Guest Images via Cloud-Init

Guest Images via Cloud-Init


While creating an image is the preferred method for providing a base for the Guest Instance, there may be cases where creating an image is impractical. In those cases a Guest instance can be based on an available Cloud Image and configured at boot via cloud-init.

Currently the most tested Guest image is Ubunutu 14.04 (trusty).

Setting up the Image

  • Visit the Ubuntu Cloud Archive and download ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img.
  • Upload that image to glance, and note the glance ID for the image.
  • Cloud-Init files go into the directory set by the cloudinit_location configuration parameter, usually /etc/trove/cloudinit. Files in that directory are of the format [datastore].cloudinit, for example mysql.cloudinit.
  • Create a cloud-init file for your datastore and put it into place. For this example, it is assumed you are using Ubuntu 16.04, with the MySQL database and a Trove Agent from the Pike release. You would put this into /etc/trove/cloudinit/mysql.cloudinit.
# For Ubuntu-16.04 cloudimage
- source: "cloud-archive:pike"
- trove-guestagent
- mysql-server-5.7
- path: /etc/sudoers.d/trove
  content: |
    Defaults:trove !requiretty
- stop trove-guestagent
- cat /etc/trove/trove-guestagent.conf /etc/trove/conf.d/guest_info.conf >/etc/trove/trove.conf
- start trove-guestagent
  • If you need to debug guests failing to launch simply append the cloud-init to add a user to allow you to login and debug the instance.
  • When using trove-manage datastore_version_update to define your datastore simply use the Glance ID you have for the Trusty Cloud image.

When trove launches the Guest Instance, the cloud-init will install the Pike Trove Guest Agent and MySQL database, and then adjust the configuration files and launch the Guest Agent.

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