Source code for scenario.test_unified_limits

# Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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import io

from oslo_utils import units
from tempest.common import utils
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from tempest.scenario import manager

CONF = config.CONF

[docs] class ImageQuotaTest(manager.ScenarioTest): credentials = ['primary', 'system_admin'] @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): super(ImageQuotaTest, cls).skip_checks() if not CONF.service_available.glance: skip_msg = ("%s skipped as glance is not available" % cls.__name__) raise cls.skipException(skip_msg) @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(ImageQuotaTest, cls).resource_setup() # Figure out and record the glance service id services = cls.os_system_admin.identity_services_v3_client.\ list_services() glance_services = [x for x in services['services'] if x['name'] == 'glance'] cls.glance_service_id = glance_services[0]['id'] # Pre-create all the quota limits and record their IDs so we can # update them in-place without needing to know which ones have been # created and in which order. cls.limit_ids = {} try: cls.limit_ids['image_size_total'] = cls._create_limit( 'image_size_total', 10) cls.limit_ids['image_stage_total'] = cls._create_limit( 'image_stage_total', 10) cls.limit_ids['image_count_total'] = cls._create_limit( 'image_count_total', 10) cls.limit_ids['image_count_uploading'] = cls._create_limit( 'image_count_uploading', 10) except lib_exc.Forbidden: # If we fail to set limits, it means they are not # registered, and thus we will skip these tests once we # have our os_system_admin client and run # check_quotas_enabled(). pass def setUp(self): super(ImageQuotaTest, self).setUp() self.created_images = [] def create_image(self, data=None, **kwargs): """Wrapper that returns a test image.""" if 'name' not in kwargs: name = data_utils.rand_name( prefix=CONF.resource_name_prefix, name=self.__name__ + "-image") kwargs['name'] = name params = dict(kwargs) if data: # NOTE: On glance v1 API, the data should be passed on # a header. Then here handles the data separately. params['data'] = data image = self.image_client.create_image(**params) # Image objects returned by the v1 client have the image # data inside a dict that is keyed against 'image'. if 'image' in image: image = image['image'] self.created_images.append(image['id']) self.addCleanup( self.image_client.wait_for_resource_deletion, image['id']) self.addCleanup( test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc, self.image_client.delete_image, image['id']) return image def check_quotas_enabled(self): # Check to see if we should even be running these tests. Use # the presence of a registered limit that we recognize as an # indication. This will be set up by the operator (or # devstack) if glance is configured to use/honor the unified # limits. If one is set, they must all be set, because glance # has a single all-or-nothing flag for whether or not to use # keystone limits. If anything, checking only one helps to # assert the assumption that, if enabled, they must all be at # least registered for proper operation. registered_limits = self.os_system_admin.identity_limits_client.\ get_registered_limits()['registered_limits'] if 'image_count_total' not in [x['resource_name'] for x in registered_limits]: raise self.skipException('Target system is not configured with ' 'glance unified limits') @classmethod def _create_limit(cls, name, value): return cls.os_system_admin.identity_limits_client.create_limit( CONF.identity.region, cls.glance_service_id, cls.image_client.tenant_id, name, value)['limits'][0]['id'] def _update_limit(self, name, value): self.os_system_admin.identity_limits_client.update_limit( self.limit_ids[name], value) def _cleanup_images(self): while self.created_images: image_id = self.created_images.pop() try: self.image_client.delete_image(image_id) except lib_exc.NotFound: pass
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('9b74fe24-183b-41e6-bf42-84c2958a7be8')'image', 'identity') def test_image_count_quota(self): self.check_quotas_enabled() # Set a quota on the number of images for our tenant to one. self._update_limit('image_count_total', 1) # Create one image image = self.create_image(name='first', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') # Second image would put us over quota, so expect failure. self.assertRaises(lib_exc.OverLimit, self.create_image, name='second', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') # Update our limit to two. self._update_limit('image_count_total', 2) # Now the same create should succeed. self.create_image(name='second', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') # Third image would put us over quota, so expect failure. self.assertRaises(lib_exc.OverLimit, self.create_image, name='third', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') # Delete the first image to put us under quota. self.image_client.delete_image(image['id']) # Now the same create should succeed. self.create_image(name='third', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') # Delete all the images we created before the next test runs, # so that it starts with full quota. self._cleanup_images()
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('b103788b-5329-4aa9-8b0d-97f8733460db')'image', 'identity') def test_image_count_uploading_quota(self): if not CONF.image_feature_enabled.import_image: skip_msg = ( "%s skipped as image import is not available" % __name__) raise self.skipException(skip_msg) self.check_quotas_enabled() # Set a quota on the number of images we can have in uploading state. self._update_limit('image_stage_total', 10) self._update_limit('image_size_total', 10) self._update_limit('image_count_total', 10) self._update_limit('image_count_uploading', 1) file_content = data_utils.random_bytes(1 * units.Mi) # Create and stage an image image1 = self.create_image(name='first', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.image_client.stage_image_file(image1['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Check that we can not stage another image2 = self.create_image(name='second', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.assertRaises(lib_exc.OverLimit, self.image_client.stage_image_file, image2['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # ... nor upload directly image3 = self.create_image(name='third', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.assertRaises(lib_exc.OverLimit, self.image_client.store_image_file, image3['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Update our quota to make room self._update_limit('image_count_uploading', 2) # Now our upload should work self.image_client.store_image_file(image3['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # ...and because that is no longer in uploading state, we should be # able to stage our second image from above. self.image_client.stage_image_file(image2['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Finish our import of image2 self.image_client.image_import(image2['id'], method='glance-direct') waiters.wait_for_image_imported_to_stores(self.image_client, image2['id']) # Set our quota back to one self._update_limit('image_count_uploading', 1) # Since image1 is still staged, we should not be able to upload # an image. image4 = self.create_image(name='fourth', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.assertRaises(lib_exc.OverLimit, self.image_client.store_image_file, image4['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Finish our import of image1 to make space in our uploading quota. self.image_client.image_import(image1['id'], method='glance-direct') waiters.wait_for_image_imported_to_stores(self.image_client, image1['id']) # Make sure that freed up the one upload quota to complete our upload self.image_client.store_image_file(image4['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Delete all the images we created before the next test runs, # so that it starts with full quota. self._cleanup_images()
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('05e8d064-c39a-4801-8c6a-465df375ec5b')'image', 'identity') def test_image_size_quota(self): self.check_quotas_enabled() # Set a quota on the image size for our tenant to 1MiB, and allow ten # images. self._update_limit('image_size_total', 1) self._update_limit('image_count_total', 10) self._update_limit('image_count_uploading', 10) file_content = data_utils.random_bytes(1 * units.Mi) # Create and upload a 1MiB image. image1 = self.create_image(name='first', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.image_client.store_image_file(image1['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Create and upload a second 1MiB image. This succeeds, but # after completion, we are over quota. Despite us being at # quota above, the initial quota check for the second # operation has no idea what the image size will be, and thus # uses delta=0. This will succeed because we're not # technically over-quota and have not asked for any more (this # is oslo.limit behavior). After the second operation, # however, we will be over-quota regardless of the delta and # subsequent attempts will fail. Because glance goes not # require an image size to be declared before upload, this is # really the best it can do without an API change. image2 = self.create_image(name='second', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.image_client.store_image_file(image2['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Create and attempt to upload a third 1MiB image. This should fail to # upload (but not create) because we are over quota. image3 = self.create_image(name='third', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.assertRaises(lib_exc.OverLimit, self.image_client.store_image_file, image3['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Increase our size quota to 2MiB. self._update_limit('image_size_total', 2) # Now the upload of the already-created image is allowed, but # after completion, we are over quota again. self.image_client.store_image_file(image3['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Create and attempt to upload a fourth 1MiB image. This should # fail to upload (but not create) because we are over quota. image4 = self.create_image(name='fourth', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.assertRaises(lib_exc.OverLimit, self.image_client.store_image_file, image4['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Delete our first image to make space in our existing 2MiB quota. self.image_client.delete_image(image1['id']) # Now the upload of the already-created image is allowed. self.image_client.store_image_file(image4['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Delete all the images we created before the next test runs, # so that it starts with full quota. self._cleanup_images()
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('fc76b8d9-aae5-46fb-9285-099e37f311f7')'image', 'identity') def test_image_stage_quota(self): if not CONF.image_feature_enabled.import_image: skip_msg = ( "%s skipped as image import is not available" % __name__) raise self.skipException(skip_msg) self.check_quotas_enabled() # Create a staging quota of 1MiB, allow 10MiB of active # images, and a total of ten images. self._update_limit('image_stage_total', 1) self._update_limit('image_size_total', 10) self._update_limit('image_count_total', 10) self._update_limit('image_count_uploading', 10) file_content = data_utils.random_bytes(1 * units.Mi) # Create and stage a 1MiB image. image1 = self.create_image(name='first', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.image_client.stage_image_file(image1['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Create and stage a second 1MiB image. This succeeds, but # after completion, we are over quota. image2 = self.create_image(name='second', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.image_client.stage_image_file(image2['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Create and attempt to stage a third 1MiB image. This should fail to # stage (but not create) because we are over quota. image3 = self.create_image(name='third', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.assertRaises(lib_exc.OverLimit, self.image_client.stage_image_file, image3['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Make sure that even though we are over our stage quota, we # can still create and upload an image the regular way. image_upload = self.create_image(name='uploaded', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.image_client.store_image_file(image_upload['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Increase our stage quota to two MiB. self._update_limit('image_stage_total', 2) # Now the upload of the already-created image is allowed, but # after completion, we are over quota again. self.image_client.stage_image_file(image3['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Create and attempt to stage a fourth 1MiB image. This should # fail to stage (but not create) because we are over quota. image4 = self.create_image(name='fourth', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', visibility='private') self.assertRaises(lib_exc.OverLimit, self.image_client.stage_image_file, image4['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Finish our import of image1 to make space in our stage quota. self.image_client.image_import(image1['id'], method='glance-direct') waiters.wait_for_image_imported_to_stores(self.image_client, image1['id']) # Now the upload of the already-created image is allowed. self.image_client.stage_image_file(image4['id'], io.BytesIO(file_content)) # Delete all the images we created before the next test runs, # so that it starts with full quota. self._cleanup_images()