Role - tripleo-cellv2

Role Documentation

Welcome to the “tripleo-cellv2” role documentation.

Role Defaults

This section highlights all of the defaults and variables set within the “tripleo-cellv2” role.

# All variables intended for modification should place placed in this file.

tripleo_cellv2_debug: false
tripleo_cellv2_cell_name: ''
# containercli can be tropped when we fully switched to podman
tripleo_cellv2_containercli: docker

tripleo_cellv2_cellcontroller_group: "{{ groups['CellController'] }}"
tripleo_cellv2_cell_database_vip: "{{ hostvars[tripleo_cellv2_cellcontroller_group[0]]['cell_database_vip']\
  \ }}"
tripleo_cellv2_cell_transport_url: "{{ hostvars[tripleo_cellv2_cellcontroller_group[0]]['cell_transport_url']\
  \ }}"

Molecule Scenarios

Molecule is being used to test the “tripleo-cellv2” role. The following section highlights the drivers in service and provides an example playbook showing how the role is leveraged.

Scenario: default

Driver: podman
Molecule Inventory
        ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
Example default playbook
- name: Converge
  hosts: all
  - role: tripleo-cellv2