An Action is an operation that can be performed on a cluster or a node. Each action is executed asynchronously by a worker thread after being created. Most Senlin APIs are executed asynchronously inside the Senlin engine except for some object retrieval or object listing APIs.
Different types of objects support different sets of actions. For example, a cluster object supports the following actions:
A node object supports the following actions:
In future, Senlin may support user defined actions (UDAs).
The following command shows the actions known by the Senlin engine:
$ senlin action-list
| id | name | action | status | target | depends_on | depended_by |
| 1189f5e8 | node_create_b825fb74 | NODE_CREATE | SUCCEEDED | b825fb74 | | |
| 2454c28a | node_delete_c035c519 | NODE_DELETE | SUCCEEDED | c035c519 | | |
| 252b9491 | node_create_c035c519 | NODE_CREATE | SUCCEEDED | c035c519 | | |
| 34802f3b | cluster_create_7f37e191 | CLUSTER_CREATE | SUCCEEDED | 7f37e191 | | |
| 4250bf29 | cluster_delete_7f37e191 | CLUSTER_DELETE | SUCCEEDED | 7f37e191 | | |
| 67cbcfb5 | node_delete_b825fb74 | NODE_DELETE | SUCCEEDED | b825fb74 | | |
| 6e661db8 | cluster_create_44762dab | CLUSTER_CREATE | SUCCEEDED | 44762dab | | |
| 7bfad7ed | node_delete_b716052d | NODE_DELETE | SUCCEEDED | b716052d | | |
| b299cf44 | cluster_delete_44762dab | CLUSTER_DELETE | SUCCEEDED | 44762dab | | |
| e973552e | node_create_b716052d | NODE_CREATE | SUCCEEDED | b716052d | | |
The senlin command line supports various options when listing the actions.
You can specify the sorting keys and sorting direction when list actions, using the option --sort (or -o). The --sort option accepts a string of format key1[:dir1],key2[:dir2],key3[:dir3], where the keys used are action properties and the dirs can be one of asc and desc. When omitted, Senlin sorts a given key using asc as the default direction.
For example, the following command instructs the senlin command line to sort actions using the name property in descending order:
$ senlin action-list -o name:desc
When sorting the list of actions, you can use one of name, target, action, created_at and status.
You can filter the list of actions using the --filters` (or -f). For example, the following command filters the action list by the action property:
$ senlin action-list -f action=CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT
The option --filters accepts a list of key-value pairs separated by semicolon (;), where each pair is expected to be of format key=val. The valid keys for filtering include name, target, action and status or any combination of them.
In case you have a huge collection of actions (which is highly likely the case), you can limit the number of actions returned using the option --limit (or --l). For example:
$ senlin action-list -l 1
Another option you can specify is the ID of an action after which you want to see the returned list starts. In other words, you don’t want to see those actions with IDs that is or come before the one you specify. You can use the option --marker (or -m) for this purpose. For example:
$ senlin action-list -l 1 -m 2959122e-11c7-4e82-b12f-f49dc5dac270
Only 1 action record is returned in this example and its UUID comes after the the one specified from the command line.
You can use the senlin command line to show the details about an action you are interested in. When specifying the identity of the action, you can use its name, its ID or its “short ID” . Senlin API and engine will verify if the identifier you specified can uniquely identify an action. An error message will be returned if there is no action matching the identifier or if more than one action matching it.
An example is shown below:
$ senlin action-show 8fac487f
| Property | Value |
| action | CLUSTER_DELETE |
| cause | RPC Request |
| depended_by | [] |
| depends_on | [] |
| end_time | 1450683904.0 |
| id | 8fac487f-861a-449e-9678-478133bea8de |
| inputs | {} |
| interval | -1 |
| name | cluster_delete_7deb546f |
| outputs | {} |
| start_time | 1450683904.0 |
| status | SUCCEEDED |
| status_reason | Action completed successfully. |
| target | 7deb546f-fd1f-499a-b120-94f8f07fadfb |
| timeout | 3600 |
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