The watcher.applier.actions.change_nova_service_state Module

The watcher.applier.actions.change_nova_service_state Module

class watcher.applier.actions.change_nova_service_state.ChangeNovaServiceState(config, osc=None)[source]

Bases: watcher.applier.actions.base.BaseAction

Disables or enables the nova-compute service, deployed on a host

By using this action, you will be able to update the state of a nova-compute service. A disabled nova-compute service can not be selected by the nova scheduler for future deployment of server.

The action schema is:

schema = Schema({
 'resource_id': str,
 'state': str,

The resource_id references a nova-compute service name (list of available nova-compute services is returned by this command: nova service-list --binary nova-compute). The state value should either be ONLINE or OFFLINE.


Description of the action

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