Getting Started

Getting Started

Once Tacker is installed successfully, follow the steps given below to get started with Tacker and validate the installation.

Registering default OpenStack VIM

  1. Get one account on the OpenStack VIM.

In Tacker MANO system, the VNF can be on-boarded to one target OpenStack, which is also called VIM. Get one account on this OpenStack. For example, the below is the account information collected in file vim_config.yaml [1]:

auth_url: ''
username: 'nfv_user'
password: 'mySecretPW'
project_name: 'nfv'
project_domain_name: 'Default'
user_domain_name: 'Default'
cert_verify: 'True'


In Keystone, port 5000 is enabled for authentication service [2], so the end users can use auth_url: ‘ instead of auth_url: ‘’ as above mention.

By default, cert_verify is set as True. To disable verifying SSL certificate, user can set cert_verify parameter to False.

2. Register the VIM that will be used as a default VIM for VNF deployments. This will be required when the optional argument –vim-id is not provided by the user during VNF creation.

openstack vim register --config-file vim_config.yaml \
       --description 'my first vim' --is-default hellovim

Onboarding sample VNF

  1. Create a sample-vnfd.yaml file with the following template:
tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0

description: Demo example

  template_name: sample-tosca-vnfd

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Tacker
            num_cpus: 1
            mem_size: 512 MB
            disk_size: 1 GB
        image: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk
        availability_zone: nova
        mgmt_driver: noop
        config: |
          param0: key1
          param1: key2

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
        management: true
        order: 0
        anti_spoofing_protection: false
        - virtualLink:
            node: VL1
        - virtualBinding:
            node: VDU1

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
        network_name: net_mgmt
        vendor: Tacker


You can find more sample tosca templates for VNFD at [3]

  1. Create a sample VNFD
openstack vnf descriptor create --vnfd-file sample-vnfd.yaml samplevnfd
  1. Create a VNF
openstack vnf create --vnfd-name samplevnfd samplevnf
  1. Some basic Tacker commands
openstack vim list
openstack vnf descriptor list
openstack vnf list
openstack vnf show samplevnf
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.