Source code for volume.test_volumes_snapshots_list
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tempest.api.volume import base
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib import decorators
CONF = config.CONF
class VolumesSnapshotListTestJSON(base.BaseVolumeTest):
"""Test listing volume snapshots"""
def skip_checks(cls):
super(VolumesSnapshotListTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot:
raise cls.skipException("Cinder volume snapshots are disabled")
def resource_setup(cls):
super(VolumesSnapshotListTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
volume_origin = cls.create_volume()
# Create snapshots with params
for _ in range(3):
snapshot = cls.create_snapshot(volume_origin['id'])
cls.snapshot = snapshot
def _list_by_param_values_and_assert(self, with_detail=False, **params):
"""list or list_details with given params and validates result."""
fetched_snap_list = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
detail=with_detail, **params)['snapshots']
# Validating params of fetched snapshots
for snap in fetched_snap_list:
for key in params:
msg = "Failed to list snapshots %s by %s" % \
('details' if with_detail else '', key)
self.assertEqual(params[key], snap[key], msg)
def _list_snapshots_by_param_limit(self, limit, expected_elements):
"""list snapshots by limit param"""
# Get snapshots list using limit parameter
fetched_snap_list = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
# Validating filtered snapshots length equals to expected_elements
self.assertEqual(expected_elements, len(fetched_snap_list))
def test_snapshots_list_with_params(self):
"""Test listing snapshots with params"""
# Verify list snapshots by display_name filter
params = {'name': self.snapshot['name']}
# Verify list snapshots by status filter
params = {'status': 'available'}
# Verify list snapshots by status and display name filter
params = {'status': 'available',
'name': self.snapshot['name']}
def test_snapshots_list_details_with_params(self):
"""Test listing snapshot details with params"""
# Verify list snapshot details by display_name filter
params = {'name': self.snapshot['name']}
self._list_by_param_values_and_assert(with_detail=True, **params)
# Verify list snapshot details by status filter
params = {'status': 'available'}
self._list_by_param_values_and_assert(with_detail=True, **params)
# Verify list snapshot details by status and display name filter
params = {'status': 'available',
'name': self.snapshot['name']}
self._list_by_param_values_and_assert(with_detail=True, **params)
def test_snapshot_list_param_limit(self):
"""Test listing snapshot with limit returns the limited elements
If listing snapshots with limit=1, then 1 snapshot is returned.
self._list_snapshots_by_param_limit(limit=1, expected_elements=1)
def test_snapshot_list_param_limit_equals_infinite(self):
"""Test listing snapshot with infinite limit
If listing snapshots with limit greater than the count of all
snapshots, then all snapshots are returned.
snap_list = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots()['snapshots']
def test_snapshot_list_param_limit_equals_zero(self):
"""Test listing snapshot with zero limit should return empty list"""
self._list_snapshots_by_param_limit(limit=0, expected_elements=0)
def _list_snapshots_param_sort(self, sort_key, sort_dir):
snap_list = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)['snapshots']
if sort_key == 'display_name':
sort_key = 'name'
# Note: On Cinder API, 'display_name' works as a sort key
# on a request, a volume name appears as 'name' on the response.
# So Tempest needs to change the key name here for this inconsistent
# API behavior.
sorted_list = [snapshot[sort_key] for snapshot in snap_list]
msg = 'The list of snapshots was not sorted correctly.'
self.assertEqual(sorted(sorted_list, reverse=(sort_dir == 'desc')),
sorted_list, msg)
def test_snapshot_list_param_sort_id_asc(self):
"""Test listing snapshots sort by id ascendingly"""
self._list_snapshots_param_sort(sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc')
def test_snapshot_list_param_sort_id_desc(self):
"""Test listing snapshots sort by id descendingly"""
self._list_snapshots_param_sort(sort_key='id', sort_dir='desc')
def test_snapshot_list_param_sort_created_at_asc(self):
"""Test listing snapshots sort by created_at ascendingly"""
self._list_snapshots_param_sort(sort_key='created_at', sort_dir='asc')
def test_snapshot_list_param_sort_created_at_desc(self):
"""Test listing snapshots sort by created_at descendingly"""
self._list_snapshots_param_sort(sort_key='created_at', sort_dir='desc')
def test_snapshot_list_param_sort_name_asc(self):
"""Test listing snapshots sort by display_name ascendingly"""
def test_snapshot_list_param_sort_name_desc(self):
"""Test listing snapshots sort by display_name descendingly"""
def test_snapshot_list_param_marker(self):
"""Test listing snapshots with marker
The list of snapshots should end before the provided marker
snap_list = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots()['snapshots']
# list_snapshots will take the reverse order as they are created.
snapshot_id_list = [snap['id'] for snap in snap_list][::-1]
params = {'marker': snapshot_id_list[1]}
snap_list = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(**params)['snapshots']
fetched_list_id = [snap['id'] for snap in snap_list]
# Verify the list of snapshots ends before the provided
# marker(second snapshot), therefore only the first snapshot
# should displayed.
self.assertEqual(snapshot_id_list[:1], fetched_list_id)
def test_snapshot_list_param_offset(self):
"""Test listing snapshots with offset and limit
If listing snapshots with offset=2 and limit=3, then at most 3(limit)
snapshots located in the position 2(offset) in the all snapshots list
should be returned.
(The items in the all snapshots list start from position 0.)
params = {'offset': 2, 'limit': 3}
snap_list = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(**params)['snapshots']
# Verify the list of snapshots skip offset=2 from the first element
# (total 3 elements), therefore only one snapshot should display
self.assertEqual(1, len(snap_list))