We no longer support soft-delete in senlin database. Marking an entity as soft-deleted is causing more problems than bringing any convenience.
添加了senlin.policy.affinity-v1.0,它可以被用来控制基于nova servergroup设置的虚拟机服务器如何被place。
New actions for checking and recovering nodes/clusters are added.
The built-in deletion policy can handle cross-region and cross-zone nodes selection.
Profile types and policy types are explicitly versioned now. We have the version string appended to the type names for easier detection.
New health check daemon is introduced to do periodical cluster status checking. It collaborates with health policy on cluster monitoring.
Improved action scheduler so that it can pick an action that is READY to be executed from DB.
Added support to steal a lock from dead engine.
Use ‘sort’ instead of ‘sort_keys’ and ‘sort_dir’ for object sorting.
Nova server profile now supports block device mapping v2 (BDMv2).
Support to ‘senlin-manage purge_deleted <age> [<unit>]’ is added.
New abstraction ‘receiver’ has been added as a generic way to notify the senlin engine that something interesting has happened.
An experimental policy for placing nodes across multiple regions.
Removed support to ‘trigger’ abstraction.
Make sure ‘spec’ of a profile is immutable after a profile object is created. The only way to “update” a profile is to create a new one.
添加了命令“senlin-manage service list”来显示engine的状态。
添加了命令“senlin-manage service clean”来清理死亡的engine记录。
为更新Nova server的镜像属性添加支持。
Database tables have to be recreated as we have removed soft-delete support from both the DB layer and the engine layer.
Senlin API从它的端点中删除了’tenant_id’。这意味着用户如果已经有了一个老的安装,则必须重新创建他们的keystone端点。
Webhook abstraction is removed. New usage model of webhooks is through the ‘receiver’ abstraction.
Node actions NODE_JOIN and NODE_LEAVE are removed from API surface.
Removed cluster policy enable/disable support. We will use more generic interface cluster policy update for these use cases.
Removed permission property from profiles. We will devise an RBAC mechanism as an alternative.
Timestamp fields like ‘created_time’ and ‘udpated_time’ are renamed to ‘created_at’ and ‘updated_at’ respectively.
As a side-effect of the rework of action dependency, a new table has been added to the database.
Senlin binaries are all made as console script entries.
When referenced objects are not found in an API request, 400 is returned now.
Reworked action status check so that a cluster action will always return from WAITING status.
Fixed profile type checking error when attaching affinity policy.
Fixed parsing of default values for ‘max_size’ and ‘min_size’ properties of a cluster.
Fixed race condition in service deletion.
Fixed APIs that spawn asynchronous operations to return 202 as status code.
Fixed a bug related to setting the next_index property of a cluster after new nodes have joined or existing nodes have left.
Fixed cluster-list function so that ‘global-project’ can be specified.
Removed useless parameters (‘user’, ‘project’, etc.) from filtering when listing clusters.
Fixed RC/role checking in the setup-service script.
Enforce multi-tenancy checking when a non-admin user attempting to list resources from projects other than that of the requesting user.
Fixed a bug related to using the ‘name’ property of a nova server profile.
Fixed parameter checking when listing resources, such as sort and filters.
为API policy-create的调用添加了参数检查。
为API cluster-policy-detach的调用添加了参数检查。
为API cluster-policy-update的调用添加了参数检查。
Reworked action dependency to avoid indefinite waiting problem.
Fixed trust usage when interacting with keystone. This enables senlin to be deployed on a Juno version OpenStack.
DB isolation level defaults to READ_COMMITTED in order to solve concurrency problems encountered in action dependency checking.
为lb policy, affinity policy, scaling policy, zone placement policy和region placement policy添加了文档。
Senlin API文档合并到api站点并发布。
The property ‘priority’ and ‘level’ are removed from policy create/update.
命令`senlin-manage purge_deleted`被移除了。
请确保通过RESTful API暴漏的资源名称中没有下划线(‘_’) 。
User documentation for events and actions have been added.
User documentation (including developer docs) are published on official site.