Baremetal Workbook

Baremetal Workbook

Workbook name:tripleo.baremetal.v1

TripleO Baremetal Workflows

Workflows in the Baremetal Workbook


An internal workflow. The tripleo.baremetal.v1.introspect workflow should be used for introspection.

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuid:
Input timeout:Required.
Input queue_name:

Apply BIOS settings for given nodes

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuids:
Input settings:Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Apply BIOS settings on manageable nodes

Workflow inputs:

Input settings:Required.
Input {‘concurrency’:
 20}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Run cell_v2 host discovery

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuids:

Clean all nodes in a ‘manageable’ state.

Workflow inputs:

Input {‘concurrency’:
 20}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Wipe partition tables on all disks of given nodes

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuids:
Input {‘concurrency’:
 20}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Take a list of manageable nodes and update their boot configuration.

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuids:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.
Input {‘kernel_name’:
 ‘bm-deploy-kernel’}: Required.
Input {‘ramdisk_name’:
 ‘bm-deploy-ramdisk’}: Required.
Input {‘instance_boot_option’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘root_device’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘root_device_minimum_size’:
 4}: Required.
Input {‘overwrite_root_device_hints’:
 False}: Required.

Update the boot configuration of all nodes in ‘manageable’ state.

Workflow inputs:

Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.
Input {‘kernel_name’:
 ‘bm-deploy-kernel’}: Required.
Input {‘ramdisk_name’:
 ‘bm-deploy-ramdisk’}: Required.
Input {‘instance_boot_option’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘root_device’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘root_device_minimum_size’:
 4}: Required.
Input {‘overwrite_root_device_hints’:
 False}: Required.

Create and apply RAID configuration for given nodes

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuids:
Input configuration:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Run nodes discovery over the given IP range and enroll nodes

Workflow inputs:

Input ip_addresses:
Input credentials:
Input {‘ports’:[623]}: Required.
Input {‘kernel_name’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘ramdisk_name’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘instance_boot_option’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘initial_state’:
 ‘manageable’}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Run nodes discovery over the given IP range

Workflow inputs:

Input ip_addresses:
Input credentials:
Input {‘ports’:[623]}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Take a list of nodes and move them through introspection. By default each node will attempt introspection up to 3 times (two retries plus the initial attemp) if it fails. This behaviour can be modified by changing the max_retry_attempts input. The workflow will assume the node has timed out after 20 minutes (1200 seconds). This can be changed by passing the node_timeout input in seconds.

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuids:
Input {‘run_validations’:
 False}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.
Input {‘concurrency’:
 20}: Required.
Input {‘max_retry_attempts’:
 2}: Required.
Input {‘node_timeout’:
 1200}: Required.

Introspect all nodes in a ‘manageable’ state.

Workflow inputs:

Input {‘run_validations’:
 False}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.
Input {‘concurrency’:
 20}: Required.

Set a list of nodes to ‘manageable’ state

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuids:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuid:
Input clean_steps:
Input {‘timeout’:
 7200}: Required.
Input {‘retry_delay’:
 10}: Required.
Input {‘retry_count’:
 720}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Find nodes matching a hint regex

Workflow inputs:

Input hint_regex:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Find nodes with a specific profile

Workflow inputs:

Input profile:Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Take a list of nodes and move them to “available”

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuids:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Provide all nodes in a ‘manageable’ state.

Workflow inputs:

Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Take nodes JSON and create nodes in a “manageable” state

Workflow inputs:

Input nodes_json:
Input {‘remove’:
 False}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.
Input {‘kernel_name’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘ramdisk_name’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘instance_boot_option’:
 None}: Required.
Input {‘initial_state’:
 ‘manageable’}: Required.

Reset BIOS settings for given nodes to factory default

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuids:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Reset BIOS settings on manageable nodes to factory default

Workflow inputs:

Input {‘concurrency’:
 20}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuid:
Input state_action:
Input target_state:
Input {‘error_states’:
 [‘error’, ‘adopt failed’, ‘clean failed’, ‘deploy failed’, ‘inspect failed’, ‘rescue failed’]}: Required.

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuid:
Input state_action:
Input target_state:
Input {‘error_state’:
 ‘error’}: Required.

Tag a node with a role

Workflow inputs:

Input node_uuid:
Input {‘role’:None}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Runs the tag_node workflow in a loop

Workflow inputs:

Input tag_node_uuids:
Input untag_node_uuids:
Input role:Required.
Input {‘plan’:‘overcloud’}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Validate nodes JSON

Workflow inputs:

Input nodes_json:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.