Installation Guide

Installation Guide

Manual Installation

Note: The paths we are using for configuration files in these steps are with reference to Ubuntu Operating System. The paths may vary for other Operating Systems.

The branch_name which is used in commands, specify the branch_name as stable/<branch> for any stable branch installation. For eg: stable/queens. If unspecified the default will be master branch.

  1. Clone tacker-horizon repository.
cd ~/
git clone -b <branch_name>
  1. Install horizon module.
cd tacker-horizon
sudo python install
  1. Enable tacker horizon in dashboard.
sudo cp tacker_horizon/enabled/* \
  1. Collect and compress static files.
./ collectstatic --noinput
echo yes | ./ compress
  1. Restart Apache server.
sudo service apache2 restart

If your server is using Systemd instead of Upstart (e.g Ubuntu 15.10 and above), use the following command instead:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Install via Devstack

The tacker-horizon is automatically enabled when tacker server is installed.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.