Source code for image.v2.test_images_dependency

# Copyright 2024 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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import io

from oslo_log import log as logging

from tempest.api.compute import base as compute_base
from tempest.api.image import base as image_base
from tempest.common import utils
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators
from tempest.scenario import manager

CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ImageDependencyTests(image_base.BaseV2ImageTest, compute_base.BaseV2ComputeTest, manager.ScenarioTest): """Test image, instance, and snapshot dependency. The tests create image and remove the base image that other snapshots were depend on.In OpenStack, images and snapshots should be separate, but in some configurations like Glance with Ceph storage, there were cases where images couldn't be removed. This was fixed in glance store for RBD backend. * Dependency scenarios: - image > instance -> snapshot dependency NOTE: volume -> image dependencies tests are in cinder-tempest-plugin """ @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): super(ImageDependencyTests, cls).skip_checks() if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.enable_volume_image_dep_tests: skip_msg = ( "%s Volume/image dependency tests " "not enabled" % (cls.__name__)) raise cls.skipException(skip_msg) def _create_instance_snapshot(self, bfv=False): """Create instance from image and then snapshot the instance.""" # Create image and store data to image source = 'volume' if bfv else 'image' image_name = data_utils.rand_name( prefix=CONF.resource_name_prefix, name='image-dependency-test') image = self.create_image(name=image_name, container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') file_content = data_utils.random_bytes() image_file = io.BytesIO(file_content) self.client.store_image_file(image['id'], image_file) waiters.wait_for_image_status( self.client, image['id'], 'active') if bfv: # Create instance instance = self.create_test_server( name='instance-depend-image', image_id=image['id'], volume_backed=True, wait_until='ACTIVE') else: # Create instance instance = self.create_test_server( name='instance-depend-image', image_id=image['id'], wait_until='ACTIVE')"Instance from %s is created %s", source, instance) instance_observed = \ self.servers_client.show_server(instance['id'])['server'] # Create instance snapshot snapshot_instance = self.create_server_snapshot( server=instance_observed)"Instance snapshot is created %s", snapshot_instance) return image['id'], snapshot_instance['id']
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('d19b0731-e98e-4103-8b0e-02f651b8f586')'compute') def test_nova_image_snapshot_dependency(self): """Test with image > instance > snapshot dependency. Create instance snapshot and check if we able to delete base image """ base_image_id, snapshot_image_id = self._create_instance_snapshot() self.client.delete_image(base_image_id) self.client.wait_for_resource_deletion(base_image_id) images_list = self.client.list_images()['images'] fetched_images_id = [img['id'] for img in images_list] self.assertNotIn(base_image_id, fetched_images_id) self.assertIn(snapshot_image_id, fetched_images_id)
[docs]'compute', 'volume') @decorators.idempotent_id('f0c8a35d-8f8f-443c-8bcb-85a9c0f87d19') def test_image_volume_server_snapshot_dependency(self): """Test with image > volume > instance > snapshot dependency. We are going to perform the following steps in the test: * Create image * Create a bootable volume from Image * Launch an instance from the bootable volume * Take snapshot of the instance -- which creates the volume snapshot * Delete the image. This will test the dependency chain of image -> volume -> snapshot. """ base_image_id, snapshot_image_id = self._create_instance_snapshot( bfv=True) self.client.delete_image(base_image_id) self.client.wait_for_resource_deletion(base_image_id) images_list = self.client.list_images()['images'] fetched_images_id = [img['id'] for img in images_list] self.assertNotIn(base_image_id, fetched_images_id) self.assertIn(snapshot_image_id, fetched_images_id)