Newton Series Release Notes


Upgrade Notes

  • The variable proxy_env_url is now used by the apt-cacher-ng jinja2 template to set up an HTTP/HTTPS proxy if needed.

Bug Fixes

  • The apt-cacher-ng daemon does not use the proxy server specified in environment variables. The proxy server specified in the proxy_env_url variable is now set inside the apt-cacher-ng configuration file.


New Features

  • The repo_server role now supports the ability to configure whether apt/yum tasks install the latest available package, or just ensure that the package is present. The default action is to ensure that the latest package is present. The action taken may be changed to only ensure that the package is present by setting repo_server_package_state to present.

  • The repo server now has a Package Cache service for distribution packages. To leverage the cache, deployers will need to configure the package manager on all hosts to use the cache as a proxy. If a deployer would prefer to disable this service, the variable repo_pkg_cache_enabled should be set to false.

Upgrade Notes

  • The variable repo_server_packages that defines the list of packages required to install a repo server has been replaced by repo_server_distro_packages.

  • The repo_server role always checks whether the latest package is installed when executed. If a deployer wishes to change the check to only validate the presence of the package, the option repo_server_package_state should be set to present.