# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016 b<>com
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import datetime
import itertools
import sys
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import strutils
import prettytable as ptable
from six.moves import input
from watcher._i18n import _
from watcher._i18n import lazy_translation_enabled
from watcher.common import context
from watcher.common import exception
from watcher.common import utils
from watcher import objects
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class WatcherObjectsMap(object):
"""Wrapper to deal with watcher objects per type
This wrapper object contains a list of watcher objects per type.
Its main use is to simplify the merge of watcher objects by avoiding
duplicates, but also for representing the relationships between these
# This is for generating the .pot translations
keymap = collections.OrderedDict([
("goals", _("Goals")),
("strategies", _("Strategies")),
("audit_templates", _("Audit Templates")),
("audits", _("Audits")),
("action_plans", _("Action Plans")),
("actions", _("Actions")),
def __init__(self):
for attr_name in self.keys():
setattr(self, attr_name, [])
def __iter__(self):
return itertools.chain(*self.values())
def __add__(self, other):
new_map = self.__class__()
# Merge the 2 items dicts into a new object (and avoid dupes)
for attr_name, initials, others in zip(self.keys(), self.values(),
# Creates a copy
merged = initials[:]
initials_ids = [item.id for item in initials]
non_dupes = [item for item in others
if item.id not in initials_ids]
merged += non_dupes
setattr(new_map, attr_name, merged)
return new_map
def __str__(self):
out = ""
for key, vals in zip(self.keys(), self.values()):
ids = [val.id for val in vals]
out += "%(key)s: %(val)s" % (dict(key=key, val=ids))
out += "\n"
return out
def __len__(self):
return sum(len(getattr(self, key)) for key in self.keys())
[docs] def get_count_table(self):
headers = list(self.keymap.values())
headers.append(_("Total")) # We also add a total count
translated_headers = [
h.translate() if lazy_translation_enabled() else h
for h in headers
counters = [len(cat_vals) for cat_vals in self.values()] + [len(self)]
table = ptable.PrettyTable(field_names=translated_headers)
return table.get_string()
[docs]class PurgeCommand(object):
"""Purges the DB by removing soft deleted entries
The workflow for this purge is the following:
# Find soft deleted objects which are expired
# Find orphan objects
# Find their related objects whether they are expired or not
# Merge them together
# If it does not exceed the limit, destroy them all
ctx = context.make_context(show_deleted=True)
def __init__(self, age_in_days=None, max_number=None,
uuid=None, exclude_orphans=False, dry_run=None):
self.age_in_days = age_in_days
self.max_number = max_number
self.uuid = uuid
self.exclude_orphans = exclude_orphans
self.dry_run = dry_run
self._delete_up_to_max = None
self._objects_map = WatcherObjectsMap()
[docs] def get_expiry_date(self):
if not self.age_in_days:
return None
today = datetime.datetime.today()
expiry_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=self.age_in_days)
return expiry_date
[docs] @classmethod
def get_goal_uuid(cls, uuid_or_name):
if uuid_or_name is None:
query_func = None
if not utils.is_uuid_like(uuid_or_name):
query_func = objects.Goal.get_by_name
query_func = objects.Goal.get_by_uuid
goal = query_func(cls.ctx, uuid_or_name)
except Exception as exc:
raise exception.GoalNotFound(goal=uuid_or_name)
if not goal.deleted_at:
raise exception.NotSoftDeletedStateError(
name=_('Goal'), id=uuid_or_name)
return goal.uuid
def _find_goals(self, filters=None):
return objects.Goal.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
def _find_strategies(self, filters=None):
return objects.Strategy.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
def _find_audit_templates(self, filters=None):
return objects.AuditTemplate.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
def _find_audits(self, filters=None):
return objects.Audit.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
def _find_action_plans(self, filters=None):
return objects.ActionPlan.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
def _find_actions(self, filters=None):
return objects.Action.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
def _find_orphans(self):
orphans = WatcherObjectsMap()
filters = dict(deleted=False)
goals = objects.Goal.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
strategies = objects.Strategy.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
audit_templates = objects.AuditTemplate.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
audits = objects.Audit.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
action_plans = objects.ActionPlan.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
actions = objects.Action.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
goal_ids = set(g.id for g in goals)
orphans.strategies = [
strategy for strategy in strategies
if strategy.goal_id not in goal_ids]
strategy_ids = [s.id for s in (s for s in strategies
if s not in orphans.strategies)]
orphans.audit_templates = [
audit_template for audit_template in audit_templates
if audit_template.goal_id not in goal_ids or
(audit_template.strategy_id and
audit_template.strategy_id not in strategy_ids)]
orphans.audits = [
audit for audit in audits
if audit.goal_id not in goal_ids or
(audit.strategy_id and
audit.strategy_id not in strategy_ids)]
# Objects with orphan parents are themselves orphans
audit_ids = [audit.id for audit in audits
if audit not in orphans.audits]
orphans.action_plans = [
ap for ap in action_plans
if ap.audit_id not in audit_ids or
ap.strategy_id not in strategy_ids]
# Objects with orphan parents are themselves orphans
action_plan_ids = [ap.id for ap in action_plans
if ap not in orphans.action_plans]
orphans.actions = [
action for action in actions
if action.action_plan_id not in action_plan_ids]
LOG.debug("Orphans found:\n%s", orphans)
LOG.info("Orphans found:\n%s", orphans.get_count_table())
return orphans
def _find_soft_deleted_objects(self):
to_be_deleted = WatcherObjectsMap()
expiry_date = self.get_expiry_date()
filters = dict(deleted=True)
if self.uuid:
filters["uuid"] = self.uuid
if expiry_date:
soft_deleted_objs = self._find_related_objects(
to_be_deleted, base_filters=dict(deleted=True))
LOG.debug("Soft deleted objects:\n%s", soft_deleted_objs)
return soft_deleted_objs
def _find_related_objects(self, objects_map, base_filters=None):
base_filters = base_filters or {}
for goal in objects_map.goals:
filters = {}
related_objs = WatcherObjectsMap()
related_objs.strategies = self._find_strategies(filters)
related_objs.audit_templates = self._find_audit_templates(filters)
related_objs.audits = self._find_audits(filters)
objects_map += related_objs
for strategy in objects_map.strategies:
filters = {}
related_objs = WatcherObjectsMap()
related_objs.audit_templates = self._find_audit_templates(filters)
related_objs.audits = self._find_audits(filters)
objects_map += related_objs
for audit in objects_map.audits:
filters = {}
related_objs = WatcherObjectsMap()
related_objs.action_plans = self._find_action_plans(filters)
objects_map += related_objs
for action_plan in objects_map.action_plans:
filters = {}
related_objs = WatcherObjectsMap()
related_objs.actions = self._find_actions(filters)
objects_map += related_objs
return objects_map
[docs] def confirmation_prompt(self):
raw_val = input(
_("There are %(count)d objects set for deletion. "
"Continue? [y/N]") % dict(count=len(self._objects_map)))
return strutils.bool_from_string(raw_val)
[docs] def delete_up_to_max_prompt(self, objects_map):
print(_("The number of objects (%(num)s) to delete from the database "
"exceeds the maximum number of objects (%(max_number)s) "
"specified.") % dict(max_number=self.max_number,
raw_val = input(
_("Do you want to delete objects up to the specified maximum "
"number? [y/N]"))
self._delete_up_to_max = strutils.bool_from_string(raw_val)
return self._delete_up_to_max
def _aggregate_objects(self):
"""Objects aggregated on a 'per goal' basis"""
# todo: aggregate orphans as well
aggregate = []
for goal in self._objects_map.goals:
related_objs = WatcherObjectsMap()
# goals
related_objs.goals = [goal]
# strategies
goal_ids = [goal.id]
related_objs.strategies = [
strategy for strategy in self._objects_map.strategies
if strategy.goal_id in goal_ids
# audit templates
strategy_ids = [
strategy.id for strategy in related_objs.strategies]
related_objs.audit_templates = [
at for at in self._objects_map.audit_templates
if at.goal_id in goal_ids or
(at.strategy_id and at.strategy_id in strategy_ids)
# audits
related_objs.audits = [
audit for audit in self._objects_map.audits
if audit.goal_id in goal_ids
# action plans
audit_ids = [audit.id for audit in related_objs.audits]
related_objs.action_plans = [
action_plan for action_plan in self._objects_map.action_plans
if action_plan.audit_id in audit_ids
# actions
action_plan_ids = [
action_plan.id for action_plan in related_objs.action_plans
related_objs.actions = [
action for action in self._objects_map.actions
if action.action_plan_id in action_plan_ids
return aggregate
def _get_objects_up_to_limit(self):
aggregated_objects = self._aggregate_objects()
to_be_deleted_subset = WatcherObjectsMap()
for aggregate in aggregated_objects:
if len(aggregate) + len(to_be_deleted_subset) <= self.max_number:
to_be_deleted_subset += aggregate
return to_be_deleted_subset
[docs] def find_objects_to_delete(self):
"""Finds all the objects to be purged
:returns: A mapping with all the Watcher objects to purged
:rtype: :py:class:`~.WatcherObjectsMap` instance
to_be_deleted = self._find_soft_deleted_objects()
if not self.exclude_orphans:
to_be_deleted += self._find_orphans()
LOG.debug("Objects to be deleted:\n%s", to_be_deleted)
return to_be_deleted
[docs] def do_delete(self):
# Reversed to avoid errors with foreign keys
for entry in reversed(list(self._objects_map)):
[docs] def execute(self):
LOG.info("Starting purge command")
self._objects_map = self.find_objects_to_delete()
if (self.max_number is not None and
len(self._objects_map) > self.max_number):
if self.delete_up_to_max_prompt(self._objects_map):
self._objects_map = self._get_objects_up_to_limit()
_orphans_note = (_(" (orphans excluded)") if self.exclude_orphans
else _(" (may include orphans)"))
if not self.dry_run and self.confirmation_prompt():
print(_("Purge results summary%s:") % _orphans_note)
LOG.info("Purge results summary%s:", _orphans_note)
print(_("Here below is a table containing the objects "
"that can be purged%s:") % _orphans_note)
LOG.info("\n%s", self._objects_map.get_count_table())
LOG.info("Purge process completed")
def purge(age_in_days, max_number, goal, exclude_orphans, dry_run):
"""Removes soft deleted objects from the database
:param age_in_days: Number of days since deletion (from today)
to exclude from the purge. If None, everything will be purged.
:type age_in_days: int
:param max_number: Max number of objects expected to be deleted.
Prevents the deletion if exceeded. No limit if set to None.
:type max_number: int
:param goal: UUID or name of the goal to purge.
:type goal: str
:param exclude_orphans: Flag to indicate whether or not you want to
exclude orphans from deletion (default: False).
:type exclude_orphans: bool
:param dry_run: Flag to indicate whether or not you want to perform
a dry run (no deletion).
:type dry_run: bool
if max_number and max_number < 0:
raise exception.NegativeLimitError
LOG.info("[options] age_in_days = %s", age_in_days)
LOG.info("[options] max_number = %s", max_number)
LOG.info("[options] goal = %s", goal)
LOG.info("[options] exclude_orphans = %s", exclude_orphans)
LOG.info("[options] dry_run = %s", dry_run)
uuid = PurgeCommand.get_goal_uuid(goal)
cmd = PurgeCommand(age_in_days, max_number, uuid,
exclude_orphans, dry_run)
except Exception as exc:
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