Compliance testcases for tacker

Purpose of compliance testcases is to verify various functionality of tacker api by using NFV TST code. From tacker home directory, testcases are located at tacker/tests/compliance.

What is compliance test

Compliance tests are assessments used in the software development process. Also known as conformance tests, these assessments confirm whether the software meets particular standards before its production.

Whereas, the purpose of functional tests is to test each function of the software application, by providing appropriate input, verifying the output against the functional requirements.

About NFV API Conformance Test Specification (NFV-TST 010)

The api-tests repository hosts ETSI NFV API Conformance test specification for the APIs defined in ETSI NFV GS SOL002, SOL003, SOL005. Currently available versions for NFV API Conformance test specification are v2.4.1 (published), v2.6.1 (published), v2.7.1 (published) and v3.3.1(under development).

The Test Specification is built as a collection of Robot Framework Test Description. Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development.

Tacker Compliance Test Composition

This diagram briefly describe how compliance testing works.

Overview of testing by Robot Framework and ETSI NFV-TST010 test codes:

|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|             +-----------------------------------------------+             |
|             | Tacker repository                             |             |
|             |  +----------------+   +-------------------+   |             |
|             |  | Community robot|   |Zuul configuration |   |             |
|             |  | test code      |   |.zuul.yaml         |   |             |
|             |  |                |   +-------------------+   |             |
|             |  +----------------+                           |             |
|             |                           +---------------+   |             |
|             |  +----------------+       |playbook       |   |             |
|             |  |testitem.robot  |       |runrobot.yaml  |   |             |
|             |  +----------------+       +---------------+   |             |
|             +-----------------------------------------------+             |
|                                                         |                 |
|          +-------------+   download (pip)               |                 |
|          |             |   Robot framework              |                 |
|          | python      +----------------------------+   |                 |
|          | repository  |                            |   |                 |
|          |             |                            |   |                 |
|          +-------------+                            |   |                 |
|                                                     v   v                 |
|      +-----------------+  download                  ++---+-+              |
|      |                 |  robot test code           |      |              |
|      | ETSI repository +--------------------------->+ Zuul |              |
|      | api-tests       |                            |      |              |
|      |                 |      +---------------------+      +---+          |
|      +-----------------+      |                     +------+   |          |
|                               |                                |          |
|                               | execute               execute  |          |
|                               v                                v          |
|                        +------+-----+             +------------+--+       |
|                        |            |             |               |       |
|                        | Robot      |    test     | Tacker        |       |
|                        | framework  +------------>+ (devstack)    |       |
|                        |            |             |               |       |
|                        +------------+             +---------------+       |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |


  • testitem.robot is a list of test cases selected from the test code released by ETSI NFV-TST.

  • playbook runrobot.yaml install robot framework, download test code from api-tests repository and execute test with the above test list.

How to create Test Cases

Precondition for Compliance Test

requirements.txt : The file requirements.txt is present in api-tests repository. It is cloned at time of compliance test execution and lists all the packages needed for compliance test. These packages are installed during execution of compliance test.

Implementation of test case

A testcase is written by declaring a class name derived from class BaseVNFLifecycleManagementTest(base.BaseComplSolTest). BaseComplSolTest is class declared in tacker/tests/compliance/sol003/

A testcase body typically looks as below:

class VNFInstancesTest(BaseVNFLifecycleManagementTest):
   def setUpClass(cls):
       cls.resource = 'VNFInstances'

       super(VNFInstancesTest, cls).setUpClass()

   def test_post_create_new_vnfinstance(self):

    //Testcase operations

    //validations or asserts

In above example test class ‘VNFInstancesTest’ is derived from BaseVNFLifecycleManagementTest. Testcases typically has sections to setup, test, validate results and finally cleanup.

Other Test Implementation

Tacker-client : Tackerclient object is instantiated in tacker/tests/ compliance/ which has apis to create/delete/list vnfd/vnf once given the necessary parameters. Verify tackerclient/v1_0/ for all the tacker related apis supported.

Input yaml files : These are input files used in testcases for operations like create vnfd or create vnf. The location of files is samples/tests/etc/samples/.

Asserting values in testcase : The base class BaseTackerTest inherits base. TestCase which has inbuilt assert functions which can be used in testcase. example: assertIsNotNone, assertEqual

Steps to change TST’s code version

In Tacker’s code, 2.6.1-fix-plu api-tests version is check-in by default.

The NFV API Conformance test specification is available in the following versions:

  • v2.4.1

  • v2.6.1

  • v2.7.1

  • v2.8.1

  • v3.3.1

  • v3.5.1

  • v3.6.1

To change the version execute the below steps:

  1. Open <tacker_route_directory>/tacker/tox.ini file in any editor.

  2. Under [testenv:ft-v1-compliance-sol] section in commands_pre while doing checkout of api-tests mention desired TST’s code version.

    git -C api-tests checkout <desired_version>


    For desired_version please refer this url:

Important guidelines to follow

  • It is important that the test case executed leaves the system in the same state it was prior to test case execution and not leave any stale data on system as this might affect other test cases.

  • There should not be any dependencies between testcases which assume one testcase should be executed and be passed for second testcase.

  • The code added should meet pep8 standards. This can be verified with the following command and ensuring the code does not return any errors.

    tox -e pep8

Execution of testcase

  • Install tacker server via devstack installation, which registers tacker service and endpoint, creates “nfv_user” and “nfv” project, and registers default VIM with the created user and project.

  • From tacker directory, all compliance testcases can be executed using the following command:

    tox -e ft-v1-compliance-sol
  • Or from tacker directory, specific testcases can be executed using the following command:

    tox -e ft-v1-compliance-sol<testcase>

How to proceed when the test fails

  • If test case fails check its logs.

  • For example for ‘GET_information_about_multiple_VNF_instances’ test logs can be checked at below location:

  • Compliance test may also get failed due to code problem at NFV API Conformance test repository, then analyse the NFV-TST code locally.

Committing testcase and opening a review

Once testcase is added in local setup, commit the testcase and open for review using below guidelines

Sample testcase

Check sample tests under the following directory