Alarm monitoring framework

This document describes how to use alarm-based monitoring driver in Tacker.

Sample TOSCA with monitoring policy

The following example shows monitoring policy using TOSCA template. The target (VDU1) of the monitoring policy in this example need to be described firstly like other TOSCA templates in Tacker.

 - vdu1_cpu_usage_monitoring_policy:
     type: tosca.policies.tacker.Alarming
               implementation: ceilometer
           metrics: cpu_util
               threshold: 50
               constraint: utilization greater_than 50%
               period: 65
               evaluations: 1
               method: avg
               comparison_operator: gt
               action_name: respawn

Alarm framework already supported the some default backend actions like repsawn, log, and log_and_kill.

Tacker users could change the desired action as described in the above example. Until now, the backend actions could be pointed to the specific policy which is also described in TOSCA template like scaling policy. The integration between alarming monitoring and auto-scaling was also supported by Alarm monitor in Tacker:

- SP1:
    type: tosca.policy.tacker.Scaling
      increment: 1
      cooldown: 120
      min_instances: 1
      max_instances: 3
      default_instances: 2
      targets: [VDU1]

- vdu1_cpu_usage_monitoring_policy:
    type: tosca.policies.tacker.Alarming
                implementation: ceilometer
            metrics: cpu_util
                threshold: 50
                constraint: utilization greater_than 50%
                period: 600
                evaluations: 1
                method: avg
                comparison_operator: gt
                action_name: SP1

How to setup environment

If OpenStack Devstack is used to test alarm monitoring in Tacker, OpenStack Ceilometer and Aodh plugins will need to be enabled in local.conf:

enable_plugin ceilometer master

enable_plugin aodh master

How to monitor VNFs via alarm triggers

How to setup alarm configuration

Firstly, vnfd and vnf need to be created successfully using pre-defined TOSCA template for alarm monitoring. Then, in order to know whether alarm configuration defined in Tacker is successfully passed to Ceilometer, Tacker users could use CLI:

$ceilometer alarm-list

| Alarm ID                             | Name                                                                                                                                       | State             | Severity | Enabled | Continuous | Alarm condition                     | Time constraints |
| f6a89242-d849-4a1a-9eb5-de4c0730252f | tacker.vnfm.infra_drivers.openstack.openstack_OpenStack-d4900104-6257-4084-8506-9fa6895d1294-vdu1_cpu_usage_monitoring_policy-7rt36gqbmuqo | insufficient data | low      | True    | True       | avg(cpu_util) > 15.0 during 1 x 65s | None             |
$ ceilometer alarm-show 35a80852-e24f-46ed-bd34-e2f831d00172

| Property                  | Value                                                                    |
| alarm_actions             | ["http://pinedcn:9890/v1.0/vnfs/d4900104-6257-4084-8506-9fa6895d1294/vdu |
|                           | 1_cpu_usage_monitoring_policy/SP1/i42kd018"]                             |
| alarm_id                  | f6a89242-d849-4a1a-9eb5-de4c0730252f                                     |
| comparison_operator       | gt                                                                       |
| description               | utilization greater_than 50%                                             |
| enabled                   | True                                                                     |
| evaluation_periods        | 1                                                                        |
| exclude_outliers          | False                                                                    |
| insufficient_data_actions | None                                                                     |
| meter_name                | cpu_util                                                                 |
| name                      | tacker.vnfm.infra_drivers.openstack.openstack_OpenStack-d4900104-6257-40 |
|                           | 84-8506-9fa6895d1294-vdu1_cpu_usage_monitoring_policy-7rt36gqbmuqo       |
| ok_actions                | None                                                                     |
| period                    | 65                                                                       |
| project_id                | abdc74442be44b9486ca5e32a980bca1                                         |
| query                     | metadata.user_metadata.vnf_id == d4900104-6257-4084-8506-9fa6895d1294    |
| repeat_actions            | True                                                                     |
| severity                  | low                                                                      |
| state                     | insufficient data                                                        |
| statistic                 | avg                                                                      |
| threshold                 | 15.0                                                                     |
| type                      | threshold                                                                |
| user_id                   | 25a691398e534893b8627f3762712515                                         |

How to trigger alarms:

As shown in the above Ceilometer command, alarm state is shown as “insufficient data”. Alarm is triggered by Ceilometer once alarm state changes to “alarm”. To make VNF instance reach to the pre-defined threshold, some simple scripts could be used.

Note: Because Ceilometer pipeline set the default interval to 600s (10 mins), in order to reduce this interval, users could edit “interval” value in /etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml file and then restart Ceilometer service.

Another way could be used to check if backend action is handled well in Tacker:

curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST -d ‘{“alarm_id”: “35a80852-e24f-46ed-bd34-e2f831d00172”, “current”: “alarm”}’ http://ubuntu:9890/v1.0/vnfs/6f3e523d-9e12-4973-a2e8-ea04b9601253/vdu1_cpu_usage_monitoring_policy/respawn/g0jtsxu9

Then, users can check Horizon to know if vnf is respawned. Please note that the url used in the above command could be captured from “ceilometer alarm-show command as shown before. “key” attribute in body request need to be captured from the url. The reason is that key will be authenticated so that the url is requested only one time.