Source code for image.v2.admin.test_image_task

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from tempest.api.image import base
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators

CONF = config.CONF

[docs] class ImageTaskCreate(base.BaseV2ImageAdminTest): """Test image task operations""" @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): # TODO(msava): Add additional skipcheck with task conversion_format and # glance ceph backend then will be available # in tempest image service config options. super(ImageTaskCreate, cls).skip_checks() if not CONF.image.http_image: skip_msg = ("%s skipped as http_image is not available " % cls.__name__) raise cls.skipException(skip_msg) @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(ImageTaskCreate, cls).resource_setup() @staticmethod def _prepare_image_tasks_param(type="import", disk_format=['qcow2'], image_from_format=['qcow2'], image_location=CONF.image.http_image): # TODO(msava): Need to add additional disk formats then # task conversion_format and glance Ceph backend will be # available in image service options """Prepare image task params. By default, will create task type 'import' The same index is used for both params and creates a task :param type Type of the task. :param disk_format: Each format in the list is a different task. :param image_from_format: Each format in the list is a different task. :param image_location Location to import image from. :return: A list with all task. """ i = 0 tasks = list() while i < len(disk_format): image_name = data_utils.rand_name( prefix=CONF.resource_name_prefix, name="task_image") image_property = {"container_format": "bare", "disk_format": disk_format[0], "visibility": "public", "name": image_name } task = { "type": type, "input": { "image_properties": image_property, "import_from_format": image_from_format[0], "import_from": image_location } } tasks.append(task) i += 1 return tasks def _verify_disk_format(self, task_body): expected_disk_format = \ task_body['input']['image_properties']['disk_format'] image_id = task_body['result']['image_id'] observed_disk_format = self.admin_client.show_image( image_id)['disk_format'] # If glance backend storage is Ceph glance will convert # image to raw format. # TODO(msava): Need to change next lines once task conversion_format # and glance ceph backend will be available in image service options if observed_disk_format == 'raw': return self.assertEqual(observed_disk_format, expected_disk_format, message="Expected disk format not match ")
[docs] @decorators.skip_because(bug='2030527') @decorators.idempotent_id('669d5387-0340-4abf-b62d-7cc89f539c8c') def test_image_tasks_create(self): """Test task type 'import' image """ # Prepare params for task type 'import' tasks = self._prepare_image_tasks_param() # Create task type 'import' body = self.os_admin.tasks_client.create_task(**tasks[0]) task_id = body['id'] task_body = waiters.wait_for_tasks_status(self.os_admin.tasks_client, task_id, 'success') self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_image, task_body['result']['image_id']) task_image_id = task_body['result']['image_id'] waiters.wait_for_image_status(self.client, task_image_id, 'active') self._verify_disk_format(task_body) # Verify disk format image_body = self.client.show_image(task_image_id) task_disk_format = \ task_body['input']['image_properties']['disk_format'] image_disk_format = image_body['disk_format'] self.assertEqual( image_disk_format, task_disk_format, message="Image Disc format %s not match to expected %s" % (image_disk_format, task_disk_format))
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id("ad6450c6-7060-4ee7-a2d1-41c2604b446c") @decorators.attr(type=['negative']) def test_task_create_fake_image_location(self): kwargs = { 'prefix': CONF.resource_name_prefix, 'name': 'dummy-img-file' } http_fake_url = ''.join( ["http://", data_utils.rand_name(**kwargs), ".qcow2"]) task = self._prepare_image_tasks_param( image_from_format=['qcow2'], disk_format=['qcow2'], image_location=http_fake_url) body = self.os_admin.tasks_client.create_task(**task[0]) task_observed = \ waiters.wait_for_tasks_status(self.os_admin.tasks_client, body['id'], 'failure') task_observed = task_observed['status'] self.assertEqual(task_observed, 'failure')