Tempest Test-Account Generator Utility

Tempest Test-Account Generator Utility

Utility for creating accounts.yaml file for concurrent test runs. Creates one primary user, one alt user, one swift admin, one stack owner and one admin (optionally) for each concurrent thread. The utility creates user for each tenant. The accounts.yaml file will be valid and contain credentials for created users, so each user will be in separate tenant and have the username, tenant_name, password and roles.

Usage: tempest account-generator [-h] [OPTIONS] accounts_file.yaml.

Positional Arguments

accounts_file.yaml (Required) Provide an output accounts yaml file. Utility creates a .yaml file in the directory where the command is ran. The appropriate name for the file is accounts.yaml and it should be placed in tempest/etc directory.


Account generator creates users and tenants so it needs the admin credentials of your cloud to operate properly. The corresponding info can be given either through CLI options or environment variables.

You're probably familiar with these, but just to remind:

Param CLI Environment Variable
Username --os-username OS_USERNAME
Password --os-password OS_PASSWORD
Project --os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME
Tenant --os-tenant-name (depr.) OS_TENANT_NAME
Domain --os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME

Optional Arguments

-h, --help (Optional) Shows help message with the description of utility and its arguments, and exits.

c /etc/tempest.conf, --config-file /etc/tempest.conf (Optional) Path to tempest config file.

--os-username <auth-user-name> (Optional) Name used for authentication with the OpenStack Identity service. Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]. Note: User should have permissions to create new user accounts and tenants.

--os-password <auth-password> (Optional) Password used for authentication with the OpenStack Identity service. Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].

--os-project-name <auth-project-name> (Optional) Project to request authorization on. Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_NAME].

--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name> (Optional, deprecated) Tenant to request authorization on. Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].

--os-domain-name <auth-domain-name> (Optional) Domain the user and project belong to. Defaults to env[OS_DOMAIN_NAME].

--tag TAG (Optional) Resources tag. Each created resource (user, project) will have the prefix with the given TAG in its name. Using tag is recommended for the further using, cleaning resources.

-r CONCURRENCY, --concurrency CONCURRENCY (Required) Concurrency count (default: 1). The number of accounts required can be estimated as CONCURRENCY x 2. Each user provided in accounts.yaml file will be in a different tenant. This is required to provide isolation between test for running in parallel.

--with-admin (Optional) Creates admin for each concurrent group (default: False).

-i VERSION, --identity-version VERSION (Optional) Provisions accounts using the specified version of the identity API. (default: '3').

To see help on specific argument, please do: tempest account-generator [OPTIONS] <accounts_file.yaml> -h.

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