How to use a Sample VNF Package for practical use cases


This document shows a sample VNF Package and VNF operations with v1 VNF LCM API. Note that v2 API and CNF operations have different requirements for a VNF Package and API parameters. See the API reference and other use case guides for details on requirements.


1. The Sample VNF Package Introduction

The sample of VNF Package Sample for practical use cases is designed for users who want to deploy VNF that is required in more practical environment. You can know how to use it in this user guide.

2. Use Cases

In this sample, the use cases listed below is supported.

  • using multiple deployment flavours

  • deploying VNF connected to an external network

  • deploying VNF as HA cluster

  • deploying scalable VNF

3. Structure of The Sample VNF Package

This sample includes two deployment flavours listed below.

  • ha

  • scalable

1. Deployment Flavour of ha

The deployment flavour of ha defines the structure of VNF that is designed as a high availability cluster. It has two VDUs, and each VDU have a CP that is connected to both internal and external networks. It also has a CP shared by the VDUs, and the CP is designed to be used as VIP. Each CP has its own fixed IP address.


This sample just defines the openstack resources. Therefore, additional configuration such as cloud_init or mgmt driver is needed to have the VNF clustered as HA.

2. Deployment Flavour of scalable

The deployment flavour of scalable defines the structure of VNF that can scale out or scale in. It defines three VDUs. It is possible not to deploy The VDU_2 initially and deploy it later by scaling operation. Each VDU has its own fixed IP address and those information is passed by InstantiateVNFRequest. The address of the VDU_2 can also be passed in it even though the VDU_2 is not deployed initially.

The diagrams below show the architecture of the VNFD used in this sample.

|  VNFD                                |
|                                      |
|    +----------------------------+    |
|    | Deployment flavour: ha     |    |
|    |  +---------+ +---------+   |    |
|    |  | VDU_0   | | VDU_1   |   |    |
|    |  |         | |         |   |    |
|    |  |         | |         |   |    |
|    |  |         | |         |   |    |
|    |  +------+--+ +--+------+   |    |
|    |         |\     /|          |    |
|    |         | \   / |          |    |
|    |         |  \ /  |          |    |
|    |         |   +vip|          |    |
|    |         |   |   |          |    |
|    |         |   |   |  int net |    |
|    |   ------+---+---+-------   |    |
|    |         |   |   |          |    |
|    +---------|---|---|----------+    |
|              |   |   |               |
|              |   |   |               |
               |   |   |
               |   |   |  ext net
|  VNFD                                                                                                         |
|                                                                                                               |
|    +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+     |
|    |   Deployment flavour: scalable                                                                     |     |
|    | |------------------------------+ +------------------------------+ +------------------------------+ |     |
|    | | VDU_0                        | | VDU_1                        | | VDU_2                        | |     |
|    | |   properties:                | |   properties:                | |   properties:                | |     |
|    | |     vdu_profile:             | |     vdu_profile:             | |     vdu_profile:             | |     |
|    | |       min_num_of_instance:1  | |       min_num_of_instance:1  | |       min_num_of_instance:0  | |     |
|    | |       max_num_of_instance:1  | |       max_num_of_instance:1  | |       max_num_of_instance:1  | |     |
|    | +------+--------------+--------+ +------+--------------+--------+ +------+--------------+--------+ |     |
|    |        |              |                 |              |                 |              |          |     |
|    |        |              |                 |              |                 |              |          |     |
|    |        |              |                 |              |                 |              |          |     |
|    |        |              |                 |              |                 |              |          |     |
|    |        |              |                 |              |                 |              |  int net |     |
|    |    ----+--------------|-----------------+--------------|-----------------+--------------|-------   |     |
|    |                       |                                |                                |          |     |
|    +-----------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|----------+     |
|                            |                                |                                |                |
|                            |                                |                                |                |
                             |                                |                                |
                             |                                |                                |   ext net


To instantiate this sample, preparations explained below is needed.

1. Create External Network

This sample uses an external network. You should create an external network and set up the network configuration referring to mgmt_driver_deploy_k8s_usage_guide.

2. Create Image

In this user guide, the cirros image is used.

1. Download Cirros Image

Download the cirros image (version 0.5.1) from the official website. The command is shown below:

$ wget -P ./

2. Create Image

Execute the following CLI command to create Image.

$ openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare \
  --public --file ./cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk sample_image

3. Create Flavor

Execute the following CLI command to create Flavor.

$  openstack flavor create sample_flavor --ram 512 --disk 1 --vcpus 1


| Field                      | Value                                |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled   | False                                |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral  | 0                                    |
| description                | None                                 |
| disk                       | 1                                    |
| extra_specs                | {}                                   |
| id                         | 22afc806-b361-4fae-83b5-5da4e86f2597 |
| name                       | sample_flavor                        |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True                                 |
| properties                 |                                      |
| ram                        | 512                                  |
| rxtx_factor                | 1.0                                  |
| swap                       | 0                                    |
| vcpus                      | 1                                    |

4. Register VIM

A VIM should be registered according to VIM Management.

Create and Upload VNF Package

VNF Package is a ZIP file including VNFD and other artifact resources such as scripts and config files. The directory structure and file contents are defined in NFV-SOL004 v2.6.1. According to NFV-SOL004 v2.6.1, VNF Package should be the ZIP file format with the TOSCA-Simple-Profile-YAML-v1.2 Specifications. In this user guide, the CSAR with TOSCA-Metadata directory is used.


For more detailed definitions of VNF Package, you can see VNF Package.

1. Directory Structure

The structure of this sample is as follows.

        !---- TOSCA.meta
        !---- etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
        !---- etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
        !---- Common.yaml
        !---- Node.yaml
        !---- df_ha.yaml
        !---- df_scalable.yaml
        !---- ha
                !---- ha_hot.yaml
        !---- scalable
                !---- nested
                        !---- VDU_0.yaml
                        !---- VDU_1.yaml
                        !---- VDU_2.yaml
                !---- scalable_hot.yaml


You can also find them in the samples/practical_vnf_package directory of the tacker.


According to TOSCA-Simple-Profile-YAML-v1.2 specifications, the TOSCA.meta metadata file is described in TOSCA-1.0-specification. The files under Scripts directory are artifact files, therefore, you should add their location and digest into TOSCA.meta metadata file. The sample file is shown below:


All VNFD YAML files are located here. In this guide, there are two types of definition files, ETSI NFV types definition file and User defined types definition file.

ETSI NFV provides two types of definition files [1] which contain all defined type definitions in NFV-SOL001 v2.6.1. You can download them from official website.

You can extend their own types definition from NFV-SOL001 v2.6.1. In most cases, you need to extend tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF to define your VNF node types. In this guide, df_ha.yaml and df_scalable.yaml are defined. The sample files are shown below:


Base HOT file is a Native cloud orchestration template, HOT in this context, which is commonly used for LCM operations in different VNFs. It is the responsibility of the user to prepare this file, and it is necessary to make it consistent with VNFD placed under the Definitions/ directory.

In this guide, you must use user data to deploy this sample, so the BaseHot directory must be included.

You must place the directory corresponding to deployment_flavour stored in the Definitions/ under the BaseHOT/ directory, and store the Base HOT files in it.

In this guide, there are two deployment flavours in this VNF Package, so there are two directories under BaseHOT/ directory. The sample files are shown below:


LCM operation user data is a script that returns key/value data as Heat input parameters used for Base HOT. The sample file is shown below:

2. Create VNF Package

Execute the following CLI command to create VNF Package.

$ openstack vnf package create


| Field             | Value                                                                                           |
| ID                | 5413f0ee-23a7-438d-bc5d-4ea1eb19117e                                                            |
| Links             | {                                                                                               |
|                   |     "self": {                                                                                   |
|                   |         "href": "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/5413f0ee-23a7-438d-bc5d-4ea1eb19117e"                 |
|                   |     },                                                                                          |
|                   |     "packageContent": {                                                                         |
|                   |         "href": "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/5413f0ee-23a7-438d-bc5d-4ea1eb19117e/package_content" |
|                   |     }                                                                                           |
|                   | }                                                                                               |
| Onboarding State  | CREATED                                                                                         |
| Operational State | DISABLED                                                                                        |
| Usage State       | NOT_IN_USE                                                                                      |
| User Defined Data | {}                                                                                              |

3. Upload VNF Package

Before you instantiate VNF, you must create a zip file of VNF Package and upload it.

Execute the following command to make a zip file.

$ cd /opt/stack/tacker/samples/practical_vnf_package
$ zip -r Definitions/ TOSCA-Metadata/ BaseHOT/ UserData/

Execute the following CLI command to upload VNF Package.

$ openstack vnf package upload --path ./ VNF_PACKAGE_ID


Upload request for VNF package 5413f0ee-23a7-438d-bc5d-4ea1eb19117e has been accepted.

After that, execute the following CLI command and confirm that VNF Package uploading was successful.

  • Confirm that the ‘Onboarding State’ is ‘ONBOARDED’.

  • Confirm that the ‘Operational State’ is ‘ENABLED’.

  • Confirm that the ‘Usage State’ is ‘NOT_IN_USE’.

  • Take a note of the ‘VNFD ID’ because you will need it in the next ‘Deploy VNF’.

$ openstack vnf package show VNF_PACKAGE_ID
| Field                | Value                                                                                                                                           |
| Checksum             | {                                                                                                                                               |
|                      |     "hash": "8892cc96acf4f34117e228d7d6352812c4dc62e0b9ae894979de4eba920c6d49b153c074bfa898043507b9d2260be97b2e21c1ad3cee66691eff480d936e54bd", |
|                      |     "algorithm": "sha512"                                                                                                                       |
|                      | }                                                                                                                                               |
| ID                   | 5413f0ee-23a7-438d-bc5d-4ea1eb19117e                                                                                                            |
| Links                | {                                                                                                                                               |
|                      |     "self": {                                                                                                                                   |
|                      |         "href": "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/5413f0ee-23a7-438d-bc5d-4ea1eb19117e"                                                                 |
|                      |     },                                                                                                                                          |
|                      |     "packageContent": {                                                                                                                         |
|                      |         "href": "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/5413f0ee-23a7-438d-bc5d-4ea1eb19117e/package_content"                                                 |
|                      |     }                                                                                                                                           |
|                      | }                                                                                                                                               |
| Onboarding State     | ONBOARDED                                                                                                                                       |
| Operational State    | ENABLED                                                                                                                                         |
| Software Images      |                                                                                                                                                 |
| Usage State          | NOT_IN_USE                                                                                                                                      |
| User Defined Data    | {}                                                                                                                                              |
| VNF Product Name     | Node                                                                                                                                            |
| VNF Provider         | Sample                                                                                                                                          |
| VNF Software Version | 10.1                                                                                                                                            |
| VNFD ID              | 9ed8bcf4-1e01-4d91-8cfb-57cd052e6a90                                                                                                            |
| VNFD Version         | 1.0                                                                                                                                             |

Deploy VNF

1. Deploy VNF of ha Deployment Flavour

1. Create VNF Identifier

Execute the following CLI command to create a VNF instance.

openstack vnflcm create VNFD_ID


| Field                    | Value                                                                                                            |
| ID                       | d57acd9a-34f1-4a2d-a8a0-7013270def45                                                                             |
| Instantiation State      | NOT_INSTANTIATED                                                                                                 |
| Links                    | {                                                                                                                |
|                          |     "self": {                                                                                                    |
|                          |         "href": "http://localhost:9890/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/d57acd9a-34f1-4a2d-a8a0-7013270def45"             |
|                          |     },                                                                                                           |
|                          |     "instantiate": {                                                                                             |
|                          |         "href": "http://localhost:9890/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/d57acd9a-34f1-4a2d-a8a0-7013270def45/instantiate" |
|                          |     }                                                                                                            |
|                          | }                                                                                                                |
| VNF Instance Description | None                                                                                                             |
| VNF Instance Name        | vnf-d57acd9a-34f1-4a2d-a8a0-7013270def45                                                                         |
| VNF Package ID           | 5413f0ee-23a7-438d-bc5d-4ea1eb19117e                                                                             |
| VNF Product Name         | Node                                                                                                             |
| VNF Provider             | Sample                                                                                                           |
| VNF Software Version     | 10.1                                                                                                             |
| VNFD ID                  | 9ed8bcf4-1e01-4d91-8cfb-57cd052e6a90                                                                             |
| VNFD Version             | 1.0                                                                                                              |

After that, execute the following CLI command and confirm that VNF instance creation was successful.

  • Confirm that the ‘Usage State’ of the VNF Package is ‘IN_USE’.

  • Confirm that the ‘Instantiation State’ of the VNF instance is ‘NOT_INSTANTIATED’.

$ openstack vnf package show VNF_PACKAGE_ID \
    -c 'Usage State'


| Field       | Value  |
| Usage State | IN_USE |
$ openstack vnflcm show VNF_INSTANCE_ID \
    -c 'Instantiation State'


| Field               | Value            |
| Instantiation State | NOT_INSTANTIATED |

2. Instantiate VNF

Create a sample_ha_param_file.json file with the following format. This is the file that defines the parameters for an instantiate request. These parameters will be set in the body of the instantiate request.

Required parameter:

  • flavourId

  • additionalParams

  • extVirtualLinks


[This is UserData specific part] additionalParams is a parameter that can be described by KeyValuePairs. By setting the following two parameters in this parameter, instantiate using LCM operation user data becomes possible. For and class_name, set the file name and class name described in Prerequisites.

  • lcm-operation-user-data: ./UserData/

  • lcm-operation-user-data-class: class_name

Optional parameters:

  • vimConnectionInfo

In this guide, the VMs have a connections to external networks. Therefore, extVirtualLinks parameter is required. You can skip vimConnectionInfo only when you have the default VIM described in cli-legacy-vim.


  "flavourId": "ha",
  "extVirtualLinks": [
      "extCps": [
          "cpConfig": [
              "cpProtocolData": [
                  "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
                  "ipOverEthernet": {
                    "ipAddresses": [
                        "subnetId": "589a97b7-5fb7-4969-a1fd-e7cc206384a9", #Set the uuid of the subnet to use
                        "type": "IPV4",
                        "fixedAddresses": [
                          "" #Set the fixed IP address to use
          "cpdId": "VDU_extvCP"
          "cpConfig": [
              "cpProtocolData": [
                  "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
                  "ipOverEthernet": {
                    "ipAddresses": [
                        "subnetId": "589a97b7-5fb7-4969-a1fd-e7cc206384a9", #Set the uuid of the subnet to use
                        "type": "IPV4",
                        "fixedAddresses": [
                          "" #Set the fixed IP address to use
          "cpdId": "VDU0_extCP0"
          "cpConfig": [
              "cpProtocolData": [
                  "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
                  "ipOverEthernet": {
                    "ipAddresses": [
                        "subnetId": "589a97b7-5fb7-4969-a1fd-e7cc206384a9", #Set the uuid of the subnet to use
                        "type": "IPV4",
                        "fixedAddresses": [
                          "" #Set the fixed IP address to use
          "cpdId": "VDU1_extCP0"
          "cpConfig": [
              "cpProtocolData": [
                  "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
                  "ipOverEthernet": {
                    "ipAddresses": [
                        "subnetId": "589a97b7-5fb7-4969-a1fd-e7cc206384a9", #Set the uuid of the subnet to use
                        "type": "IPV4",
                        "fixedAddresses": [
                          "" #Set the fixed IP address to use
          "cpdId": "RT_extCP"
      "id": "mgmt_network",
      "resourceId": "1b13c680-d091-4564-b652-4074f5382da7" #Set the uuid of the network to use
  "vimConnectionInfo": [
      "id": "d98b6cf8-dbc4-4254-a628-5801a1c20dbe",
      "vimId": "d98b6cf8-dbc4-4254-a628-5801a1c20dbe", #Set the uuid of the VIM to use
      "vimType": "openstack"
  "additionalParams": {
    "lcm-operation-user-data": "./UserData/",
    "lcm-operation-user-data-class": "ETSICompatibleUserData",
    "security_group": "default"

Execute the following CLI command to instantiate VNF instance.

$ openstack vnflcm instantiate VNF_INSTANCE_ID \


Instantiate request for VNF Instance d57acd9a-34f1-4a2d-a8a0-7013270def45 has been accepted.

After that, execute the following CLI command and confirm that VNF instance instantiation was successful.

  • Confirm that the ‘Instantiation State’ is ‘INSTANTIATED’.

$ openstack vnflcm show VNF_INSTANCE_ID \
    -c 'Instantiation State'


| Field               | Value        |
| Instantiation State | INSTANTIATED |

2. Deploy VNF of scalable Deployment Flavour

1. Create VNF Identifier

Execute the following CLI command to create a VNF instance.

openstack vnflcm create VNFD_ID


| Field                    | Value                                                                                                            |
| ID                       | 1b71922e-3531-4cd1-8961-0feb38f6f82e                                                                             |
| Instantiation State      | NOT_INSTANTIATED                                                                                                 |
| Links                    | {                                                                                                                |
|                          |     "self": {                                                                                                    |
|                          |         "href": "http://localhost:9890/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/1b71922e-3531-4cd1-8961-0feb38f6f82e"             |
|                          |     },                                                                                                           |
|                          |     "instantiate": {                                                                                             |
|                          |         "href": "http://localhost:9890/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/1b71922e-3531-4cd1-8961-0feb38f6f82e/instantiate" |
|                          |     }                                                                                                            |
|                          | }                                                                                                                |
| VNF Instance Description | None                                                                                                             |
| VNF Instance Name        | vnf-1b71922e-3531-4cd1-8961-0feb38f6f82e                                                                         |
| VNF Package ID           | 5413f0ee-23a7-438d-bc5d-4ea1eb19117e                                                                             |
| VNF Product Name         | Node                                                                                                             |
| VNF Provider             | Sample                                                                                                           |
| VNF Software Version     | 10.1                                                                                                             |
| VNFD ID                  | 9ed8bcf4-1e01-4d91-8cfb-57cd052e6a90                                                                             |
| VNFD Version             | 1.0                                                                                                              |

After that, execute the following CLI command and confirm that VNF instance creation was successful.

  • Confirm that the ‘Usage State’ of the VNF Package is ‘IN_USE’.

  • Confirm that the ‘Instantiation State’ of the VNF instance is ‘NOT_INSTANTIATED’.

$ openstack vnf package show VNF_PACKAGE_ID \
    -c 'Usage State'


| Field       | Value  |
| Usage State | IN_USE |
$ openstack vnflcm show VNF_INSTANCE_ID \
    -c 'Instantiation State'


| Field               | Value            |
| Instantiation State | NOT_INSTANTIATED |

2. Instantiate VNF

Create a sample_scalable_param_file.json file with the following format. This is the file that defines the parameters for an instantiate request. These parameters will be set in the body of the instantiate request.

Required parameter:

  • flavourId

  • instantiationLevelId

  • additionalParams

  • extVirtualLinks


[This is UserData specific part] additionalParams is a parameter that can be described by KeyValuePairs. By setting the following two parameters in this parameter, instantiate using LCM operation user data becomes possible. For and class_name, set the file name and class name described in Prerequisites.

  • lcm-operation-user-data: ./UserData/

  • lcm-operation-user-data-class: class_name

Optional parameters:

  • vimConnectionInfo

In this guide, the VMs have a connections to external networks. Therefore, extVirtualLinks parameter is required. You can skip vimConnectionInfo only when you have the default VIM described in cli-legacy-vim.


  "flavourId": "scalable",
  "instantiationLevelId": "r-node-min",
  "extVirtualLinks": [
      "extCps": [
          "cpConfig": [
              "cpProtocolData": [
                  "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
                  "ipOverEthernet": {
                    "ipAddresses": [
                        "subnetId": "589a97b7-5fb7-4969-a1fd-e7cc206384a9", #Set the uuid of the subnet to use
                        "type": "IPV4",
                        "fixedAddresses": [
                          "" #Set the fixed IP address to use
          "cpdId": "VDU0_CP1"
          "cpConfig": [
              "cpProtocolData": [
                  "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
                  "ipOverEthernet": {
                    "ipAddresses": [
                        "subnetId": "589a97b7-5fb7-4969-a1fd-e7cc206384a9", #Set the uuid of the subnet to use
                        "type": "IPV4",
                        "fixedAddresses": [
                          "" #Set the fixed IP address to use
          "cpdId": "VDU1_CP1"
          "cpConfig": [
              "cpProtocolData": [
                  "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
                  "ipOverEthernet": {
                    "ipAddresses": [
                        "subnetId": "589a97b7-5fb7-4969-a1fd-e7cc206384a9", #Set the uuid of the subnet to use
                        "type": "IPV4",
                        "fixedAddresses": [
                          "" #Set the fixed IP address to use
          "cpdId": "VDU2_CP1"
      "id": "mgmt_network",
      "resourceId": "1b13c680-d091-4564-b652-4074f5382da7" #Set the uuid of the network to use
  "vimConnectionInfo": [
      "id": "d98b6cf8-dbc4-4254-a628-5801a1c20dbe",
      "vimId": "d98b6cf8-dbc4-4254-a628-5801a1c20dbe", #Set the uuid of the VIM to use
      "vimType": "openstack"
  "additionalParams": {
    "lcm-operation-user-data": "./UserData/",
    "lcm-operation-user-data-class": "ETSICompatibleUserData",
    "vdu0_availabilityzone": "sample-az-1",
    "vdu1_availabilityzone": "sample-az-2",
    "vdu2_availabilityzone": "sample-az-2",
    "security_group": "default"

Execute the following CLI command to instantiate VNF instance.

$ openstack vnflcm instantiate VNF_INSTANCE_ID \


Instantiate request for VNF Instance d57acd9a-34f1-4a2d-a8a0-7013270def45 has been accepted.

After that, execute the following CLI command and confirm that VNF instance instantiation was successful.

  • Confirm that the ‘Instantiation State’ is ‘INSTANTIATED’.

$ openstack vnflcm show VNF_INSTANCE_ID \
    -c 'Instantiation State'


| Field               | Value        |
| Instantiation State | INSTANTIATED |

3. Scale Out VNF

The VNF must be instantiated before performing scaling.

In order to execute scaling, it is necessary to specify ASPECT_ID, which is the ID for the target scaling group. First, the method of specifying the ID will be described.

ASPECT_ID is described in VNFD included in the VNF Package. In the following VNFD excerpt, VDU_2 corresponds to ASPECT_ID.

    type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
      name: VDU_2
      description: VDU_2
        min_number_of_instances: 0
        max_number_of_instances: 1
        name: sample_image
        version: '1.0'
          algorithm: sha-512
          hash: 6513f21e44aa3da349f248188a44bc304a3653a04122d8fb4535423c8e1d14cd6a153f735bb0982e2161b5b5186106570c17a9e58b64dd39390617cd5a350f78
        container_format: bare
        disk_format: qcow2
        min_disk: 0 GB
        size: 1869 MB
              requested_additional_capability_name: sample_flavor
              support_mandatory: true
                entry_schema: test
            virtual_mem_size: 512 MB
            num_virtual_cpu: 1
            - size_of_storage: 1 GB

  ...snip VNFD...

  - vdu_scale:
      type: tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects
            name: VDU_2
            description: VDU_2
            max_scale_level: 1
              - delta_1

  - vdu_2_initial_delta:
      type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta
          number_of_instances: 0
      targets: [ VDU_2 ]

  - vdu_2_scaling_aspect_deltas:
      type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
        aspect: VDU_2
            number_of_instances: 1
      targets: [ VDU_2 ]

  - instantiation_levels:
      type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels
            description: vdu-min structure
                scale_level: 0
            description: vdu-max structure
                scale_level: 1

  - vdu_2_instantiation_levels:
      type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels
            number_of_instances: 0
            number_of_instances: 1
      targets: [ VDU_2 ]

...snip VNFD...


See NFV-SOL001 v2.6.1 annex A.6 for details about ASPECT_ID.

Execute Scale CLI command and check the number of resources before and after scaling. This is to confirm that the number of resources has increased after Scale-out. See Heat CLI reference. for details on Heat CLI commands.

Stack information before scale-out:

Execute following command to check the uuid of VDU_2.

$ openstack stack resource list STACK_ID -c resource_name \
    -c physical_resource_id -c resource_type -c resource_status


| resource_name        | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type              | resource_status |
| VDU_1                | 617802bf-9f55-4d13-968f-8682079514d0 | OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| int_subnet           | 60d7daa5-7687-4bbf-bcff-bb1b35e58032 | OS::Neutron::Subnet        | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU_2_scale_out      | 11092f1a82b14151928f996070977f11     | OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy    | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU_0                | ae4376b7-d390-4c11-bc3a-a6a8223598c5 | OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU_2_scale_in       | 30d0bdda9b2e4b01bc9899453314b00d     | OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy    | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU_2                | 519c9eed-036c-429c-bf75-56b9f303689e | OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| int_net              | 7a25ec57-d2c3-4237-8586-3f3b7c6471ec | OS::Neutron::Net           | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| vdu_placement_policy | 1226676d-ee9b-4de8-9220-39cd37de5c98 | OS::Nova::ServerGroup      | CREATE_COMPLETE |

Execute following command and confirm that no results will be returned. This means the resource of VDU_2 has no nested resources at the time.

$ openstack stack resource list VDU_2_ID -c resource_name \
    -c physical_resource_id -c resource_type -c resource_status

And then, Scale-out VNF can be executed by the following CLI command.

$ openstack vnflcm scale --type SCALE_OUT --aspect-id VDU_2 VNF_INSTANCE_ID


Scale request for VNF Instance d57acd9a-34f1-4a2d-a8a0-7013270def45 has been accepted.

Stack information after scale-out:

Execute following command and confirm that the resources have been created under the VDU_2.

$ openstack stack resource list VDU_2_ID -c resource_name \
    -c physical_resource_id -c resource_type -c resource_status


| resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type     | resource_status |
| nsatlzzxx2ik  | f0258a82-53a4-4239-932e-2ab18c3b69ae | VDU_2.yaml        | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU_2         | ed2dd9d1-ffc7-43a3-8efd-75b79d922463 | OS::Nova::Server  | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU2_CP1      | 22d9d536-f1f4-4495-9a69-31be4bce9730 | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU2_CP0      | cf9bbfef-beb9-42ff-94bf-5a367fb8b04d | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE |

4. Scale In VNF

Execute Scale CLI command and check the number of resources before and after scaling. This is to confirm that the number of resources has decreased after Scale-in. See Heat CLI reference. for details on Heat CLI commands.

Stack information before scale-in:

Execute following command and confirm that there are some resources under the VDU_2.

$ openstack stack resource list VDU_2_ID -c resource_name \
    -c physical_resource_id -c resource_type -c resource_status


| resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type     | resource_status |
| nsatlzzxx2ik  | f0258a82-53a4-4239-932e-2ab18c3b69ae | VDU_2.yaml        | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU_2         | ed2dd9d1-ffc7-43a3-8efd-75b79d922463 | OS::Nova::Server  | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU2_CP1      | 22d9d536-f1f4-4495-9a69-31be4bce9730 | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| VDU2_CP0      | cf9bbfef-beb9-42ff-94bf-5a367fb8b04d | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE |

And then, Scale-in VNF can be executed by the following CLI command.

$ openstack vnflcm scale --type SCALE_IN --aspect-id VDU_2 VNF_INSTANCE_ID


Scale request for VNF Instance d57acd9a-34f1-4a2d-a8a0-7013270def45 has been accepted.

Stack information after scale-in:

Execute following command and confirm that no results will be returned. This means the resources under the VDU_2 have been deleted.

$ openstack stack resource list VDU_2_ID -c resource_name \
    -c physical_resource_id -c resource_type -c resource_status
