Adding roles into this project is easy and starts with a compatible skeleton.
Create a new role manually¶
From with the project root, creating a skeleton for the new role.
$ ansible-galaxy init --role-skeleton=_skeleton_role_ --init-path=tripleo_ansible/roles ${NEWROLENAME}
When the role is ready for CI, add a job entry into the zuul.d/molecule.yaml.
- job:
- ^tripleo_ansible/roles/${NEWROLENAME}/.*
name: tripleo-ansible-centos-8-molecule-${NEWROLENAME}
parent: tripleo-ansible-centos-8-base
tox_envlist: mol-${NEWROLENAME}
Make sure to add the job name into the check and gate section at the top of the molecule.yaml file.
- project:
- tripleo-ansible-centos-8-molecule-${NEWROLENAME}
- tripleo-ansible-centos-8-molecule-${NEWROLENAME}
Finally add a role documentation file at doc/source/roles/role-${NEWROLENAME}.rst. This file will need to contain a title, a literal include of the defaults yaml and a literal include of the molecule playbook, or playbooks, used to test the role, which is noted as an “example” playbook.
Create a new role with automation¶
The role addition process is also automated using ansible. If ansible is available on the development workstation change directory to the root of the tripleo-ansible repository and run the the following command which will perform the basic tasks noted above.
$ ansible-playbook -i localhost, role-addition.yml -e role_name=${NEWROLENAME}
If this playbook is being executed from a virtual-environment be sure to activate the virtual environment before running the playbook.
$ . ~/bin/venvs/ansible/bin/activate
(ansible)$ ansible-playbook -i localhost, role-addition.yml -e role_name=${NEWROLENAME}
Local testing of new roles¶
Local testing of new roles can be done in any number of ways, however, the easiest way is via the script run-local-test. This script will setup the local work environment to execute tests mimicking what Zuul does.
This script makes the assumption the executing user has the ability to escalate privileges and will modify the local system.
To use this script execute the following command.
$ scripts/run-local-test ${NEWROLENAME}
Role based testing with molecule can be executed directly from within the role directory.
Most tests require docker for container based testing. If Docker is not available on the local workstation it will need to be installed prior to executing most molecule based tests.
The script bindep-install, in the scripts path, is available and will install all system dependencies.
Before running basic molecule tests, it is recommended to install all of the python dependencies in a virtual environment.
$ python -m virtualenv --system-site-packages "${HOME}/test-python"
$ ${HOME}/test-python/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt \
-r test-requirements.txt \
-r molecule-requirements.txt
$ source ${HOME}/test-python/bin/activate
To run a basic molecule test, simply source the ansibe-test-env.rc file from the project root, and then execute the following commands.
(test-python) $ cd tripleo_ansible/roles/${NEWROLENAME}/
(test-python) $ molecule test --all
If a role has more than one scenario, a specific scenario can be specified on the command line. Running specific scenarios will help provide developer feedback faster. To pass-in a scenario use the –scenario-name flag with the name of the desired scenario.
(test-python) $ cd tripleo_ansible/roles/${NEWROLENAME}/
(test-python) $ molecule test --scenario-name ${EXTRA_SCENARIO_NAME}
When debugging molecule tests its sometimes useful to use the –debug flag. This flag will provide extra verbose output about test being executed and running the environment.
(test-python) $ molecule --debug test
Contributing plugins¶
All plugins contributed to the TripleO-Ansible can be found in the tripleo_ansible/ansible_plugins directory, from the root of this project. When contributing a plugin, make sure to also add documentation in the doc/source/modules folder. All documentation added to this folder will be automatically indexed and rendered via sphinx.
If a contributed plugin is following the Ansible practice of placing documentation within the plugin itself, the following snippet can be used in a sphinx template to auto-render the in-code documentation.
.. ansibleautoplugin::
:module: tripleo_ansible/ansible_plugins/${DIRECTORY}/${PLUGINFILE}
:documentation: true
:examples: true
The snippet can take two options, documentation and examples. If a given plugin does not have either of these in-code documentation objects, documentation for either type can be disabled by omitting the option.
.. ansibleautoplugin::
:module: tripleo_ansible/ansible_plugins/${DIRECTORY}/${PLUGINFILE}
:documentation: true