Source code for identity.v3.test_users

# Copyright 2015 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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import time

import testtools

from tempest.api.identity import base
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators
from tempest.lib import exceptions

CONF = config.CONF

[docs] class IdentityV3UsersTest(base.BaseIdentityV3Test): """Test identity user password""" @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): super(IdentityV3UsersTest, cls).skip_checks() if not CONF.identity_feature_enabled.security_compliance: raise cls.skipException("Security compliance not available.") @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(IdentityV3UsersTest, cls).resource_setup() cls.creds = cls.os_primary.credentials cls.user_id = cls.creds.user_id def _update_password(self, original_password, password): self.non_admin_users_client.update_user_password( self.user_id, password=password, original_password=original_password) # NOTE(morganfainberg): Fernet tokens are not subsecond aware and # Keystone should only be precise to the second. Sleep to ensure # we are passing the second boundary. time.sleep(1) # check authorization with new password self.non_admin_token.auth(user_id=self.user_id, password=password) # Reset auth to get a new token with the new password self.non_admin_users_client.auth_provider.clear_auth() self.non_admin_users_client.auth_provider.credentials.password = ( password) def _restore_password(self, old_pass, new_pass): if CONF.identity_feature_enabled.security_compliance: # First we need to clear the password history unique_count = CONF.identity.user_unique_last_password_count for _ in range(unique_count): random_pass = data_utils.rand_password() self._update_password( original_password=new_pass, password=random_pass) new_pass = random_pass self._update_password(original_password=new_pass, password=old_pass) # Reset auth again to verify the password restore does work. # Clear auth restores the original credentials and deletes # cached auth data self.non_admin_users_client.auth_provider.clear_auth() # NOTE(lbragstad): Fernet tokens are not subsecond aware and # Keystone should only be precise to the second. Sleep to ensure we # are passing the second boundary before attempting to # authenticate. time.sleep(1) self.non_admin_users_client.auth_provider.set_auth()
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('ad71bd23-12ad-426b-bb8b-195d2b635f27') @testtools.skipIf(CONF.identity_feature_enabled.immutable_user_source, 'Skipped because environment has an ' 'immutable user source and solely ' 'provides read-only access to users.') @testtools.skipIf(CONF.identity.user_minimum_password_age > 0, 'Skipped because password cannot ' 'be changed immediately, resulting ' 'in failed password update.') def test_user_update_own_password(self): """Test updating user's own password""" old_pass = self.creds.password old_token = self.non_admin_client.token new_pass = data_utils.rand_password() # to change password back. important for use_dynamic_credentials=false self.addCleanup(self._restore_password, old_pass, new_pass) # user updates own password self._update_password(original_password=old_pass, password=new_pass) # authorize with old token should lead to IdentityError (404 code) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IdentityError, self.non_admin_token.auth, token=old_token) # authorize with old password should lead to Unauthorized self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized, self.non_admin_token.auth, user_id=self.user_id, password=old_pass)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('941784ee-5342-4571-959b-b80dd2cea516') @testtools.skipIf(CONF.identity_feature_enabled.immutable_user_source, 'Skipped because environment has an ' 'immutable user source and solely ' 'provides read-only access to users.') @testtools.skipIf(CONF.identity.user_minimum_password_age > 0, 'Skipped because password cannot ' 'be changed immediately, resulting ' 'in failed password update.') def test_password_history_check_self_service_api(self): """Test checking password changing history""" old_pass = self.creds.password new_pass1 = data_utils.rand_password() new_pass2 = data_utils.rand_password() self.addCleanup(self._restore_password, old_pass, new_pass2) # Update password self._update_password(original_password=old_pass, password=new_pass1) if CONF.identity.user_unique_last_password_count > 1: # Can not reuse a previously set password self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadRequest, self.non_admin_users_client.update_user_password, self.user_id, password=new_pass1, original_password=new_pass1) self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadRequest, self.non_admin_users_client.update_user_password, self.user_id, password=old_pass, original_password=new_pass1) # A different password can be set self._update_password(original_password=new_pass1, password=new_pass2)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('a7ad8bbf-2cff-4520-8c1d-96332e151658') def test_user_account_lockout(self): """Test locking out user account after failure attempts""" if (CONF.identity.user_lockout_failure_attempts <= 0 or CONF.identity.user_lockout_duration <= 0): raise self.skipException( "Both CONF.identity.user_lockout_failure_attempts and " "CONF.identity.user_lockout_duration should be greater than " "zero to test this feature") password = self.creds.password # First, we login using the correct credentials self.non_admin_token.auth(user_id=self.user_id, password=password) # Lock user account by using the wrong password to login bad_password = data_utils.rand_password() for _ in range(CONF.identity.user_lockout_failure_attempts): self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized, self.non_admin_token.auth, user_id=self.user_id, password=bad_password) # The user account must be locked, so now it is not possible to login # even using the correct password self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized, self.non_admin_token.auth, user_id=self.user_id, password=password) # If we wait the required time, the user account will be unlocked time.sleep(CONF.identity.user_lockout_duration + 1) self.non_admin_token.auth(user_id=self.user_id, password=password)