Source code for volume.test_volumes_list

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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import operator
import random
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from testtools import matchers

from tempest.api.volume import base
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators

[docs] class VolumesListTestJSON(base.BaseVolumeTest): """Test listing volumes NOTE: This test creates a number of 1G volumes. To run it successfully, ensure that the backing file for the volume group that Cinder uses has space for at least 3 1G volumes! If you are running a Devstack environment, ensure that the VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE is at least 4G in your localrc """ VOLUME_FIELDS = ('id', 'name') @classmethod def _remove_volatile_fields(cls, fetched_list): """Remove fields that should not be compared. This method makes sure that Tempest does not compare e.g. the volume's "updated_at" field that may change for any reason internal to the operation of Cinder. """ for volume in fetched_list: for field in ('updated_at',): if field in volume: del volume[field] def _assert_volumes_in(self, fetched_list, expected_list, fields=None): """Check out the list. This function is aim at check out whether all of the volumes in expected_list are in fetched_list. """ if fields: fieldsgetter = operator.itemgetter(*fields) expected_list = map(fieldsgetter, expected_list) fetched_list = [fieldsgetter(item) for item in fetched_list] # Hopefully the expected_list has already been cleaned. self._remove_volatile_fields(fetched_list) missing_vols = [v for v in expected_list if v not in fetched_list] if not missing_vols: return def str_vol(vol): return "%s:%s" % (vol['id'], vol['name']) raw_msg = "Could not find volumes %s in expected list %s; fetched %s" % ([str_vol(v) for v in missing_vols], [str_vol(v) for v in expected_list], [str_vol(v) for v in fetched_list])) @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(VolumesListTestJSON, cls).resource_setup() existing_volumes = cls.volumes_client.list_volumes()['volumes'] cls.volume_id_list = [vol['id'] for vol in existing_volumes] # Create 3 test volumes cls.volume_list = [] cls.metadata = {'Type': 'work'} for _ in range(3): volume = cls.create_volume(metadata=cls.metadata) volume = cls.volumes_client.show_volume(volume['id'])['volume'] cls.volume_list.append(volume) cls.volume_id_list.append(volume['id']) cls._remove_volatile_fields(cls.volume_list) def _list_by_param_value_and_assert(self, params, with_detail=False): """list or list_details with given params and validates result""" if with_detail: fetched_vol_list = \ self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True, params=params)['volumes'] else: fetched_vol_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( params=params)['volumes'] # Validating params of fetched volumes if with_detail: for volume in fetched_vol_list: for key in params: msg = "Failed to list volumes %s by %s" % \ ('details' if with_detail else '', key) if key == 'metadata': self.assertThat( volume[key].items(), matchers.ContainsAll(params[key].items()), msg) else: self.assertEqual(params[key], volume[key], msg)
[docs] @decorators.attr(type='smoke') @decorators.idempotent_id('0b6ddd39-b948-471f-8038-4787978747c4') def test_volume_list(self): """Test getting a list of volumes""" # Fetch all volumes fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes()['volumes'] self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list, fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('adcbb5a7-5ad8-4b61-bd10-5380e111a877') def test_volume_list_with_details(self): """Test getting a list of detailed volumes""" # Fetch all Volumes fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes'] self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('a28e8da4-0b56-472f-87a8-0f4d3f819c02') def test_volume_list_by_name(self): """Test getting a list of volumes filtered by volume name""" volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)] params = {'name': volume['name']} fetched_vol = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( params=params)['volumes'] self.assertEqual(1, len(fetched_vol), str(fetched_vol)) self.assertEqual(fetched_vol[0]['name'], volume['name'])
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('2de3a6d4-12aa-403b-a8f2-fdeb42a89623') def test_volume_list_details_by_name(self): """Test getting a list of detailed volumes filtered by volume name""" volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)] params = {'name': volume['name']} fetched_vol = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( detail=True, params=params)['volumes'] self.assertEqual(1, len(fetched_vol), str(fetched_vol)) self.assertEqual(fetched_vol[0]['name'], volume['name'])
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('39654e13-734c-4dab-95ce-7613bf8407ce') def test_volumes_list_by_status(self): """Test getting a list of volumes filtered by volume status""" params = {'status': 'available'} fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( params=params)['volumes'] self._list_by_param_value_and_assert(params) self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list, fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('2943f712-71ec-482a-bf49-d5ca06216b9f') def test_volumes_list_details_by_status(self): """Test getting a list of detailed volumes filtered by status""" params = {'status': 'available'} fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( detail=True, params=params)['volumes'] for volume in fetched_list: self.assertEqual('available', volume['status']) self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('2016a942-3020-40d7-95ce-7613bf8407ce') def test_volumes_list_by_bootable(self): """Check out volumes. This test function is aim at check out whether all of the volumes in volume_list are not a bootable volume. """ params = {'bootable': 'false'} fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( params=params)['volumes'] self._list_by_param_value_and_assert(params) self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list, fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('2016a939-72ec-482a-bf49-d5ca06216b9f') def test_volumes_list_details_by_bootable(self): """Test getting a list of detailed volumes filtered by bootable""" params = {'bootable': 'false'} fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( detail=True, params=params)['volumes'] for volume in fetched_list: self.assertEqual('false', volume['bootable']) self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('c0cfa863-3020-40d7-b587-e35f597d5d87') def test_volumes_list_by_availability_zone(self): """Test getting a list of volumes filtered by availability zone""" volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)] zone = volume['availability_zone'] params = {'availability_zone': zone} fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( params=params)['volumes'] self._list_by_param_value_and_assert(params) self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list, fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('e1b80d13-94f0-4ba2-a40e-386af29f8db1') def test_volumes_list_details_by_availability_zone(self): """Test getting a list of detailed volumes by availability zone""" volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)] zone = volume['availability_zone'] params = {'availability_zone': zone} fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( detail=True, params=params)['volumes'] for volume in fetched_list: self.assertEqual(zone, volume['availability_zone']) self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('b5ebea1b-0603-40a0-bb41-15fcd0a53214') def test_volume_list_with_param_metadata(self): """Test listing volumes when metadata param is given""" params = {'metadata': self.metadata} self._list_by_param_value_and_assert(params)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('1ca92d3c-4a8e-4b43-93f5-e4c7fb3b291d') def test_volume_list_with_detail_param_metadata(self): """Test listing volumes details when metadata param is given""" params = {'metadata': self.metadata} self._list_by_param_value_and_assert(params, with_detail=True)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('777c87c1-2fc4-4883-8b8e-5c0b951d1ec8') def test_volume_list_param_display_name_and_status(self): """Test listing volume when display name and status param is given""" volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)] params = {'name': volume['name'], 'status': 'available'} self._list_by_param_value_and_assert(params)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('856ab8ca-6009-4c37-b691-be1065528ad4') def test_volume_list_with_detail_param_display_name_and_status(self): """Test listing volume when name and status param is given""" volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)] params = {'name': volume['name'], 'status': 'available'} self._list_by_param_value_and_assert(params, with_detail=True)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('2a7064eb-b9c3-429b-b888-33928fc5edd3') def test_volume_list_details_with_multiple_params(self): """Test listing volumes detail using combined filtering condition""" def _list_details_with_multiple_params(limit=2, status='available', sort_dir='asc', sort_key='id'): params = {'limit': limit, 'status': status, 'sort_dir': sort_dir, 'sort_key': sort_key } fetched_volume = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( detail=True, params=params)['volumes'] self.assertEqual(limit, len(fetched_volume), "The count of volumes is %s, expected:%s " % (len(fetched_volume), limit)) self.assertEqual(status, fetched_volume[0]['status']) self.assertEqual(status, fetched_volume[1]['status']) val0 = fetched_volume[0][sort_key] val1 = fetched_volume[1][sort_key] if sort_dir == 'asc': self.assertLess(val0, val1, "list is not in asc order with sort_key: %s." " %s" % (sort_key, fetched_volume)) elif sort_dir == 'desc': self.assertGreater(val0, val1, "list is not in desc order with sort_key: " "%s. %s" % (sort_key, fetched_volume)) _list_details_with_multiple_params() _list_details_with_multiple_params(sort_dir='desc')
def _test_pagination(self, resource, ids=None, limit=1, **kwargs): """Check list pagination functionality for a resource. This method requests the list of resources and follows pagination links. If an iterable is supplied in ids it will check that all ids are retrieved and that only those are listed, that we will get a next link for an empty page if the number of items is divisible by used limit (this is expected behavior). We can specify number of items per request using limit argument. """ # Get list method for the type of resource from the client client = getattr(self, resource + '_client') method = getattr(client, 'list_' + resource) # Include limit in params for list request params = kwargs.pop('params', {}) params['limit'] = limit # Store remaining items we are expecting from list if ids is not None: remaining = list(ids) else: remaining = None # Mark that the current iteration is not from a 'next' link next = None while True: # Get a list page response = method(params=params, **kwargs) # If we have to check ids if remaining is not None: # Confirm we receive expected number of elements num_expected = min(len(remaining), limit) self.assertEqual(num_expected, len(response[resource]), 'Requested %(#expect)d but got %(#received)d ' % {'#expect': num_expected, '#received': len(response[resource])}) # For each received element for element in response[resource]: element_id = element['id'] # Check it's one of expected ids self.assertIn(element_id, ids, 'Id %(id)s is not in expected ids %(ids)s' % {'id': element_id, 'ids': ids}) # If not in remaining, we have received it twice self.assertIn(element_id, remaining, 'Id %s was received twice' % element_id) # We no longer expect it remaining.remove(element_id) # If the current iteration is from a 'next' link, check that the # absolute url is the same as the one used for this request if next: curr = response.response['content-location'] currparsed = urlparse(curr) nextparsed = urlparse(next) # Depending on the environment, certain fields are omitted # from url (ie port). The fields to check are defined here. fieldscheck = ['scheme', 'hostname', 'path', 'query', 'params', 'fragment'] for field in fieldscheck: self.assertEqual(getattr(currparsed, field), getattr(nextparsed, field), 'Incorrect link to next page. URLs do ' 'not match at %s:\n%s\n%s' % (field, curr, next)) # Get next from response next = None for link in response.get(resource + '_links', ()): if link['rel'] == 'next': next = link['href'] break # Check if we have next and we shouldn't or the other way around if remaining is not None: if remaining or (num_expected and len(ids) % limit == 0): self.assertIsNotNone(next, 'Missing link to next page') else: self.assertIsNone(next, 'Unexpected link to next page') # If we can follow to the next page, get params from url to make # request in the form of a relative URL if next: params = urlparse(next).query # If cannot follow make sure it's because we have finished else: self.assertEmpty(remaining or [], 'No more pages reported, but still ' 'missing ids %s' % remaining) break
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('e9138a2c-f67b-4796-8efa-635c196d01de') def test_volume_list_details_pagination(self): """Test listing volumes with details by pagination All volumes will be returned by multiple requests, and the number of 'limit' volumes will be returned at a time. """ self._test_pagination('volumes', ids=self.volume_id_list, detail=True)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('af55e775-8e4b-4feb-8719-215c43b0238c') def test_volume_list_pagination(self): """Test listing volumes by pagination All volumes will be returned by multiple requests, and the number of 'limit' volumes will be returned at a time. """ self._test_pagination('volumes', ids=self.volume_id_list, detail=False)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('46eff077-100b-427f-914e-3db2abcdb7e2') def test_volume_list_with_detail_param_marker(self): """Test listing volumes with details from the specified marker Choose a volume id from all volumes as a marker, list volumes with that marker, only volumes with id greater than marker will be returned. """ # Choosing a random volume from a list of volumes for 'marker' # parameter marker = random.choice(self.volume_id_list) # Though Cinder volumes are returned sorted by ID by default # this is implicit. Let make this explicit in case Cinder # folks change their minds. params = {'marker': marker, 'sort': 'id:asc'} # Running volume list using marker parameter vol_with_marker = self.volumes_client.list_volumes( detail=True, params=params)['volumes'] expected_volumes_id = { id for id in self.volume_id_list if id > marker } self.assertEqual( expected_volumes_id, {v['id'] for v in vol_with_marker} )