Source code for volume.test_volumes_clone

# Copyright 2016 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
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from tempest.api.volume import base
from tempest.common import utils
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib import decorators

CONF = config.CONF

[docs] class VolumesCloneTest(base.BaseVolumeTest): """Test volume clone""" @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): super(VolumesCloneTest, cls).skip_checks() if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.clone: raise cls.skipException("Cinder volume clones are disabled") def _verify_volume_clone(self, source_volume, cloned_volume, bootable='false', extra_size=0): cloned_vol_details = self.volumes_client.show_volume( cloned_volume['id'])['volume'] self.assertEqual(source_volume['id'], cloned_vol_details['source_volid']) self.assertEqual(source_volume['size'] + extra_size, cloned_vol_details['size']) self.assertEqual(bootable, cloned_vol_details['bootable'])
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('9adae371-a257-43a5-9555-dc7c88e66e0e') def test_create_from_volume(self): """Test cloning a volume with increasing size""" # Creates a volume from another volume passing a size different from # the source volume. src_size = CONF.volume.volume_size extend_size = CONF.volume.volume_size_extend src_vol = self.create_volume(size=src_size) # Destination volume bigger than source dst_vol = self.create_volume(source_volid=src_vol['id'], size=src_size + extend_size) self._verify_volume_clone(src_vol, dst_vol, extra_size=extend_size)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('cbbcd7c6-5a6c-481a-97ac-ca55ab715d16')'image') def test_create_from_bootable_volume(self): """Test cloning a bootable volume""" # Create volume from image img_uuid = CONF.compute.image_ref src_vol = self.create_volume(imageRef=img_uuid) # Create a volume from the bootable volume cloned_vol = self.create_volume(source_volid=src_vol['id']) self._verify_volume_clone(src_vol, cloned_vol, bootable='true')