Train Series Release Notes¶
New Features¶
Added a new role for
to configure OVN DBs clustered for TripleO deployments.
Add a new playbook to allow for the removal of old Keystone services. This playbook will remove any services that exist but have since been disabled. This cleanup task is tunable using tripleo_keystone_resources_cleanup which by default is set to True.
Bug Fixes¶
The tripleo_network_config role will now disable network config in cloud-init after succesfully applying network configuration. In some rare cases cloud-init would re-configure networking after a reboot. Breaking the configuration written by tripleo_network_config. See bug: 1958332.
New Features¶
A new variable named tripleo_podman_default_network_config has been added to be able to configure the default network used by podman. The network configue needs to be a json (or yaml) representation of a cni network configuration. NOTE: The network is not applied if it’s already running which is indicated by the existance of a cni-podman0 interface.
Bug Fixes¶
Due to the use of a folding block operator instead of the literal block operator the check for existing namespaces does not work correct and namespaces get created on subsequent deploy runs even if they already exist. Now namespaces won’t get created if the are already there.
Bug Fixes¶
An incorrect lookup issue with respect to the StorageNFS network has been fixed. See Launchpad bug 1849393 for more details.
Fixed a configuration issue where required settings for Octavia services were missing.
The tripleo-ssh-known-hosts ansible role used the list of network names to create the different possible hostnames in the ssh_known_hosts file. The network names do not match the actual network hostnames, like internal_api vs. internalapi which results in ssh host verification to fail and e.g. live migration to fail.
Initial approach in a5bcbc8d015b792b3546ecbb139506f248dacfe8 had to be reverted as it resulted in errors when the _hostname inventory information was missing from the ansible inventory.
This syncs to use the same approach to create the hostname like in to have entries in /etc/hosts and ssh_known_hosts created in the same way/source.
New Features¶
Adds a new –save-swift parameter to undercloud-backup. This is due to the fact that in the past the backup would be always saved on swift and the next backup would contain the previous backup thus increasing exponentially
Other Notes¶
Zuul jobs can now run docker workloads using the VFS storage driver. More on the VFS storage driver can be seen here
New Features¶
A new argument has been added to the molecule test setup allowing developers to run tests with Ansible command line arguments. This feature is useful when testing roles that require augmentation, like when tags are needed.
pytest tests/ --scenario=${NEWROLENAME} --ansible-args='--tags xxx --skip-tags yyy'