2024.2 Series Release Notes


This release is for improving maintainability and contains mainly bug fixes, revising documents and some performance improvements.

New Features

  • Add a sample of management driver for Cilium CNI deployment. It provides two usecases, one is a simple flavor of 1-master/2-workers and another is more complex flavor of 3-masters/2-workers cases, for demonstrating Tacker’s basic scenarios such as heal, scale-out or so.

Deprecation Notes

  • Complete to drop dependency for SQLAlchemy1.x and move to 2.0.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug 2078012 for removing the case of infinite loop when checking the enhanced policy.

  • Fix bug 2069386 for modifying VNF instance in v1 APIs.

  • Fix bug 2069388 for the issue of v1 grant-request setting incorrect.

  • Fix bug 2069549, in which an error is occurred if cert_verify is given as other than string, by supporting boolean values in addition to string.

  • Fix bug 2071399 to enable NovaClient to use TLS verification.

  • Fix bug 2069396 to remove the glance image on v1 rollback.

  • Fix bug 2069389 for the issue of healing after scale out in the v1.

  • Fix bug 2077355 for tox debug not work for invalid config register.

  • Fix bug 2064974 for the issue caused if multiple PMJobs are reported.

  • Fix bug 2069387 for the issue of vimConnectionInfo in v1 instantiate.

  • Fix bug 2069392 for the issue of the paging of v1 vnflcm list.

  • Fix bug 2069589 for the issue that scale is not in the links of v1.

  • Fix bug 2069800 for invalid vim type for ETSI’s definition.

  • Fix bug 2075282 for the issue of v1 vnflcm when state is ROLLED_BACK.

  • Fix bug 2078288 for Kubernetes service resource check in v2 API.

Other Notes

  • Create a VNF Package Generation Tool for helping users to deploy.

  • Make auto scale and heal effective.

  • Performance enhancement of v2 list APIs.

  • Add docs for deploying kubernetes cluster with Cilium.

  • Update usage of external OAuth server admin docs.

  • Update using OAuth 2.0 mTLS for Tacker document.

  • Add VNFLCM with v2 Tacker CLI Reference document

  • Keep new RBAC disable by default as one of the task of community’s goal.

  • Revise functional tests for tiny update for such as wrong comments, function names or so.