Kubernetes Datasource

This document describes how to configure kubernetes datasource properly. Note that currently we support only Kubernetes on top of Nova (k8s nodes must be nova.instance)

Datasource configuration

Step 1

In order to access k8s cluster the following files should be copied from k8s master and stored in the same machine as vitrage :
  • kubeconfig - kubernetes cluster config file is called kubeconfig.

  • certificate-authority (ca.pem)

  • client-certificate (kubectl.pem)

  • client-key (kubectl-key.pem)

Kubeconfig example

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
        certificate-authority: /home/k8s/ca.pem
        server: https://<IP>:<Port>
  name: bcmt-kubernetes
- context:
        cluster: bcmt-kubernetes
        namespace: kube-system
        user: kubelet
  name: kubelet-context
current-context: kubelet-context
preferences: {}
- name: kubelet
        client-certificate: /home/k8s/kubectl.pem
        client-key: /home/k8s/kubectl-key.pem

keys location (.pem) is usually at /etc/kubernetes/ssl

kubeconfig is usually at $HOME/.kube/config

Make sure to place the files in the same path as written in kubeconfig file. for example ca.pem at /home/k8s/ca.pem

Better option is to create a new user + corresponding SSL keys

This requires new SSL keys and some basic understanding in kubernetes (config new user credentials and rules). this might be more complicated than the first approach.

Step 2

In /etc/vitrage/vitrage.conf:

Set the location for kubeconfig file:


config_file = /home/k8s/kubeconfig

Add kubernetes to the list of active datasources:


types = nova.host,nova.instance,nova.zone,aodh,static,cinder.volume,neutron.network,neutron.port,kubernetes