Provisioning Plugins

Provisioning Plugins

This page lists all available provisioning plugins. In general a plugin enables sahara to deploy a specific data processing framework (for example, Hadoop) or distribution, and allows configuration of topology and management/monitoring tools.

Managing plugins

Since the Newton release a project admin can configure plugins by specifying additional values for plugin’s labels.

To disable a plugin (Vanilla Apache Hadoop, for example), the admin can run the following command:

cat update_configs.json
    "plugin_labels": {
        "enabled": {
            "status": true
openstack dataprocessing plugin update vanilla update_configs.json

Additionally, specific versions can be disabled by the following command:

cat update_configs.json
    "version_labels": {
        "2.7.1": {
            "enabled": {
                "status": true
openstack dataprocessing plugin update vanilla update_configs.json

Finally, to see all labels of a specific plugin and to see the current status of the plugin (is it stable or not, deprecation status) the following command can be executed from the CLI:

openstack dataprocessing plugin show vanilla

The same actions are available from UI respectively.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.