config_template and another one for tempestconf.profile Now for tempestconf.profile overrides tempest_tempestconf_profile_overrides variable should be used.

Other Notes

  • Added new variable tempest_endpoint_type to avoid having endpoint type hardcoded in tempest.conf

  • Implemented tempest_extra_plugins variable which allows to define extra tempest plugins without overriding the whole tempest_plugins list.

New Features

  • A new variable, tempest_roles, has been added to the os_tempest role allowing users to define keystone roles to be during tempest testing.

  • The tempest_images data structure for the os_tempest role now expects the values for each image to include name (optionally) and format (the disk format). Also, the optional variable checksum may be used to set the checksum expected for the file in the format <algorithm>:<checksum>.

  • The default location for the image downloads in the os_tempest role set by the tempest_image_dir variable has now been changed to be /opt/cache/files in order to match the default location in nodepool. This improves the reliability of CI testing in OpenStack CI as it will find the file already cached there.

  • A new variable has been introduced into the os_tempest role named tempest_image_downloader. When set to deployment-host (which is the default) it uses the deployment host to handle the download of images to be used for tempest testing. The images are then uploaded to the target host for uploading into Glance.

Deprecation Notes

  • The following variables have been removed from the os_tempest role to simplify it. They have been replaced through the use of the data structure tempest_images which now has equivalent variables per image. - cirros_version - tempest_img_url - tempest_image_file - tempest_img_disk_format - tempest_img_name - tempest_images.sha256 (replaced by checksum)

Bug Fixes

  • The os_tempest tempest role was downloading images twice - once arbitrarily, and once to use for testing. This has been consolidated into a single download to a consistent location.

New Features

  • Added new variable tempest_volume_backend_names and updated templates/tempest.conf.j2 to point backend_names at this variable

Upgrade Notes

  • The openstack_tempest_gate.sh script has been removed as it requires the use of the run_tempest.sh script which has been deprecated in Tempest. In order to facilitate the switch, the default for the variable tempest_run has been set to yes, forcing the role to execute tempest by default. This default can be changed by overriding the value to no. The test whitelist may be set through the list variable tempest_test_whitelist.

Deprecation Notes

  • Removed tempest_volume_backend1_name and tempest_volume_backend1_name since backend1_name and backend2_name were removed from tempest in commit 27905cc (merged 26/04/2016)

New Features

  • A new variable, tempest_flavors, has been added to the os_tempest role allowing users to define nova flavors to be during tempest testing.

Upgrade Notes

  • The variables tempest_requirements_git_repo and tempest_requirements_git_install_branch have been removed in favour of using the URL/path to the upper-constraints file using the variable pip_install_upper_constraints instead.

New Features

  • Added new parameter `cirros_img_disk_format to support disk formats other than qcow2.

  • Added new variable tempest_img_name.

  • Added new variable tempest_img_url. This variable replaces cirros_tgz_url and cirros_img_url.

  • Added new variable tempest_image_file. This variable replaces the hard-coded value for the img_file setting in tempest.conf.j2. This will allow users to specify images other than cirros.

  • Added new variable tempest_img_disk_format. This variable replaces cirros_img_disk_format.

Deprecation Notes

  • Removed cirros_tgz_url and in most places replaced with tempest_img_url.

  • Removed cirros_img_url and in most places replaced with tempest_img_url.

  • Removed deprecated variable tempest_compute_image_alt_ssh_user

  • Removed deprecated variable tempest_compute_image_ssh_password

  • Removed deprecated variable tempest_compute_image_alt_ssh_password

  • Renamed cirros_img_disk_format to tempest_img_disk_format

  • Downloading and unarchiving a .tar.gz has been removed. The related tempest options ami_img_file, aki_img_file, and ari_img_file have been removed from tempest.conf.j2.

  • The [boto] section of tempest.conf.j2 has been removed. These tests have been completely removed from tempest for some time.

Bug Fixes

  • This role assumes that there is a network named “public|private” and a subnet named “public|private-subnet”. These names are made configurable by the addition of two sets of variables; tempest_public_net_name and tempest_public_subnet_name for public networks and tempest_private_net_name and tempest_private_subnet_name for private networks This addresses bug 1588818

  • Removed various deprecated / no longer supported features from tempest.conf.j2. Some variables have been moved to their new sections in the config.

New Features

  • Deployers can now configure tempest public and private networks by setting the following variables, ‘tempest_private_net_provider_type’ to either vxlan or vlan and ‘tempest_public_net_provider_type’ to flat or vlan. Depending on what the deployer sets these variables to, they may also need to update other variables accordingly, this mainly involves ‘tempest_public_net_physical_type’ and ‘tempest_public_net_seg_id’. Please refer to http://docs.openstack.org/mitaka/networking-guide/intro-basic-networking.html for more neutron networking information.