Engines are what really runs your atoms.
An engine takes a flow structure (described by patterns) and uses it to decide which atom to run and when.
TaskFlow provides different implementations of engines. Some may be easier to use (ie, require no additional infrastructure setup) and understand; others might require more complicated setup but provide better scalability. The idea and ideal is that deployers or developers of a service that use TaskFlow can select an engine that suites their setup best without modifying the code of said service.
Engines usually have different capabilities and configuration, but all of
them must implement the same interface and preserve the semantics of
patterns (e.g. parts of a linear_flow.Flow
are run one after another, in order, even if the selected
engine is capable of running tasks in parallel).
An engine being the core component which actually makes your flows progress is likely a new concept for many programmers so let’s describe how it operates in more depth and some of the reasoning behind why it exists. This will hopefully make it more clear on their value add to the TaskFlow library user.
First though let us discuss something most are familiar already with; the difference between declarative and imperative programming models. The imperative model involves establishing statements that accomplish a programs action (likely using conditionals and such other language features to do this). This kind of program embeds the how to accomplish a goal while also defining what the goal actually is (and the state of this is maintained in memory or on the stack while these statements execute). In contrast there is the declarative model which instead of combining the how to accomplish a goal along side the what is to be accomplished splits these two into only declaring what the intended goal is and not the how. In TaskFlow terminology the what is the structure of your flows and the tasks and other atoms you have inside those flows, but the how is not defined (the line becomes blurred since tasks themselves contain imperative code, but for now consider a task as more of a pure function that executes, reverts and may require inputs and provide outputs). This is where engines get involved; they do the execution of the what defined via atoms, tasks, flows and the relationships defined there-in and execute these in a well-defined manner (and the engine is responsible for any state manipulation instead).
This mix of imperative and declarative (with a stronger emphasis on the declarative model) allows for the following functionality to become possible:
Of course these kind of features can come with some drawbacks:
All engines are mere classes that implement the same interface, and of course
it is possible to import them and create instances just like with any classes
in Python. But the easier (and recommended) way for creating an engine is using
the engine helper functions. All of these functions are imported into the
module namespace, so the typical usage of these functions
might look like:
from taskflow import engines
flow = make_flow()
eng = engines.load(flow, engine='serial', backend=my_persistence_conf)
(flow, store=None, flow_detail=None, book=None, backend=None, namespace='taskflow.engines', engine='default', **kwargs)[source]¶Load a flow into an engine.
This function creates and prepares an engine to run the provided flow. All
that is left after this returns is to run the engine with the
engines run()
Which engine to load is specified via the engine
parameter. It
can be a string that names the engine type to use, or a string that
is a URI with a scheme that names the engine type to use and further
options contained in the URI’s host, port, and query parameters…
Which storage backend to use is defined by the backend parameter. It
can be backend itself, or a dictionary that is passed to
to obtain a
viable backend.
Parameters: |
Returns: | engine |
(flow, store=None, flow_detail=None, book=None, backend=None, namespace='taskflow.engines', engine='default', **kwargs)[source]¶Run the flow.
This function loads the flow into an engine (with the load()
function) and runs the engine.
The arguments are interpreted as for load()
Returns: | dictionary of all named
results (see fetch_all() ) |
(flow_detail, flow_factory, factory_args, factory_kwargs, backend=None)[source]¶Saves the given factories reimportable attributes into the flow detail.
This function saves the factory name, arguments, and keyword arguments into the given flow details object and if a backend is provided it will also ensure that the backend saves the flow details after being updated.
Parameters: |
(flow_factory, factory_args=None, factory_kwargs=None, store=None, book=None, backend=None, namespace='taskflow.engines', engine='default', **kwargs)[source]¶Loads a flow from a factory function into an engine.
Gets flow factory function (or name of it) and creates flow with
it. Then, the flow is loaded into an engine with the load()
function, and the factory function fully qualified name is saved to flow
metadata so that it can be later resumed.
Parameters: |
Further arguments are interpreted as for load()
Returns: | engine |
(flow_detail)[source]¶Reloads a flow previously saved.
Gets the flow factories name and any arguments and keyword arguments from the flow details metadata, and then calls that factory to recreate the flow.
Parameters: | flow_detail – FlowDetail that holds state of the flow to load |
(flow_detail, store=None, backend=None, namespace='taskflow.engines', engine='default', **kwargs)[source]¶Reloads an engine previously saved.
This reloads the flow using the
function and then calls
into the load()
function to create an engine from that flow.
Parameters: | flow_detail – FlowDetail that holds state of the flow to load |
Further arguments are interpreted as for load()
Returns: | engine |
To select which engine to use and pass parameters to an engine you should use
the engine
parameter any engine helper function accepts and for any engine
specific options use the kwargs
Engine type: 'serial'
Runs all tasks on a single thread – the same thread
is called from.
This engine is used by default.
Engine type: 'parallel'
A parallel engine schedules tasks onto different threads/processes to allow for
running non-dependent tasks simultaneously. See the documentation of
supported arguments that can be used to construct a parallel engine that runs
using your desired execution model.
Sharing an executor between engine instances provides better scalability by reducing thread/process creation and teardown as well as by reusing existing pools (which is a good practice in general).
Running tasks with a process pool executor is experimentally supported. This is mainly due to the futures backport and the multiprocessing module that exist in older versions of python not being as up to date (with important fixes such as 4892, 6721, 9205, 16284, 22393 and others…) as the most recent python version (which themselves have a variety of ongoing/recent bugs).
To provide a peek into the general process that an engine goes through when
running lets break it apart a little and describe what one of the engine types
does while executing (for this we will look into the
engine type).
The first thing that occurs is that the user creates an engine for a given flow, providing a flow detail (where results will be saved into a provided persistence backend). This is typically accomplished via the methods described above in creating engines. The engine at this point now will have references to your flow and backends and other internal variables are setup.
During this stage (see compile()
) the
flow will be converted into an internal graph representation using a
compiler (the default implementation for patterns is the
). This
class compiles/converts the flow objects and contained atoms into a
networkx directed graph (and tree structure) that contains the equivalent
atoms defined in the flow and any nested flows & atoms as well as the
constraints that are created by the application of the different flow
patterns. This graph (and tree) are what will be analyzed & traversed during
the engines execution. At this point a few helper object are also created and
saved to internal engine variables (these object help in execution of
atoms, analyzing the graph and performing other internal engine
activities). At the finishing of this stage a
object is created
which contains references to all needed runtime components and its
is called
to compile a cache of frequently used execution helper objects.
This stage (see prepare()
) starts by
setting up the storage needed for all atoms in the compiled graph, ensuring
that corresponding AtomDetail
subclass of) objects are created for each node in the graph.
This stage (see validate()
) performs
any final validation of the compiled (and now storage prepared) engine. It
compares the requirements that are needed to start execution and
what is currently provided or will be produced in the future. If there are
any atom requirements that are not satisfied (no known current provider or
future producer is found) then execution will not be allowed to continue.
The graph (and helper objects) previously created are now used for guiding
further execution (see run()
). The
flow is put into the RUNNING
state and a
machine object and runner object are built (using the automaton library).
That machine and associated runner then starts to take over and begins going
through the stages listed below (for a more visual diagram/representation see
the engine state diagram).
The engine will respect the constraints imposed by the flow. For example,
if an engine is executing a Flow
then it is constrained by the dependency graph which is linear in this
case, and hence using a parallel engine may not yield any benefits if one
is looking for concurrency.
One of the first stages is to analyze the state of the tasks in
the graph, determining which ones have failed, which one were previously
running and determining what the intention of that task should now be
(typically an intention can be that it should REVERT
, or that it should
or that it should be IGNORED
). This intention is determined by
analyzing the current state of the task; which is determined by looking at the
state in the task detail object for that task and analyzing edges of the graph
for things like retry atom which can influence what a tasks intention should be
(this is aided by the usage of the
object which was designed to provide helper methods for this analysis). Once
these intentions are determined and associated with each task (the intention is
also stored in the AtomDetail
the scheduling stage starts.
This stage selects which atoms are eligible to run by using a
(the default implementation looks at their intention, checking if predecessor
atoms have ran and so-on, using a
object as needed) and submits those atoms to a previously provided compatible
executor for asynchronous execution. This
will return a
future object for each atom scheduled; all of which are collected into a
list of not done futures. This will end the initial round of scheduling and at
this point the engine enters the waiting stage.
In this stage the engine waits for any of the future objects previously
submitted to complete. Once one of the future objects completes (or fails) that
atoms result will be examined and finalized using a
It typically will persist results to a provided persistence backend (saved
into the corresponding AtomDetail
and FlowDetail
objects via the
helper) and reflect
the new state of the atom. At this point what typically happens falls into two
categories, one for if that atom failed and one for if it did not. If the atom
failed it may be set to a new intention such as RETRY
(other atoms that were predecessors of this failing atom may also
have there intention altered). Once this intention adjustment has happened a
new round of scheduling occurs and this process repeats
until the engine succeeds or fails (if the process running the engine dies the
above stages will be restarted and resuming will occur).
If the engine is suspended while the engine is going through the above stages this will stop any further scheduling stages from occurring and all currently executing work will be allowed to finish (see suspension).
At this point the machine (and runner) that was built using the
class has
now finished successfully, failed, or the execution was suspended. Depending on
which one of these occurs will cause the flow to enter a new state (typically
one of FAILURE
Notifications will be sent out about this final state
change (other state changes also send out notifications) and any failures that
occurred will be reraised (the failure objects are wrapped exceptions). If no
failures have occurred then the engine will have finished and if so desired the
persistence can be used to cleanup any details that were
saved for this execution.
Each engine implements a suspend()
method that can be used to externally (or in the future internally) request
that the engine stop scheduling new work. By default what
this performs is a transition of the flow state from RUNNING
into a
state (which will later transition into a SUSPENDED
Since an engine may be remotely executing atoms (or locally executing them)
and there is currently no preemption what occurs is that the engines
machine will detect this transition into SUSPENDING
has occurred and the
state machine will avoid scheduling new work (it will though let active work
continue). After the current work has finished the engine will
transition from SUSPENDING
and return from its
During creation of flows it is also important to understand the lookup
strategy (also typically known as scope resolution) that the engine you
are using will internally use. For example when a task A
result ‘a’ and a task B
after A
provides a different result ‘a’ and a
task C
after A
and after B
requires ‘a’ to run, which one will
be selected?
When an engine is executing it internally interacts with the
and that class interacts with the a
and the Storage
class uses the following
lookup order to find (or fail) a atoms requirement lookup/request:
if unresolved at this
point (the cause
attribute of this exception may have more details on
why the lookup failed).To examine this information when debugging it is recommended to
enable the BLATHER
logging level (level 5). At this level the storage
and scope code/layers will log what is being searched for and what is
being found.
(flow, flow_detail, backend, options)[source]¶Bases: object
Base for all engines implementations.
Variables: |
¶The flow notifier.
¶The atom notifier.
¶The options that were passed to this engine on construction.
¶The storage unit for this engine.
¶A dictionary of runtime statistics this engine has gathered.
This dictionary will be empty when the engine has never been ran. When it is running or has ran previously it should have (but may not) have useful and/or informational keys and values when running is underway and/or completed.
The keys in this dictionary should be some what stable (not changing), but there existence may change between major releases as new statistics are gathered or removed so before accessing keys ensure that they actually exist and handle when they do not.
()[source]¶Compiles the contained flow into a internal representation.
This internal representation is what the engine will actually use to run. If this compilation can not be accomplished then an exception is expected to be thrown with a message indicating why the compilation could not be achieved.
()[source]¶Reset back to the PENDING
If a flow had previously ended up (from a prior engine
) in the FAILURE
states (or for some reason it ended up in an intermediary state) it
can be desirable to make it possible to run it again. Calling this
method enables that to occur (without causing a state transition
failure, which would typically occur if run()
is called
directly without doing a reset).
()[source]¶Performs any pre-run, but post-compilation actions.
NOTE(harlowja): During preparation it is currently assumed that the
underlying storage will be initialized, the atoms will be reset and
the engine will enter the PENDING
(flow, flow_detail, backend, options)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.base.Engine
Generic action-based engine.
This engine compiles the flow (and any subflows) into a compilation unit which contains the full runtime definition to be executed and then uses this compilation unit in combination with the executor, runtime, machine builder and storage classes to attempt to run your flow (and any subflows & contained atoms) to completion.
NOTE(harlowja): during this process it is permissible and valid to have a task or multiple tasks in the execution graph fail (at the same time even), which will cause the process of reversion or retrying to commence. See the valid states in the states module to learn more about what other states the tasks and flow being ran can go through.
Engine options:
Name/key | Description | Type | Default |
defer_reverts |
This option lets you safely nest flows with retries inside flows without retries and it still behaves as a user would expect (for example if the retry gets exhausted it reverts the outer flow unless the outer flow has a has a separate retry behavior). | bool | False |
never_resolve |
When true, instead of reverting and trying to resolve a atom failure the engine will skip reverting and abort instead of reverting and/or retrying. | bool | False |
inject_transient |
When true, values that are local to each atoms scope are injected into storage into a transient location (typically a local dictionary), when false those values are instead persisted into atom details (and saved in a non- transient manner). | bool | True |
= frozenset(['SUSPENDED', 'SUCCESS'])¶States that if the engine stops in will not cause any potential failures to be reraised. States not in this list will cause any failure/s that were captured (if any) to get reraised.
= frozenset(['RESUMING', 'SCHEDULING', 'ANALYZING', 'GAME_OVER', 'UNDEFINED', 'WAITING'])¶Informational states this engines internal machine yields back while
running, not useful to have the engine record but useful to provide to
end-users when doing execution iterations via run_iter()
= 10¶During run_iter()
the last X state machine transitions will
be recorded (typically only useful on failure).
¶The compilation result.
NOTE(harlowja): Only accessible after compilation has completed (None will be returned when this property is accessed before compilation has completed successfully).
¶The storage unit for this engine.
NOTE(harlowja): the atom argument lookup strategy will change for
this storage unit after
completed (since only after compilation is the actual structure
known). Before compile()
has completed the atom argument lookup strategy lookup will be
restricted to injected arguments only (this will not reflect
the actual runtime lookup strategy, which typically will be, but is
not always different).
(timeout=None)[source]¶Runs the engine (or die trying).
Parameters: | timeout – timeout to wait for any atoms to complete (this timeout will be used during the waiting period that occurs when unfinished atoms are being waited on). |
(timeout=None)[source]¶Runs the engine using iteration (or die trying).
Parameters: | timeout – timeout to wait for any atoms to complete (this timeout will be used during the waiting period that occurs after the waiting state is yielded when unfinished atoms are being waited on). |
Instead of running to completion in a blocking manner, this will
return a generator which will yield back the various states that the
engine is going through (and can be used to run multiple engines at
once using a generator per engine). The iterator returned also
responds to the send()
method from PEP 0342 and will attempt to
suspend itself if a truthy value is sent in (the suspend may be
delayed until all active atoms have finished).
NOTE(harlowja): using the run_iter
method will not retain the
engine lock while executing so the user should ensure that there is
only one entity using a returned engine iterator (one per engine) at a
given time.
(flow, flow_detail, backend, options)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.engine.ActionEngine
Engine that runs tasks in serial manner.
(flow, flow_detail, backend, options)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.engine.ActionEngine
Engine that runs tasks in parallel manner.
Additional engine options:
: a object that implements a PEP 3148 compatible executor interface; it will be used for scheduling tasks. The following type are applicable (other unknown types passed will cause a type error to be raised).
Type provided | Executor used |
concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor | ParallelThreadTaskExecutor |
concurrent.futures.process.ProcessPoolExecutor | ParallelProcessTaskExecutor |
concurrent.futures._base.Executor | ParallelThreadTaskExecutor |
: a string that will be used to select a PEP 3148 compatible executor; it will be used for scheduling tasks. The following string are applicable (other unknown strings passed will cause a value error to be raised).
String (case insensitive) | Executor used |
process |
ParallelProcessTaskExecutor |
processes |
ParallelProcessTaskExecutor |
thread |
ParallelThreadTaskExecutor |
threaded |
ParallelThreadTaskExecutor |
threads |
ParallelThreadTaskExecutor |
greenthread |
greedthreaded |
greenthreads |
: a integer that will affect the number of parallel workers that are used to dispatch tasks into (this number is bounded by the maximum parallelization your workflow can support).wait_timeout
: a float (in seconds) that will affect the parallel process task executor (and therefore is only applicable when the executor provided above is of the process variant). This number affects how much time the process task executor waits for messages from child processes (typically indicating they have finished or failed). A lower number will have high granularity but currently involves more polling while a higher number will involve less polling but a slower time for an engine to notice a task has completed.
External usage of internal engine functions, components and modules should be kept to a minimum as they may be altered, refactored or moved to other locations without notice (and without the typical deprecation cycle).
[source]¶Bases: object
State machine memory.
(runtime, waiter)[source]¶Bases: object
State machine builder that powers the engine components.
NOTE(harlowja): the machine (states and events that will trigger transitions) that this builds is represented by the following table:
| Start | Event | End | On Enter | On Exit |
| ANALYZING | completed | GAME_OVER | . | . |
| ANALYZING | schedule_next | SCHEDULING | . | . |
| ANALYZING | wait_finished | WAITING | . | . |
| FAILURE[$] | . | . | . | . |
| GAME_OVER | failed | FAILURE | . | . |
| GAME_OVER | reverted | REVERTED | . | . |
| GAME_OVER | success | SUCCESS | . | . |
| GAME_OVER | suspended | SUSPENDED | . | . |
| RESUMING | schedule_next | SCHEDULING | . | . |
| REVERTED[$] | . | . | . | . |
| SCHEDULING | wait_finished | WAITING | . | . |
| SUCCESS[$] | . | . | . | . |
| SUSPENDED[$] | . | . | . | . |
| UNDEFINED[^] | start | RESUMING | . | . |
| WAITING | examine_finished | ANALYZING | . | . |
Between any of these yielded states (minus GAME_OVER
if the engine has been suspended or the engine has failed (due to a
non-resolveable task failure or scheduling failure) the machine will stop
executing new tasks (currently running tasks will be allowed to complete)
and this machines run loop will be broken.
NOTE(harlowja): If the runtimes scheduler component is able to schedule tasks in parallel, this enables parallel running and/or reversion.
(flow)[source]¶Bases: object
Flow terminator class.
¶The flow which this terminator signifies/marks the end of.
¶Useful name this end terminator has (derived from flow name).
(execution_graph, hierarchy)[source]¶Bases: object
The result of a compilers compile()
is this immutable object.
= 'task'¶Task nodes will have a kind
metadata key with this value.
= 'retry'¶Retry nodes will have a kind
metadata key with this value.
= 'flow'¶Flow entry nodes will have a kind
metadata key with
this value.
= 'flow_end'¶Flow exit nodes will have a kind
metadata key with
this value (only applicable for compilation execution graph, not currently
used in tree hierarchy).
¶The execution ordering of atoms (as a graph structure).
¶The hierarchy of patterns (as a tree structure).
[source]¶Bases: object
Non-recursive compiler of tasks.
(deep_compiler_func)[source]¶Bases: object
Recursive compiler of flows.
(root, freeze=True)[source]¶Bases: object
Compiles a flow pattern (or task) into a compilation unit.
Let’s dive into the basic idea for how this works:
The compiler here is provided a ‘root’ object via its __init__ method,
this object could be a task, or a flow (one of the supported patterns),
the end-goal is to produce a Compilation
object as the result
with the needed components. If this is not possible a
will be raised.
In the case where a unknown type is being requested to compile
a TypeError
will be raised and when a duplicate object (one that
has already been compiled) is encountered a ValueError
is raised.
The complexity of this comes into play when the ‘root’ is a flow that contains itself other nested flows (and so-on); to compile this object and its contained objects into a graph that preserves the constraints the pattern mandates we have to go through a recursive algorithm that creates subgraphs for each nesting level, and then on the way back up through the recursion (now with a decomposed mapping from contained patterns or atoms to there corresponding subgraph) we have to then connect the subgraphs (and the atom(s) there-in) that were decomposed for a pattern correctly into a new graph and then ensure the pattern mandated constraints are retained. Finally we then return to the caller (and they will do the same thing up until the root node, which by that point one graph is created with all contained atoms in the pattern/nested patterns mandated ordering).
Also maintained in the Compilation
object is a hierarchy of
the nesting of items (which is also built up during the above mentioned
recusion, via a much simpler algorithm); this is typically used later to
determine the prior atoms of a given atom when looking up values that can
be provided to that atom for execution (see the scopes.py file for how this
works). Note that although you could think that the graph itself could be
used for this, which in some ways it can (for limited usage) the hierarchy
retains the nested structure (which is useful for scoping analysis/lookup)
to be able to provide back a iterator that gives back the scopes visible
at each level (the graph does not have this information once flattened).
Let’s take an example:
Given the pattern f(a(b, c), d)
where f
is a
with items a(b, c)
where a
is a Flow
of tasks (b, c)
and task d
The algorithm that will be performed (mirroring the above described logic) will go through the following steps (the tree hierarchy building is left out as that is more obvious):
Compiling f
- Decomposing flow f with no parent (must be the root)
- Compiling a
- Decomposing flow a with parent f
- Compiling b
- Decomposing task b with parent a
- Decomposed b into:
Name: b
Nodes: 1
- b
Edges: 0
- Compiling c
- Decomposing task c with parent a
- Decomposed c into:
Name: c
Nodes: 1
- c
Edges: 0
- Relinking decomposed b -> decomposed c
- Decomposed a into:
Name: a
Nodes: 2
- b
- c
Edges: 1
b -> c ({'invariant': True})
- Compiling d
- Decomposing task d with parent f
- Decomposed d into:
Name: d
Nodes: 1
- d
Edges: 0
- Relinking decomposed a -> decomposed d
- Decomposed f into:
Name: f
Nodes: 3
- c
- b
- d
Edges: 2
c -> d ({'invariant': True})
b -> c ({'invariant': True})
(runtime)[source]¶Bases: object
Failure resolution strategy base class.
(runtime, retry)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.completer.Strategy
Sets the associated subflow for revert to be later retried.
(runtime)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.completer.Strategy
Sets all nodes/atoms to the REVERT
(runtime, atom)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.completer.Strategy
Sets atom and associated nodes to the REVERT
(runtime)[source]¶Bases: object
Completes atoms using actions to complete them.
()[source]¶Resumes atoms in the contained graph.
This is done to allow any previously completed or failed atoms to be analyzed, there results processed and any potential atoms affected to be adjusted as needed.
This should return a set of atoms which should be the initial set of atoms that were previously not finished (due to a RUNNING or REVERTING attempt not previously finishing).
[source]¶Bases: object
Base class for deciders.
Provides interface to be implemented by sub-classes.
Deciders check whether next atom in flow should be executed or not.
(runtime)[source]¶Tally edge deciders on whether this decider should allow running.
The returned value is a list of edge deciders that voted ‘nay’ (do not allow running).
(atom, edge_deciders)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.deciders.Decider
Checks any provided edge-deciders and determines if ok to run.
[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.deciders.Decider
No-op decider that says it is always ok to run & has no effect(s).
[source]¶Bases: object
Executes and reverts retries.
[source]¶Bases: object
Executes and reverts tasks.
This class takes task and its arguments and executes or reverts it. It encapsulates knowledge on how task should be executed or reverted: right now, on separate thread, on another machine, etc.
[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.executor.TaskExecutor
Executes tasks one after another.
(executor=None, max_workers=None)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.executor.TaskExecutor
Executes tasks in parallel.
Submits tasks to an executor which should provide an interface similar to concurrent.Futures.Executor.
= [('max_workers', <function <lambda>>)]¶Optional constructor keyword arguments this executor supports. These will
typically be passed via engine options (by a engine user) and converted
into the correct type before being sent into this
classes __init__
(executor=None, max_workers=None)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.executor.ParallelTaskExecutor
Executes tasks in parallel using a thread pool executor.
(executor=None, max_workers=None)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.executor.ParallelThreadTaskExecutor
Executes tasks in parallel using a greenthread pool executor.
= 1000¶Default number of workers when None
is passed; being that
greenthreads don’t map to native threads or processors very well this
is more of a guess/somewhat arbitrary, but it does match what the eventlet
greenpool default size is (so at least it’s consistent with what eventlet
[source]¶Bases: exceptions.Exception
Exception raised when message from unknown sender is recvd.
[source]¶Bases: exceptions.Exception
Exception raised when challenge has not been responded to.
(auth_key, dispatch_func, msg_limit=-1)[source]¶Bases: object
Reader machine that streams & parses messages that it then dispatches.
TODO(harlowja): Use python-suitcase in the future when the following are addressed/resolved and released:
Binary format format is the following (no newlines in actual format):
<magic-header> (4 bytes)
<mac-header-length> (4 bytes)
<mac> (1 or more variable bytes)
<identity-header-length> (4 bytes)
<identity> (1 or more variable bytes)
<msg-header-length> (4 bytes)
<msg> (1 or more variable bytes)
[source]¶Bases: exceptions.ValueError
Value error raised when an invalid hmac is discovered.
(port, identity, auth_key)[source]¶Bases: object
Object that workers use to communicate back to their creator.
(channel)[source]¶Bases: object
Sends event information from a child worker process to its creator.
(sock, addr, dispatcher)[source]¶Bases: asyncore.dispatcher
Dispatches from a single connection into a target.
= 8192¶Read/write chunk size.
(map, auth_key, identity)[source]¶Bases: asyncore.dispatcher
Accepts messages received from child worker processes.
= 5¶See https://docs.python.org/2/library/socket.html#socket.socket.listen
(executor=None, max_workers=None, wait_timeout=None)[source]¶Bases: taskflow.engines.action_engine.executor.ParallelTaskExecutor
Executes tasks in parallel using a process pool executor.
NOTE(harlowja): this executor executes tasks in external processes, so that implies that tasks that are sent to that external process are pickleable since this is how the multiprocessing works (sending pickled objects back and forth) and that the bound handlers (for progress updating in particular) are proxied correctly from that external process to the one that is alive in the parent process to ensure that callbacks registered in the parent are executed on events in the child.
= 0.01¶Default timeout used by asyncore io loop (and eventually select/poll).
= [('max_workers', <function <lambda>>), ('wait_timeout', <function <lambda>>)]¶Optional constructor keyword arguments this executor supports. These will
typically be passed via engine options (by a engine user) and converted
into the correct type before being sent into this
classes __init__
(compilation, storage, atom_notifier, task_executor, retry_executor, options=None)[source]¶Bases: object
A aggregate of runtime objects, properties, … used during execution.
This object contains various utility methods and properties that represent the collection of runtime components and functionality needed for an action engine to run to completion.
()[source]¶Compiles & caches frequently used execution helper objects.
Build out a cache of commonly used item that are associated with the contained atoms (by name), and are useful to have for quick lookup on (for example, the change state handler function for each atom, the scope walker object for each atom, the task or retry specific scheduler and so-on).
(atom, current_state, target_state)[source]¶Checks if the atom can transition to the provided target state.
(state=None)[source]¶Iterates retry atoms that match the provided state.
If no state is provided it will yield back all retry atoms.
(allowed_kinds)[source]¶Yields back all nodes of specified kinds in the execution graph.
(atoms, state='PENDING', intention='EXECUTE')[source]¶Resets all the provided atoms to the given state and intention.
(state='PENDING', intention='EXECUTE')[source]¶Resets all atoms to the given state and intention.
(runtime)[source]¶Bases: object
Schedules retry atoms.
(runtime)[source]¶Bases: object
Schedules task atoms.
(runtime)[source]¶Bases: object
Safely schedules atoms using a runtime fetch_scheduler
(atoms)[source]¶Schedules the provided atoms for future completion.
This method should schedule a future for each atom provided and return a set of those futures to be waited on (or used for other similar purposes). It should also return any failure objects that represented scheduling failures that may have occurred during this scheduling process.
(runtime)[source]¶Bases: object
Selector that uses a compilation and aids in execution processes.
Its primary purpose is to get the next atoms for execution or reversion by utilizing the compilations underlying structures (graphs, nodes and edge relations…) and using this information along with the atom state/states stored in storage to provide other useful functionality to the rest of the runtime system.
(compilation, atom, names_only=False)[source]¶Bases: object
Walks through the scopes of a atom using a engines compilation.
NOTE(harlowja): for internal usage only.
This will walk the visible scopes that are accessible for the given atom, which can be used by some external entity in some meaningful way, for example to find dependent values…
()[source]¶Iterates over the visible scopes.
How this works is the following:
We first grab all the predecessors of the given atom (lets call it
) by using the Compilation
graph (and doing a reverse breadth-first expansion to gather its
predecessors), this is useful since we know they always will
exist (and execute) before this atom but it does not tell us the
corresponding scope level (flow, nested flow…) that each
predecessor was created in, so we need to find this information.
For that information we consult the location of the atom Y
in the
hierarchy/tree. We lookup in a
reverse order the parent X
of Y
and traverse backwards from
the index in the parent where Y
exists to all siblings (and
children of those siblings) in X
that we encounter in this
backwards search (if a sibling is a flow itself, its atom(s)
will be recursively expanded and included). This collection will
then be assumed to be at the same scope. This is what is called
a potential single scope, to make an actual scope we remove the
items from the potential scope that are not predecessors
of Y
to form the actual scope which we then yield back.
Then for additional scopes we continue up the tree, by finding the
parent of X
(lets call it Z
) and perform the same operation,
going through the children in a reverse manner from the index in
parent Z
where X
was located. This forms another potential
scope which we provide back as an actual scope after reducing the
potential set to only include predecessors previously gathered. We
then repeat this process until we no longer have any parent
nodes (aka we have reached the top of the tree) or we run out of
[source]¶Bases: enum.Enum
Traversal direction enum.
= 1¶Go through successors.
= 2¶Go through predecessors.
(execution_graph, starting_node, direction, through_flows=True, through_retries=True, through_tasks=True)[source]¶Iterates connected nodes in execution graph (from starting node).
Does so in a breadth first manner.
Jumps over nodes with noop
attribute (does not yield them back).
(execution_graph, starting_node, direction, through_flows=True, through_retries=True, through_tasks=True)[source]¶Iterates connected nodes in execution graph (from starting node).
Does so in a depth first manner.
Jumps over nodes with noop
attribute (does not yield them back).
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