ETSI NFV-SOL VNF Change Current VNF Package with StandardUserData

This document describes how to change current VNF package for VNF when using StandardUserData as the UserData class in Tacker.


See UserData script (VNF LCM v2) for StandardUserData(userdata script for not using AutoScalingGroup).


The content of this document has been confirmed to work using the following VNF Packages.

Please also refer to the samples below.

If you use the samples, you need to add the following files:

  • Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml

  • Definitions/etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml

  • Files/images/cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img

The samples make the following updates:

  • VDU1

    • change image

    • change flavor

    • add network

  • VDU2

    • change image

    • add network

  • VDU3

    • no change


The diagram below shows an overview of changing current VNF package.

  1. Request Change Current VNF Package

    A user requests tacker-server to change current VNF package for VNF instance with tacker-client by requesting change current vnf package.

  2. Call OpenStack Heat API

    Upon receiving a request from tacker-client, tacker-server redirects it to tacker-conductor. In tacker-conductor, the request is redirected again to an appropriate infra-driver (in this case OpenStack infra-driver) according to the contents of VNF instance. Then, OpenStack infra-driver calls OpenStack Heat APIs.

  3. Change the resource of VMs

    OpenStack Heat change the resource (image, flavor, external network) of VMs according to the API calls.



The following packages should be installed:

  • tacker

  • python-tackerclient

At least one VNF instance with status of INSTANTIATED is required. You can refer to ETSI NFV-SOL VNF Deployment as VM with LCM Operation User Data for the procedure to instantiate VNF.

You can refer to VNF Package for the operation of uploading VNF package.


You can deploy a VM directly by image or volume. Therefore, when updating the image of the VM, there will be two cases.

Use the common VNF package and the flavor_id to instantiate, and then use the VNF package in the corresponding link to execute change current vnf package operation, you can update the image of the VM in the following two ways.

  1. change VM created by image to VM created by new image

  2. change VM created by volume to VM created by new volume

Change Current VNF Package

As mentioned in Prerequisites, the VNF must be created before performing change current VNF package.


Currently, this operation only supports some functions of Change Current VNF Package.

  • There are several ways to update VDUs, but in the Bobcat version Tacker only supports RollingUpdate type. You can set it via upgrade_type param.

  • Supported updates:

    • Change image of VMs

    • Change flavor of VMs

    • Modify, add, and delete external networks

  • Unsupported updates:

    • Increase or decrease the number of VNFcs according to the VNF package

    • Add and delete the entire VDU

You need to upload the VNF package you want to change to before executing change current vnf package.

Details of CLI commands are described in VNF Lifecycle Management with v2 Tacker.


If you want to change the HOT definition before and after change current vnf package, you need to change the file name under the nested directory. In the operation example in this document, the file names are changed before and after change current vnf package as shown below.

  • VDU1

    • before: BaseHOT/simple/nested/VDU1.yaml

    • after: BaseHOT/simple/nested/VDU1-ver2.yaml

  • VDU2

    • before: BaseHOT/simple/nested/VDU2.yaml

    • after: BaseHOT/simple/VDU2-ver2.yaml

For changing current VNF package, you need to prepare a JSON-formatted definition file before running command.


  "vnfdId": "5b09fc55-5324-47b4-9f3d-70d1ca59a765",
  "extVirtualLinks": [{
    "id": "ext_vl_id_net4",
    "resourceId": "1dad756e-a9d2-4c49-b490-d26940c6cbaf",
    "extCps": [{
      "cpdId": "VDU1_CP4",
      "cpConfig": {
        "VDU1_CP4_1": {
          "cpProtocolData": [{
            "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
            "ipOverEthernet": {
              "ipAddresses": [{
                "type": "IPV4",
                "numDynamicAddresses": 1
      "cpdId": "VDU2_CP4",
      "cpConfig": {
        "VDU2_CP4_1": {
          "cpProtocolData": [{
            "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET",
            "ipOverEthernet": {
              "ipAddresses": [{
                "type": "IPV4",
                "numDynamicAddresses": 1
  "extManagedVirtualLinks": [{
    "id": "ext_managed_vl_1",
    "vnfVirtualLinkDescId": "internalVL1",
    "resourceId": "4daf6f6c-8f19-4cc6-96b5-0e3ccc9c7c93"
  "additionalParams": {
    "upgrade_type": "RollingUpdate",
    "lcm-operation-coordinate-old-vnf": "./Scripts/",
    "lcm-operation-coordinate-new-vnf": "./Scripts/",
    "vdu_params": [{
      "vdu_id": "VDU1",
      "old_vnfc_param": {
        "cp_name": "VDU1_CP1",
        "username": "ubuntu",
        "password": "ubuntu"
      "new_vnfc_param": {
        "cp_name": "VDU1_CP1",
        "username": "ubuntu",
        "password": "ubuntu"
      "vdu_id": "VDU2",
      "old_vnfc_param": {
        "cp_name": "VDU2_CP1",
        "username": "ubuntu",
        "password": "ubuntu"
      "new_vnfc_param": {
        "cp_name": "VDU2_CP1",
        "username": "ubuntu",
        "password": "ubuntu"
    "lcm-operation-user-data": "./UserData/",
    "lcm-operation-user-data-class": "StandardUserData",
    "nfv": {
      "VDU": {
        "VDU1-0": {
          "name": "VDU1-a-001-change_vnfpkg"
        "VDU1-1": {
          "name": "VDU1-a-010-change_vnfpkg"
        "VDU1-2": {
          "name": "VDU1-a-011-change_vnfpkg"
  "vimConnectionInfo": {
    "vim1": {
      "accessInfo": {
        "password": "devstack",
        "project": "nfv",
        "projectDomain": "Default",
        "region": "RegionOne",
        "userDomain": "Default",
        "username": "nfv_user"
      "extra": {
        "new-key": "new-val"
      "interfaceInfo": {
        "endpoint": "http://localhost/identity/v3"
      "vimId": "defb2f96-5670-4bef-8036-27bf61267fc1",
  "vnfConfigurableProperties": {
    "key": "value"
  "extensions": {
    "key": "value"


  • vnfdId is the VNFD id of the new VNF package you uploaded.

  • extVirtualLinks is an optional parameter. This operation can change external CP for the VNF instance.

  • extManagedVirtualLinks is an optional parameter. Note that if the VNF instance uses extManagedVirtualLinkInfo, extManagedVirtualLinks needs to be set in the request parameters regardless of whether it is changed.

  • lcm-operation-coordinate-old-vnf and lcm-operation-coordinate-new-vnf are unique implementations of Tacker to simulate the coordination interface in ETSI NFV-SOL002 v3.6.1. Mainly a script that can communicate with the VM after the VM is created, perform special customization of the VM or confirm the status of the VM.

  • vimConnectionInfo is an optional parameter. This operation can specify the vimConnectionInfo for the VNF instance. Even if this operation specifies multiple vimConnectionInfo associated with one VNF instance, only one of them will be used for life cycle management operations. It is not possible to delete the key of registered vimConnectionInfo.

  • vnfConfigurableProperties and extensions are optional parameter. As with the update operation, these values are updated by performing JSON Merge Patch with the values set in the request parameter to the current values. For metadata, the value set before this operation is maintained.

You can set following parameter in additionalParams:


Attribute name


Parameter description



Type of file update operation method. Specify Blue-Green or Rolling update.



The file path of the script that simulates the behavior of CoordinateVNF for old VNF.



The file path of the script that simulates the behavior of CoordinateVNF for new VNF.



VDU information of target VDU to update.

> vdu_id


VDU name of target VDU to update.

> old_vnfc_param


Old VNFC connection information. Required for ssh connection in CoordinateVNF operation for application configuration to VNFC.

>> cp_name


Connection point name of old VNFC to update.

>> username


User name of old VNFC to update.

>> password


Password of old VNFC to update.

> new_vnfc_param


New VNFC connection information. Required for ssh connection in CoordinateVNF operation for application configuration to VNFC.

>> cp_name


Connection point name of new VNFC to update.

>> username


User name of new VNFC to update.

>> password


Password of new VNFC to update.



Load balancer information that requires configuration changes. Required only for the Blue-Green deployment process of OpenStack VIM.

> ip_address


IP address of load balancer server.

> username


User name of load balancer server.

> password


Password of load balancer server.



File name of UserData to use.



Class name of UserData to use.



Parameters used in HOT.


When using StandardUserData as UserData, the following settings are required in additionalParams.

  • “lcm-operation-user-data”: “./UserData/”

  • “lcm-operation-user-data-class”: “StandardUserData”

How to change image for VM created by image

Execute Change Current VNF Package CLI command. After complete this change operation, you should check resource status by Heat CLI commands.

1. check ‘ID’ and ‘Stack Status’ of the stack before and after operation. This is to confirm that stack ‘ID’ has not been changed before and after operation, and that the Stack update has been updated successfully.

2. check ‘physical_resource_id’ and ‘resource_status’ of the VDU and VDU’s parent resource. This is to confirm that ‘physical_resource_id’ has no change before and after operation, and that the resource_status has been updated successfully.

3. check ‘image’ information of VDU before and after operation. This is to confirm that VDU’s image has been changed successfully. See Heat CLI reference for details on Heat CLI commands.

  • Check point 1 before operation

    Stack information before operation:

    $ openstack stack list -c 'ID' -c 'Stack Name' -c 'Stack Status'


    | ID                                   | Stack Name                               | Stack Status    |
    | 74bd6e1f-6e69-49ad-a3b4-2af00f35d5a3 | vnf-63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb | CREATE_COMPLETE |
  • Check point 2 before operation

    Stack resource information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 74bd6e1f-6e69-49ad-a3b4-2af00f35d5a3 \
      --filter type='VDU1.yaml'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU1-0        | 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe | VDU1.yaml     | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-04T09:47:40Z |

    VDU information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe \
      --filter type='OS::Nova::Server'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type    | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU1          | cb821a5e-91a6-4272-b953-f4e72350034b | OS::Nova::Server | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-04T09:47:41Z |
  • Check point 3 before operation

    VDU detailed information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource show 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe VDU1 \
      -f json | jq


  • Execute Change Current VNF Package

    Change Current VNF Package execution of the entire VNF:

    $ openstack vnflcm change-vnfpkg VNF_INSTANCE_ID \
      ./sample_param_file_for_standard_user_data.json \
      --os-tacker-api-version 2


    Change Current VNF Package for VNF Instance 63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb has been accepted.
  • Check point 1 after operation

    Stack information after operation:

    $ openstack stack list -c 'ID' -c 'Stack Name' -c 'Stack Status'


    | ID                                   | Stack Name                               | Stack Status    |
    | 74bd6e1f-6e69-49ad-a3b4-2af00f35d5a3 | vnf-63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb | UPDATE_COMPLETE |


    ‘Stack Status’ transitions to UPDATE_COMPLETE.

  • Check point 2 after operation

    Stack resource information after operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 74bd6e1f-6e69-49ad-a3b4-2af00f35d5a3 \
      --filter type='VDU1-ver2.yaml'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type  | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU1-0        | 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe | VDU1-ver2.yaml | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-06T05:20:01Z |

    VDU information after operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe \
      --filter type='OS::Nova::Server'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type    | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU1          | cb821a5e-91a6-4272-b953-f4e72350034b | OS::Nova::Server | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-06T05:19:08Z |


    ‘resource_status’ transitions to UPDATE_COMPLETE.

  • Check point 3 after operation

    VDU detailed information after operation:

    $ openstack stack resource show 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe VDU1 \
      -f json | jq




    You can check ‘’ has been changed from ‘6813ef65-0344-48e6-a726-22cb714bef1b’ to ‘8879b7f5-8d5f-4752-a740-c067002fa430’.

How to change image for VM created by volume

Execute Change Current VNF Package CLI command. After complete this change operation, you should check resource status by Heat CLI commands.

1. check ‘ID’ and ‘Stack Status’ of the stack before and after operation. This is to confirm that stack ‘ID’ has not been changed before and after operation, and the Stack update has been updated successfully.

2. check ‘physical_resource_id’ and ‘resource_status’ of the VDU and VDU’s parent resource. This is to confirm that ‘physical_resource_id’ of VDU has changed before and after operation, ‘physical_resource_id’ of VDU’s parent resource has no change before and after operation, and that the ‘resource_status’ of VDU has been created successfully, ‘resource_status’ of VDU’s parent resource has been updated successfully.

3. check ‘os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached’ information of VDU before and after operation. This is to confirm that VDU’s image has been changed successfully. See Heat CLI reference for details on Heat CLI commands.

  • Check point 1 before operation

    Stack information before operation:

    $ openstack stack list -c 'ID' -c 'Stack Name' -c 'Stack Status'


    | ID                                   | Stack Name                               | Stack Status    |
    | 74bd6e1f-6e69-49ad-a3b4-2af00f35d5a3 | vnf-63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb | CREATE_COMPLETE |
  • Check point 2 before operation

    Stack resource information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 74bd6e1f-6e69-49ad-a3b4-2af00f35d5a3 \
      --filter type='VDU2.yaml'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU2-0        | 0417d111-780a-4efd-b47b-8108e4437502 | VDU2.yaml     | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-04T09:47:40Z |

    VDU information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 0417d111-780a-4efd-b47b-8108e4437502 \
      --filter type='OS::Nova::Server'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type    | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU2          | 35fb4948-66b1-4c1a-86e5-328793889f5d | OS::Nova::Server | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-04T09:47:42Z |
  • Check point 3 before operation

    VDU detailed information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource show 0417d111-780a-4efd-b47b-8108e4437502 VDU2 \
      -f json | jq '.attributes."os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached"[].id'


  • Execute Change Current VNF Package

    Change Current VNF Package execution of the entire VNF:

    $ openstack vnflcm change-vnfpkg VNF_INSTANCE_ID \
      ./sample_param_file_for_standard_user_data.json \
      --os-tacker-api-version 2


    Change Current VNF Package for VNF Instance 63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb has been accepted.
  • Check point 1 after operation

    Stack information after operation:

    $ openstack stack list -c 'ID' -c 'Stack Name' -c 'Stack Status'


    | ID                                   | Stack Name                               | Stack Status    |
    | 74bd6e1f-6e69-49ad-a3b4-2af00f35d5a3 | vnf-63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb | UPDATE_COMPLETE |


    ‘Stack Status’ transitions to UPDATE_COMPLETE.

  • Check point 2 after operation

    Stack resource information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 74bd6e1f-6e69-49ad-a3b4-2af00f35d5a3 \
      --filter type='VDU2-ver2.yaml'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type  | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU2-0        | 0417d111-780a-4efd-b47b-8108e4437502 | VDU2-ver2.yaml | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-06T05:20:02Z |

    VDU information after operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 0417d111-780a-4efd-b47b-8108e4437502 \
      --filter type='OS::Nova::Server'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type    | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU2          | b4380e6a-5f8f-4fa4-b2a9-bc8026a19428 | OS::Nova::Server | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-06T05:18:42Z |


    ‘resource_status’ transitions to CREATE_COMPLETE. ‘physical_resource_id’ has been changed from ‘35fb4948-66b1-4c1a-86e5-328793889f5d’ to ‘b4380e6a-5f8f-4fa4-b2a9-bc8026a19428’.

  • Check point 3 after operation

    VDU detailed information after operation:

    $ openstack stack resource show 0417d111-780a-4efd-b47b-8108e4437502 VDU2 \
      -f json | jq '.attributes."os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached"[].id'




    You can check ‘’ has been changed from ‘5e12516f-7726-411f-8693-e0b20649d3c7’ to ‘2c55612d-78cb-4d42-b9de-8f65e382a067’.

How to change flavor of VMs

Execute Change Current VNF Package CLI command. After complete this change operation, you should check resource status by Heat CLI commands.

1. check ‘flavor’ information of VDU before and after operation. This is to confirm that VDU’s flavor have been changed successfully. See Heat CLI reference for details on Heat CLI commands.

  • Check point 1 before operation

    VDU detailed information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource show 0417d111-780a-4efd-b47b-8108e4437502 VDU2 \
      -f json | jq .attributes.flavor


      "vcpus": 1,
      "ram": 512,
      "disk": 1,
      "ephemeral": 0,
      "swap": 0,
      "original_name": "m1.tiny",
      "extra_specs": {
        "hw_rng:allowed": "True"
  • Execute change Current VNF Package

    Change Current VNF Package execution of the entire VNF:

    $ openstack vnflcm change-vnfpkg VNF_INSTANCE_ID \
      ./sample_param_file_for_standard_user_data.json \
      --os-tacker-api-version 2


    Change Current VNF Package for VNF Instance 63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb has been accepted.
  • Check point 1 after operation

    VDU detailed information after operation:

    $ openstack stack resource show 0417d111-780a-4efd-b47b-8108e4437502 VDU2 \
      -f json | jq .attributes.flavor


      "vcpus": 1,
      "ram": 2048,
      "disk": 20,
      "ephemeral": 0,
      "swap": 0,
      "original_name": "m1.small",
      "extra_specs": {
        "hw_rng:allowed": "True"


    You can check ‘attributes.flavor’ has been changed. In this example, it has been changed as follows.

    • ‘attributes.flavor.ram’ has been changed from ‘512’ to ‘2048’

    • ‘attributes.flavor.disk’ has been changed from ‘1’ to ‘20’

    • ‘attributes.flavor.original_name’ has been changed from ‘m1.tiny’ to ‘m1.small’

How to change external networks

Execute Change Current VNF Package CLI command. After complete this change operation, you should check resource status by Heat CLI commands.

1. check the number or ‘physical_resource_id’ of the external network resources. In the case of add and delete, this is to confirm that the number of resources has been changed before and after operation. And in the case of modify, this is to confirm that ‘physical_resource_id’ has been changed.

2. check ‘address’ information of VDU before and after operation. This is to confirm that VDU’s external networks have been changed successfully. See Heat CLI reference for details on Heat CLI commands.

  • Check point 1 before operation

    External networks information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe \
      --filter type='OS::Neutron::Port'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type     | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU1_CP2      | 6c0b9376-ed4f-4738-af67-4f8d56673e46 | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-04T09:47:41Z |
    | VDU1_CP1      | 08640038-877c-407f-b476-f3ca070585fb | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-04T09:47:41Z |
    | VDU1_CP3      | 9ba1f07c-4fb4-4415-b9ad-d0619c19b046 | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-04T09:47:41Z |
  • Check point 2 before operation

    External networks detailed information before operation:

    $ openstack stack resource show 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe VDU1 \
      -f json | jq .attributes.addresses


      "net1": [
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed",
          "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:25:ee:a7"
      "net_mgmt": [
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed",
          "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:f2:25:9a"
      "vnf-63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb-internalVL2-ckz5kksjbtfl": [
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed",
          "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:c8:b4:e9"
  • Execute Change Current VNF Package

    Change Current VNF Package execution of the entire VNF:

    $ openstack vnflcm change-vnfpkg VNF_INSTANCE_ID \
      ./sample_param_file_for_standard_user_data.json \
      --os-tacker-api-version 2


    Change Current VNF Package for VNF Instance 63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb has been accepted.
  • Check point 1 after operation

    External networks information after operation:

    $ openstack stack resource list 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe \
      --filter type='OS::Neutron::Port'


    | resource_name | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type     | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | VDU1_CP2      | 6c0b9376-ed4f-4738-af67-4f8d56673e46 | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-04T09:47:41Z |
    | VDU1_CP1      | 08640038-877c-407f-b476-f3ca070585fb | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-04T09:47:41Z |
    | VDU1_CP4      | 82eb5cee-9b20-4b5c-b769-f49aba71332a | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-06T05:19:04Z |
    | VDU1_CP3      | 91515973-1432-4612-ab75-0538cef81933 | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2023-12-06T05:19:06Z |


    The number or ‘resource_status’ of the external network resources have been changed. In this example, the number has been changed from ‘3’ to ‘4’.

  • Check point 2 after operation

    External networks detailed information after operation:

    $ openstack stack resource show 5d6d3b48-4743-404f-a9a3-31750915d1fe VDU1 \
      -f json | jq .attributes.addresses


      "net1": [
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed",
          "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:25:ee:a7"
      "net_mgmt": [
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed",
          "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:f2:25:9a"
      "vnf-63ae20b2-dbe0-4892-a06f-81dbb7396dfb-internalVL3-eefvoasioxui": [
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed",
          "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:23:4a:86"
      "net0": [
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed",
          "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:39:75:f0"


    You can check ‘attributes.addresses’ has been changed. In this example, ‘net0’ has been added.