devtest_undercloud ================== #. Add extra elements for Undercloud UI :: if [ "$USE_UNDERCLOUD_UI" -ne 0 ] ; then UNDERCLOUD_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS="$UNDERCLOUD_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS ceilometer-collector \ ceilometer-api ceilometer-agent-central ceilometer-agent-notification \ ceilometer-undercloud-config horizon nova-ironic" fi #. Specifiy a client-side timeout in minutes for creating or updating the undercloud Heat stack. :: UNDERCLOUD_STACK_TIMEOUT=${UNDERCLOUD_STACK_TIMEOUT:-60} #. Create your undercloud image. This is the image that the seed nova will deploy to become the baremetal undercloud. $UNDERCLOUD_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS is meant to be used to pass additional arguments to disk-image-create. :: NODE_ARCH=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key arch --type raw) $TRIPLEO_ROOT/diskimage-builder/bin/disk-image-create $NODE_DIST \ -a $NODE_ARCH -o $TRIPLEO_ROOT/undercloud \ ntp baremetal boot-stack os-collect-config dhcp-all-interfaces \ neutron-dhcp-agent $DIB_COMMON_ELEMENTS $UNDERCLOUD_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS 2>&1 | \ tee $TRIPLEO_ROOT/dib-undercloud.log #. If you wanted to build the image and run it elsewhere, you can stop at this point and head onto the overcloud image building. #. Load the undercloud image into Glance: :: UNDERCLOUD_ID=$(load-image -d $TRIPLEO_ROOT/undercloud.qcow2) #. Set the public interface of the undercloud network node: :: NeutronPublicInterface=${NeutronPublicInterface:-'nic1'} #. Set the NTP server for the undercloud:: :: UNDERCLOUD_NTP_SERVER=${UNDERCLOUD_NTP_SERVER:-''} #. Create secrets for the cloud. The secrets will be written to a file ($TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-undercloud-passwords by default) that you need to source into your shell environment. .. note:: You can also make or change these later and update the heat stack definition to inject them - as long as you also update the keystone recorded password. .. note:: There will be a window between updating keystone and instances where they will disagree and service will be down. Instead consider adding a new service account and changing everything across to it, then deleting the old account after the cluster is updated. :: setup-undercloud-passwords $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-undercloud-passwords source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-undercloud-passwords #. Export UNDERCLOUD_CEILOMETER_SNMPD_PASSWORD to your environment so it can be applied to the SNMPd of all Overcloud nodes. NEW_JSON=$(jq '.undercloud.ceilometer_snmpd_password="'${UNDERCLOUD_CEILOMETER_SNMPD_PASSWORD}'"' $TE_DATAFILE) echo $NEW_JSON > $TE_DATAFILE #. Pull out needed variables from the test environment definition. :: POWER_MANAGER=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key power_manager --type raw) POWER_KEY=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key ssh-key --type raw) POWER_HOST=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key host-ip --type raw) POWER_USER=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key ssh-user --type raw) #. Wait for the BM cloud to register BM nodes with the scheduler:: wait_for -w 60 --delay 1 -- wait_for_hypervisor_stats #. We need an environment file to store the parameters we're going to give heat.:: HEAT_ENV=${HEAT_ENV:-"${TRIPLEO_ROOT}/undercloud-env.json"} #. Read the heat env in for updating.:: if [ -e "${HEAT_ENV}" ]; then ENV_JSON=$(cat "${HEAT_ENV}") else ENV_JSON='{"parameters":{}}' fi #. Detect if we are deploying with a VLAN for API endpoints / floating IPs. This is done by looking for a 'public' network in Neutron, and if found we pull out the VLAN id and pass that into Heat, as well as using a VLAN enabled Heat template. :: if (neutron net-list | grep -q public); then VLAN_ID=$(neutron net-show public | awk '/provider:segmentation_id/ { print $4 }') else VLAN_ID= fi #. Nova-baremetal and Ironic require different Heat templates and different options. :: if [ -n "$VLAN_ID" ]; then HEAT_UNDERCLOUD_TEMPLATE="undercloud-vm-ironic-vlan.yaml" ENV_JSON=$(jq .parameters.NeutronPublicInterfaceTag=\"${VLAN_ID}\" <<< $ENV_JSON) # This should be in the heat template, but see # # note that this will break if there are more than one subnet, as if # more reason to fix the bug is needed :). PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID=$(neutron net-show public | awk '/subnets/ { print $4 }') VLAN_GW=$(neutron subnet-show $PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID | awk '/gateway_ip/ { print $4}') BM_VLAN_CIDR=$(neutron subnet-show $PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID | awk '/cidr/ { print $4}') ENV_JSON=$(jq .parameters.NeutronPublicInterfaceDefaultRoute=\"${VLAN_GW}\" <<< $ENV_JSON) else HEAT_UNDERCLOUD_TEMPLATE="undercloud-vm-ironic.yaml" fi ENV_JSON=$(jq .parameters.IronicPassword=\"${UNDERCLOUD_IRONIC_PASSWORD}\" <<< $ENV_JSON) REGISTER_SERVICE_OPTS="--ironic-password $UNDERCLOUD_IRONIC_PASSWORD" STACKNAME_UNDERCLOUD=${STACKNAME_UNDERCLOUD:-'undercloud'} #. Choose whether to deploy or update. Use stack-update to update:: HEAT_OP=stack-create :: if heat stack-show $STACKNAME_UNDERCLOUD > /dev/null; then HEAT_OP=stack-update if (heat stack-show $STACKNAME_UNDERCLOUD | grep -q FAILED); then echo "Updating a failed stack. this is a new ability and may cause problems." >&2 fi else HEAT_OP=stack-create fi #. Set parameters we need to deploy a baremetal undercloud:: ENV_JSON=$(jq '.parameters = { "MysqlInnodbBufferPoolSize": 100 } + .parameters + { "AdminPassword": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD}"'", "AdminToken": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_ADMIN_TOKEN}"'", "SnmpdReadonlyUserPassword": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_CEILOMETER_SNMPD_PASSWORD}"'", "GlancePassword": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_GLANCE_PASSWORD}"'", "HeatPassword": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_HEAT_PASSWORD}"'", "NovaPassword": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_NOVA_PASSWORD}"'", "NeutronPassword": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_NEUTRON_PASSWORD}"'", "NeutronPublicInterface": "'"${NeutronPublicInterface}"'", "undercloudImage": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_ID}"'", "BaremetalArch": "'"${NODE_ARCH}"'", "PowerSSHPrivateKey": "'"${POWER_KEY}"'", "NtpServer": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_NTP_SERVER}"'", "Flavor": "'"${FLAVOR}"'" }' <<< $ENV_JSON) #Add Ceilometer to env only if USE_UNDERCLOUD_UI is specified if [ "$USE_UNDERCLOUD_UI" -ne 0 ] ; then ENV_JSON=$(jq '.parameters = .parameters + { "CeilometerPassword": "'"${UNDERCLOUD_CEILOMETER_PASSWORD}"'" }' <<< $ENV_JSON) fi #. Save the finished environment file.:: jq . > "${HEAT_ENV}" <<< $ENV_JSON chmod 0600 "${HEAT_ENV}" #. Add Keystone certs/key into the environment file.:: generate-keystone-pki --heatenv $HEAT_ENV #. Deploy an undercloud. :: make -C $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates $HEAT_UNDERCLOUD_TEMPLATE heat $HEAT_OP -e $HEAT_ENV \ -t 360 \ -f $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates/$HEAT_UNDERCLOUD_TEMPLATE \ $STACKNAME_UNDERCLOUD You can watch the console via ``virsh``/``virt-manager`` to observe the PXE boot/deploy process. After the deploy is complete, it will reboot into the image. #. Get the undercloud IP from ``nova list`` :: # Make time out 60 mins as like the Heat stack-create default timeout. wait_for_stack_ready -w $(($UNDERCLOUD_STACK_TIMEOUT * 60 )) 10 undercloud UNDERCLOUD_CTL_IP=$(nova list | grep ctlplane | sed -e "s/.*=\\([0-9.]*\\).*/\1/") #. If we're deploying with a public VLAN we must use it, not the control plane network (which we may not even have access to) to ping and configure thing. :: if [ -n "$VLAN_ID" ]; then UNDERCLOUD_IP=$(heat output-show undercloud PublicIP|sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/') else UNDERCLOUD_IP=$UNDERCLOUD_CTL_IP fi #. We don't (yet) preserve ssh keys on rebuilds. :: ssh-keygen -R $UNDERCLOUD_IP ssh-keygen -R $UNDERCLOUD_CTL_IP #. Exclude the undercloud from proxies: :: export no_proxy=$no_proxy,$UNDERCLOUD_IP #. Export the undercloud endpoint and credentials to your test environment. :: UNDERCLOUD_ENDPOINT="http://$UNDERCLOUD_IP:5000/v2.0" NEW_JSON=$(jq '.undercloud.password="'${UNDERCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD}'" | .undercloud.endpoint="'${UNDERCLOUD_ENDPOINT}'" | .undercloud.endpointhost="'${UNDERCLOUD_IP}'"' $TE_DATAFILE) echo $NEW_JSON > $TE_DATAFILE #. Source the undercloud configuration: :: source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/undercloudrc #. Perform setup of your undercloud. :: init-keystone -o $UNDERCLOUD_CTL_IP -t $UNDERCLOUD_ADMIN_TOKEN \ -e -p $UNDERCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD \ --public $UNDERCLOUD_IP --no-pki-setup # Creating these roles to be used by tenants using swift openstack role create swiftoperator openstack role create ResellerAdmin # Create service endpoints and optionally include Ceilometer for UI support ENDPOINT_LIST="--glance-password $UNDERCLOUD_GLANCE_PASSWORD --heat-password $UNDERCLOUD_HEAT_PASSWORD --neutron-password $UNDERCLOUD_NEUTRON_PASSWORD --nova-password $UNDERCLOUD_NOVA_PASSWORD --tuskar-password $UNDERCLOUD_TUSKAR_PASSWORD" if [ "$USE_UNDERCLOUD_UI" -ne 0 ] ; then ENDPOINT_LIST="$ENDPOINT_LIST --ceilometer-password $UNDERCLOUD_CEILOMETER_PASSWORD" fi setup-endpoints $UNDERCLOUD_CTL_IP $ENDPOINT_LIST $REGISTER_SERVICE_OPTS \ --public $UNDERCLOUD_IP openstack role create heat_stack_user user-config BM_NETWORK_CIDR=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key baremetal-network.cidr --type raw --key-default '') if [ -n "$VLAN_ID" ]; then # No ctl plane gateway - public net gateway is needed. # XXX (lifeless) - Neutron still configures one, first position in the subnet. BM_NETWORK_GATEWAY= else # Use a control plane gateway. BM_NETWORK_GATEWAY=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key baremetal-network.gateway-ip --type raw --key-default '') fi BM_NETWORK_UNDERCLOUD_RANGE_START=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key baremetal-network.undercloud.range-start --type raw --key-default '') BM_NETWORK_UNDERCLOUD_RANGE_END=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key baremetal-network.undercloud.range-end --type raw --key-default '') UNDERCLOUD_NAMESERVER=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key undercloud.nameserver --type netaddress --key-default "${UNDERCLOUD_NAMESERVER:-}") NETWORK_JSON=$(mktemp) jq "." <<EOF > $NETWORK_JSON { "physical": { "gateway": "$BM_NETWORK_GATEWAY", "metadata_server": "$UNDERCLOUD_CTL_IP", "cidr": "$BM_NETWORK_CIDR", "allocation_start": "$BM_NETWORK_UNDERCLOUD_RANGE_START", "allocation_end": "$BM_NETWORK_UNDERCLOUD_RANGE_END", "name": "ctlplane", "nameserver": "$UNDERCLOUD_NAMESERVER" } } EOF setup-neutron -n $NETWORK_JSON rm $NETWORK_JSON if [ -n "$VLAN_ID" ]; then BM_VLAN_START=$(jq -r '.["baremetal-network"].undercloud.public_vlan.start' $TE_DATAFILE) BM_VLAN_END=$(jq -r '.["baremetal-network"].undercloud.public_vlan.finish' $TE_DATAFILE) PUBLIC_NETWORK_JSON=$(mktemp) jq "." <<EOF > $PUBLIC_NETWORK_JSON { "physical": { "gateway": "$VLAN_GW", "metadata_server": "$UNDERCLOUD_CTL_IP", "cidr": "$BM_VLAN_CIDR", "allocation_start": "$BM_VLAN_START", "allocation_end": "$BM_VLAN_END", "name": "public", "nameserver": "$UNDERCLOUD_NAMESERVER", "segmentation_id": "$VLAN_ID", "physical_network": "ctlplane", "enable_dhcp": false } } EOF setup-neutron -n $PUBLIC_NETWORK_JSON fi #. Nova quota runs up with the defaults quota so overide the default to allow unlimited cores, instances and ram. :: nova quota-update --cores -1 --instances -1 --ram -1 $(openstack project show admin | awk '$2=="id" {print $4}') #. Register two baremetal nodes with your undercloud. :: setup-baremetal --service-host undercloud --nodes <(jq '.nodes - [.nodes[0]]' $TE_DATAFILE)